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adjacency_list.hpp File Reference
#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/properties.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/graph_traits.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/iteration_macros.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/distributed/concepts.hpp>
#include <boost/iterator/transform_iterator.hpp>
#include <boost/property_map/property_map.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/adjacency_iterator.hpp>
#include <boost/property_map/parallel/distributed_property_map.hpp>
#include <boost/property_map/parallel/local_property_map.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/parallel/detail/property_holders.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/if.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
#include <boost/assert.hpp>
#include <list>
#include <algorithm>
#include <boost/limits.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/parallel/properties.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/parallel/distribution.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/parallel/algorithm.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/distributed/selector.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/parallel/process_group.hpp>
#include <boost/pending/container_traits.hpp>
#include <boost/function/function2.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/base_object.hpp>
#include <boost/mpi/datatype.hpp>
#include <boost/pending/property_serialize.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/distributed/unsafe_serialize.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/distributed/named_graph.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/distributed/shuffled_distribution.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/distributed/adjlist/handlers.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/distributed/adjlist/initialize.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/distributed/adjlist/redistribute.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/distributed/adjlist/serialization.hpp>
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struct  boost::directed_distributed_adj_list_tag
 Tag class for directed, distributed adjacency list. More...
struct  boost::bidirectional_distributed_adj_list_tag
 Tag class for bidirectional, distributed adjacency list. More...
struct  boost::undirected_distributed_adj_list_tag
 Tag class for undirected, distributed adjacency list. More...
struct  boost::detail::parallel::global_descriptor< LocalDescriptor >
 A distributed vertex descriptor. More...
struct  boost::detail::parallel::global_descriptor< LocalDescriptor >::generator
 A function object that, given a processor ID, generates distributed vertex descriptors from local vertex descriptors. More...
struct  boost::detail::parallel::global_descriptor_property_map< LocalDescriptor >
 A Readable Property Map that extracts a global descriptor pair from a global_descriptor. More...
struct  boost::detail::parallel::owner_property_map< LocalDescriptor >
 A Readable Property Map that extracts the owner of a global descriptor. More...
struct  boost::detail::parallel::local_descriptor_property_map< LocalDescriptor >
 A Readable Property Map that extracts the local descriptor from a global descriptor. More...
struct  boost::detail::parallel::stored_in_edge< Edge >
 Stores an incoming edge for a bidirectional distributed adjacency list. More...
struct  boost::detail::parallel::edge_descriptor< Edge >
 A distributed edge descriptor. More...
class  boost::detail::parallel::edge_descriptor< Edge >::out_generator< Graph >
 Function object that generates edge descriptors for the out_edge_iterator of the given distributed adjacency list from the edge descriptors of the underlying adjacency list. More...
class  boost::detail::parallel::edge_descriptor< Edge >::in_generator< Graph >
 Function object that generates edge descriptors for the in_edge_iterator of the given distributed adjacency list from the edge descriptors of the underlying adjacency list. More...
struct  boost::detail::parallel::edge_global_property_map< Edge >
 A Readable Property Map that extracts the owner and local descriptor of an edge descriptor. More...
struct  boost::detail::parallel::edge_owner_property_map< Edge >
 A Readable Property Map that extracts the owner of an edge descriptor. More...
struct  boost::detail::parallel::edge_local_property_map< Edge >
 A Readable Property Map that extracts the local descriptor from an edge descriptor. More...
struct  boost::detail::parallel::adjacency_list_config< OutEdgeListS, ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS >
 Configuration for the distributed adjacency list. More...
struct  boost::detail::parallel::msg_add_edge_data< Vertex, LocalVertex >
 Data stored with a msg_add_edge message, which requests the remote addition of an edge. More...
struct  boost::detail::parallel::msg_add_edge_with_property_data< Vertex, LocalVertex, EdgeProperty >
 Like msg_add_edge_data, but also includes a user-specified property value to be attached to the edge. More...
struct  boost::detail::parallel::get_adj_list_pmap< Property >
 Metafunction that extracts the given property from the given distributed adjacency list type. More...
struct  boost::detail::parallel::get_adj_list_pmap< Property >::apply< Graph >
struct  boost::detail::parallel::get_adj_list_pmap< vertex_local_index_t >
 The local vertex index property map is actually a mapping from the local vertex descriptors to vertex indices. More...
struct  boost::detail::parallel::get_adj_list_pmap< vertex_local_index_t >::apply< Graph >
struct  boost::detail::parallel::get_adj_list_pmap< vertex_index_t >
 The vertex index property map maps from global descriptors (e.g., the vertex descriptor of a distributed adjacency list) to the underlying local index. More...
struct  boost::detail::parallel::get_adj_list_pmap< vertex_index_t >::apply< Graph >
struct  boost::detail::parallel::get_adj_list_pmap< vertex_global_t >
 The vertex owner property map maps from vertex descriptors to the processor that owns the vertex. More...
struct  boost::detail::parallel::get_adj_list_pmap< vertex_global_t >::apply< Graph >
struct  boost::detail::parallel::get_adj_list_pmap< vertex_owner_t >
 The vertex owner property map maps from vertex descriptors to the processor that owns the vertex. More...
struct  boost::detail::parallel::get_adj_list_pmap< vertex_owner_t >::apply< Graph >
struct  boost::detail::parallel::get_adj_list_pmap< vertex_local_t >
 The vertex local property map maps from vertex descriptors to the local descriptor for that vertex. More...
struct  boost::detail::parallel::get_adj_list_pmap< vertex_local_t >::apply< Graph >
struct  boost::detail::parallel::get_adj_list_pmap< edge_global_t >
 The edge global property map maps from edge descriptors to a pair of the owning processor and local descriptor. More...
struct  boost::detail::parallel::get_adj_list_pmap< edge_global_t >::apply< Graph >
struct  boost::detail::parallel::get_adj_list_pