singleton | any_base_hook |
| Derive a class from this hook in order to store objects of that class in an intrusive container. More...
singleton | any_member_hook |
| Store this hook in a class to be inserted in an intrusive container. More...
struct | any_to_avl_set_hook |
| This option setter specifies that any hook should behave as an avl_set hook. More...
struct | any_to_bs_set_hook |
| This option setter specifies that any hook should behave as a bs_set hook. More...
struct | any_to_list_hook |
| This option setter specifies that any hook should behave as an list hook. More...
struct | any_to_set_hook |
| This option setter specifies that any hook should behave as a set hook. More...
struct | any_to_slist_hook |
| This option setter specifies that any hook should behave as an slist hook. More...
struct | any_to_unordered_set_hook |
| This option setter specifies that any hook should behave as an unordered set hook. More...
singleton | avl_multiset |
class | avl_multiset_impl |
| The class template avl_multiset is an intrusive container, that mimics most of the interface of std::_multiset as described in the C++ standard. More...
singleton | avl_set |
singleton | avl_set_base_hook |
| Derive a class from avl_set_base_hook in order to store objects in in an avl_set/avl_multiset. More...
class | avl_set_impl |
| The class template avl_set is an intrusive container, that mimics most of the interface of std::set as described in the C++ standard. More...
singleton | avl_set_member_hook |
| Put a public data member avl_set_member_hook in order to store objects of this class in an avl_set/avl_multiset. More...
singleton | avltree |
singleton | avltree_algorithms |
| avltree_algorithms is configured with a NodeTraits class, which encapsulates the information about the node to be manipulated. More...
class | avltree_impl |
| The class template avltree is an intrusive AVL tree container, that is used to construct intrusive avl_set and avl_multiset containers. More...
struct | base_hook |
singleton | bs_multiset |
class | bs_multiset_impl |
| The class template bs_multiset is an intrusive container, that mimics most of the interface of std::multiset as described in the C++ standard. More...
singleton | bs_set |
singleton | bs_set_base_hook |
| Derive a class from bs_set_base_hook in order to store objects in in a bs_set/bs_multiset. More...
class | bs_set_impl |
| The class template bs_set is an intrusive container, that mimics most of the interface of std::set as described in the C++ standard. More...
singleton | bs_set_member_hook |
| Put a public data member bs_set_member_hook in order to store objects of this class in a bs_set/bs_multiset. More...
singleton | bstree |
singleton | bstree_algorithms |
| This is an implementation of a binary search tree. More...
class | bstree_impl |
| The class template bstree is an unbalanced intrusive binary search tree container. More...
struct | bucket_traits |
struct | cache_begin |
struct | cache_last |
singleton | circular_list_algorithms |
| circular_list_algorithms provides basic algorithms to manipulate nodes forming a circular doubly linked list. More...
singleton | circular_slist_algorithms |
| circular_slist_algorithms provides basic algorithms to manipulate nodes forming a circular singly linked list. More...
struct | compare |
struct | compare_hash |
struct | constant_time_size |
struct | derivation_value_traits |
| This value traits template is used to create value traits from user defined node traits where value_traits::value_type will derive from node_traits::node. More...
struct | do_pack |
struct | do_pack< Prev, void > |
struct | empty |
struct | equal |
struct | fhtraits |
struct | floating_point |
struct | function_hook |
struct | hash |
singleton | hashtable |
class | hashtable_impl |
| The class template hashtable is an intrusive hash table container, that is used to construct intrusive unordered_set and unordered_multiset containers. More...
struct | incremental |
struct | is_default_hook_tag |
struct | is_safe_autounlink |
struct | linear |
class | linear_slist_algorithms |
| linear_slist_algorithms provides basic algorithms to manipulate nodes forming a linear singly linked list. More...
struct | link_mode |
class | list |
class | list_base_hook |
| Derive a class from this hook in order to store objects of that class in an list. More...
class | list_impl |
| The class template list is an intrusive container that mimics most of the interface of std::list as described in the C++ standard. More...
class | list_member_hook |
| Store this hook in a class to be inserted in an list. More...
struct | make_any_base_hook |
| Helper metafunction to define a any_base_hook that yields to the same type when the same options (either explicitly or implicitly) are used. More...
struct | make_any_member_hook |
| Helper metafunction to define a any_member_hook that yields to the same type when the same options (either explicitly or implicitly) are used. More...
struct | make_avl_multiset |
| Helper metafunction to define a avl_multiset that yields to the same type when the same options (either explicitly or implicitly) are used. More...
struct | make_avl_set |
| Helper metafunction to define a set that yields to the same type when the same options (either explicitly or implicitly) are used. More...
struct | make_avl_set_base_hook |
| Helper metafunction to define a avl_set_base_hook that yields to the same type when the same options (either explicitly or implicitly) are used. More...
struct | make_avl_set_member_hook |
| Helper metafunction to define a avl_set_member_hook that yields to the same type when the same options (either explicitly or implicitly) are used. More...
struct | make_avltree |
| Helper metafunction to define a avltree that yields to the same type when the same options (either explicitly or implicitly) are used. More...
struct | make_bs_multiset |
| Helper metafunction to define a bs_multiset that yields to the same type when the same options (either explicitly or implicitly) are used. More...
struct | make_bs_set |
| Helper metafunction to define a bs_set that yields to the same type when the same options (either explicitly or implicitly) are used. More...
struct | make_bs_set_base_hook |
| Helper metafunction to define a bs_set_base_hook that yields to the same type when the same options (either explicitly or implicitly) are used. More...
struct | make_bs_set_member_hook |
| Helper metafunction to define a bs_set_member_hook that yields to the same type when the same options (either explicitly or implicitly) are used. More...
struct | make_bstree |
| Helper metafunction to define a bstree that yields to the same type when the same options (either explicitly or implicitly) are used. More...
struct | make_hashtable |
| Helper metafunction to define a hashtable that yields to the same type when the same options (either explicitly or implicitly) are used. More...
struct | make_list |
| Helper metafunction to define a list that yields to the same type when the same options (either explicitly or implicitly) are used. More...
struct | make_list_base_hook |
| Helper metafunction to define a list_base_hook that yields to the same type when the same options (either explicitly or implicitly) are used. More...
struct | make_list_member_hook |
| Helper metafunction to define a list_member_hook that yields to the same type when the same options (either explicitly or implicitly) are used. More...
struct | make_multiset |
| Helper metafunction to define a multiset that yields to the same type when the same options (either explicitly or implicitly) are used. More...
struct | make_rbtree |
| Helper metafunction to define a rbtree that yields to the same type when the same options (either explicitly or implicitly) are used. More...
struct | make_set |
| Helper metafunction to define a set that yields to the same type when the same options (either explicitly or implicitly) are used. More...
struct | make_set_base_hook |
| Helper metafunction to define a set_base_hook that yields to the same type when the same options (either explicitly or implicitly) are used. More...
struct | make_set_member_hook |
| Helper metafunction to define a set_member_hook that yields to the same type when the same options (either explicitly or implicitly) are used. More...
struct | make_sg_multiset |
| Helper metafunction to define a sg_multiset that yields to the same type when the same options (either explicitly or implicitly) are used. More...
struct | make_sg_set |
| Helper metafunction to define a sg_set that yields to the same type when the same options (either explicitly or implicitly) are used. More...
struct | make_sgtree |
| Helper metafunction to define a sgtree that yields to the same type when the same options (either explicitly or implicitly) are used. More...
struct | make_slist |
| Helper metafunction to define a slist that yields to the same type when the same options (either explicitly or implicitly) are used. More...
struct | make_slist_base_hook |
| Helper metafunction to define a slist_base_hook that yields to the same type when the same options (either explicitly or implicitly) are used. More...
struct | make_slist_member_hook |
| Helper metafunction to define a slist_member_hook that yields to the same type when the same options (either explicitly or implicitly) are used. More...
struct | make_splay_multiset |
| Helper metafunction to define a splay_multiset that yields to the same type when the same options (either explicitly or implicitly) are used. More...
struct | make_splay_set |
| Helper metafunction to define a splay_set that yields to the same type when the same options (either explicitly or implicitly) are used. More...
struct | make_splaytree |
| Helper metafunction to define a splaytree that yields to the same type when the same options (either explicitly or implicitly) are used. More...
struct | make_treap |
| Helper metafunction to define a treap that yields to the same type when the same options (either explicitly or implicitly) are used. More...
struct | make_treap_multiset |
| Helper metafunction to define a treap_multiset that yields to the same type when the same options (either explicitly or implicitly) are used. More...
struct | make_treap_set |
| Helper metafunction to define a treap_set that yields to the same type when the same options (either explicitly or implicitly) are used. More...
struct | make_unordered_multiset |
| Helper metafunction to define an unordered_multiset that yields to the same type when the same options (either explicitly or implicitly) are used. More...
struct | make_unordered_set |
| Helper metafunction to define an unordered_set that yields to the same type when the same options (either explicitly or implicitly) are used. More...
struct | make_unordered_set_base_hook |
| Helper metafunction to define a unordered_set_base_hook that yields to the same type when the same options (either explicitly or implicitly) are used. More...
struct | make_unordered_set_member_hook |
| Helper metafunction to define a unordered_set_member_hook that yields to the same type when the same options (either explicitly or implicitly) are used. More...
struct | max_pointer_plus_bits |
| This trait class is used to know if a pointer can embed extra bits of information if it's going to be used to point to objects with an alignment of "Alignment" bytes. More...
struct | max_pointer_plus_bits< boost::interprocess::offset_ptr< void, P, O, A >, OffsetAlignment > |
struct | max_pointer_plus_bits< void *, Alignment > |
| This is a specialization for raw pointers. More...
struct | member_hook |
| This option setter specifies if the intrusive container stores its size as a member to obtain constant-time size() member. More...
struct | member_value_traits |
| This value traits template is used to create value traits from user defined node traits where value_traits::value_type will store a node_traits::node. More...
struct | mhtraits |
class | multiset |
class | multiset_impl |
| The class template multiset is an intrusive container, that mimics most of the interface of std::multiset as described in the C++ standard. More...
struct | optimize_multikey |
struct | optimize_size |
struct | pack_options |
struct | pointer_has_rebind |
struct | pointer_has_rebind_other |
struct | pointer_plus_bits |
| This is class that is supposed to have static methods to embed extra bits of information in a pointer. More...
struct | pointer_plus_bits< boost::interprocess::offset_ptr< T, P, O, A >, NumBits > |
struct | pointer_plus_bits< T *, NumBits > |
| This is the specialization to embed extra bits of information in a raw pointer. More...
struct | pointer_rebind |
struct | pointer_rebind< T *, U > |
struct | pointer_rebind_mode |
struct | pointer_rebinder |
struct | pointer_rebinder< Ptr, U, 1u > |
struct | pointer_rebinder< Ptr, U, 2u > |
struct | pointer_rebinder< Ptr< A >, U, 0u > |
struct | pointer_rebinder< Ptr< A, An...>, U, 0u > |
struct | pointer_traits |
| pointer_traits is the implementation of C++11 std::pointer_traits class with some extensions like castings. More...
struct | pointer_traits< T * > |
| Specialization of pointer_traits for raw pointers. More...
struct | power_2_buckets |
struct | priority |
struct | priority_compare |
class | rbtree |
class | rbtree_algorithms |
| rbtree_algorithms provides basic algorithms to manipulate nodes forming a red-black tree. More...
class | rbtree_impl |
| The class template rbtree is an intrusive red-black tree container, that is used to construct intrusive set and multiset containers. More...
struct | rbtree_node_cloner |
class | set |
class | set_base_hook |
| Derive a class from set_base_hook in order to store objects in in a set/multiset. More...
class | set_impl |
| The class template set is an intrusive container, that mimics most of the interface of std::set as described in the C++ standard. More...
class | set_member_hook |
| Put a public data member set_member_hook in order to store objects of this class in a set/multiset. More...
class | sg_multiset |
class | sg_multiset_impl |
| The class template sg_multiset is an intrusive container, that mimics most of the interface of std::sg_multiset as described in the C++ standard. More...
class | sg_set |
class | sg_set_impl |
| The class template sg_set is an intrusive container, that mimics most of the interface of std::sg_set as described in the C++ standard. More...
class | sgtree |
class | sgtree_algorithms |
| sgtree_algorithms is configured with a NodeTraits class, which encapsulates the information about the node to be manipulated. More...
class | sgtree_impl |
| The class template sgtree is an intrusive scapegoat tree container, that is used to construct intrusive sg_set and sg_multiset containers. More...
struct | size_type |
class | slist |
class | slist_base_hook |
| Derive a class from slist_base_hook in order to store objects in in an list. More...
class | slist_impl |
| The class template slist is an intrusive container, that encapsulates a singly-linked list. More...
class | slist_member_hook |
| Put a public data member slist_member_hook in order to store objects of this class in an list. More...
class | splay_multiset |
class | splay_multiset_impl |
| The class template splay_multiset is an intrusive container, that mimics most of the interface of std::multiset as described in the C++ standard. More...
class | splay_set |
class | splay_set_impl |
| The class template splay_set is an intrusive container, that mimics most of the interface of std::set as described in the C++ standard. More...
class | splaytree |
class | splaytree_algorithms |
| A splay tree is an implementation of a binary search tree. More...
class | splaytree_impl |
| The class template splaytree is an intrusive splay tree container that is used to construct intrusive splay_set and splay_multiset containers. More...
struct | store_hash |
struct | tag |
class | treap |
class | treap_algorithms |
| treap_algorithms provides basic algorithms to manipulate nodes forming a treap. More...
class | treap_impl |
| The class template treap is an intrusive treap container that is used to construct intrusive set and multiset containers. More...
class | treap_multiset |
class | treap_multiset_impl |
| The class template treap_multiset is an intrusive container, that mimics most of the interface of std::treap_multiset as described in the C++ standard. More...
class | treap_set |
class | treap_set_impl |
| The class template treap_set is an intrusive container, that mimics most of the interface of std::set as described in the C++ standard. More...
struct | trivial_value_traits |
| This value traits template is used to create value traits from user defined node traits where value_traits::value_type and node_traits::node should be equal. More...
class | unordered_multiset |
class | unordered_multiset_impl |
| The class template unordered_multiset is an intrusive container, that mimics most of the interface of std::tr1::unordered_multiset as described in the C++ TR1. More...
class | unordered_set |
class | unordered_set_base_hook |
| Derive a class from unordered_set_base_hook in order to store objects in in an unordered_set/unordered_multi_set. More...
class | unordered_set_impl |
| The class template unordered_set is an intrusive container, that mimics most of the interface of std::tr1::unordered_set as described in the C++ TR1. More...
class | unordered_set_member_hook |
| Put a public data member unordered_set_member_hook in order to store objects of this class in an unordered_set/unordered_multi_set. More...
struct | value_traits |
struct | void_pointer |
template<class ValueTraits , class VoidKeyComp , class SizeType , bool ConstantTimeSize, algo_types AlgoType, typename HeaderHolder > |
bool | operator< (const bstree_impl< ValueTraits, VoidKeyComp, SizeType, ConstantTimeSize, AlgoType, HeaderHolder > &x, const bstree_impl< ValueTraits, VoidKeyComp, SizeType, ConstantTimeSize, AlgoType, HeaderHolder > &y) |
template<class ValueTraits , class VoidKeyComp , class SizeType , bool ConstantTimeSize, algo_types AlgoType, typename HeaderHolder > |
bool | operator== (const bstree_impl< ValueTraits, VoidKeyComp, SizeType, ConstantTimeSize, AlgoType, HeaderHolder > &x, const bstree_impl< ValueTraits, VoidKeyComp, SizeType, ConstantTimeSize, AlgoType, HeaderHolder > &y) |
template<class ValueTraits , class VoidKeyComp , class SizeType , bool ConstantTimeSize, algo_types AlgoType, typename HeaderHolder > |
bool | operator!= (const bstree_impl< ValueTraits, VoidKeyComp, SizeType, ConstantTimeSize, AlgoType, HeaderHolder > &x, const bstree_impl< ValueTraits, VoidKeyComp, SizeType, ConstantTimeSize, AlgoType, HeaderHolder > &y) |
template<class ValueTraits , class VoidKeyComp , class SizeType , bool ConstantTimeSize, algo_types AlgoType, typename HeaderHolder > |
bool | operator> (const bstree_impl< ValueTraits, VoidKeyComp, SizeType, ConstantTimeSize, AlgoType, HeaderHolder > &x, const bstree_impl< ValueTraits, VoidKeyComp, SizeType, ConstantTimeSize, AlgoType, HeaderHolder > &y) |
template<class ValueTraits , class VoidKeyComp , class SizeType , bool ConstantTimeSize, algo_types AlgoType, typename HeaderHolder > |
bool | operator<= (const bstree_impl< ValueTraits, VoidKeyComp, SizeType, ConstantTimeSize, AlgoType, HeaderHolder > &x, const bstree_impl< ValueTraits, VoidKeyComp, SizeType, ConstantTimeSize, AlgoType, HeaderHolder > &y) |
template<class ValueTraits , class VoidKeyComp , class SizeType , bool ConstantTimeSize, algo_types AlgoType, typename HeaderHolder > |
bool | operator>= (const bstree_impl< ValueTraits, VoidKeyComp, SizeType, ConstantTimeSize, AlgoType, HeaderHolder > &x, const bstree_impl< ValueTraits, VoidKeyComp, SizeType, ConstantTimeSize, AlgoType, HeaderHolder > &y) |
template<class ValueTraits , class VoidKeyComp , class SizeType , bool ConstantTimeSize, algo_types AlgoType, typename HeaderHolder > |
void | swap (bstree_impl< ValueTraits, VoidKeyComp, SizeType, ConstantTimeSize, AlgoType, HeaderHolder > &x, bstree_impl< ValueTraits, VoidKeyComp, SizeType, ConstantTimeSize, AlgoType, HeaderHolder > &y) |
template<class ValueTraits , class SizeType , bool ConstantTimeSize, typename HeaderHolder > |
bool | operator< (const list_impl< ValueTraits, SizeType, ConstantTimeSize, HeaderHolder > &x, const list_impl< ValueTraits, SizeType, ConstantTimeSize, HeaderHolder > &y) |
template<class ValueTraits , class SizeType , bool ConstantTimeSize, typename HeaderHolder > |
bool | operator== (const list_impl< ValueTraits, SizeType, ConstantTimeSize, HeaderHolder > &x, const list_impl< ValueTraits, SizeType, ConstantTimeSize, HeaderHolder > &y) |
template<class ValueTraits , class SizeType , bool ConstantTimeSize, typename HeaderHolder > |
bool | operator!= (const list_impl< ValueTraits, SizeType, ConstantTimeSize, HeaderHolder > &x, const list_impl< ValueTraits, SizeType, ConstantTimeSize, HeaderHolder > &y) |
template<class ValueTraits , class SizeType , bool ConstantTimeSize, typename HeaderHolder > |
bool | operator> (const list_impl< ValueTraits, SizeType, ConstantTimeSize, HeaderHolder > &x, const list_impl< ValueTraits, SizeType, ConstantTimeSize, HeaderHolder > &y) |
template<class ValueTraits , class SizeType , bool ConstantTimeSize, typename HeaderHolder > |
bool | operator<= (const list_impl< ValueTraits, SizeType, ConstantTimeSize, HeaderHolder > &x, const list_impl< ValueTraits, SizeType, ConstantTimeSize, HeaderHolder > &y) |
template<class ValueTraits , class SizeType , bool ConstantTimeSize, typename HeaderHolder > |
bool | operator>= (const list_impl< ValueTraits, SizeType, ConstantTimeSize, HeaderHolder > &x, const list_impl< ValueTraits, SizeType, ConstantTimeSize, HeaderHolder > &y) |
template<class ValueTraits , class SizeType , bool ConstantTimeSize, typename HeaderHolder > |
void | swap (list_impl< ValueTraits, SizeType, ConstantTimeSize, HeaderHolder > &x, list_impl< ValueTraits, SizeType, ConstantTimeSize, HeaderHolder > &y) |
template<class Parent , class Member > |
Parent * | get_parent_from_member (Member *member, const Member Parent::*ptr_to_member) |
| Given a pointer to a member and its corresponding pointer to data member, this function returns the pointer of the parent containing that member. More...
template<class Parent , class Member > |
const Parent * | get_parent_from_member (const Member *member, const Member Parent::*ptr_to_member) |
| Given a const pointer to a member and its corresponding const pointer to data member, this function returns the const pointer of the parent containing that member. More...
template<class ValueTraits , class SizeType , std::size_t BoolFlags, typename HeaderHolder > |
bool | operator< (const slist_impl< ValueTraits, SizeType, BoolFlags, HeaderHolder > &x, const slist_impl< ValueTraits, SizeType, BoolFlags, HeaderHolder > &y) |
template<class ValueTraits , class SizeType , std::size_t BoolFlags, typename HeaderHolder > |
bool | operator== (const slist_impl< ValueTraits, SizeType, BoolFlags, HeaderHolder > &x, const slist_impl< ValueTraits, SizeType, BoolFlags, HeaderHolder > &y) |
template<class ValueTraits , class SizeType , std::size_t BoolFlags, typename HeaderHolder > |
bool | operator!= (const slist_impl< ValueTraits, SizeType, BoolFlags, HeaderHolder > &x, const slist_impl< ValueTraits, SizeType, BoolFlags, HeaderHolder > &y) |
template<class ValueTraits , class SizeType , std::size_t BoolFlags, typename HeaderHolder > |
bool | operator> (const slist_impl< ValueTraits, SizeType, BoolFlags, HeaderHolder > &x, const slist_impl< ValueTraits, SizeType, BoolFlags, HeaderHolder > &y) |
template<class ValueTraits , class SizeType , std::size_t BoolFlags, typename HeaderHolder > |
bool | operator<= (const slist_impl< ValueTraits, SizeType, BoolFlags, HeaderHolder > &x, const slist_impl< ValueTraits, SizeType, BoolFlags, HeaderHolder > &y) |
template<class ValueTraits , class SizeType , std::size_t BoolFlags, typename HeaderHolder > |
bool | operator>= (const slist_impl< ValueTraits, SizeType, BoolFlags, HeaderHolder > &x, const slist_impl< ValueTraits, SizeType, BoolFlags, HeaderHolder > &y) |
template<class ValueTraits , class SizeType , std::size_t BoolFlags, typename HeaderHolder > |
void | swap (slist_impl< ValueTraits, SizeType, BoolFlags, HeaderHolder > &x, slist_impl< ValueTraits, SizeType, BoolFlags, HeaderHolder > &y) |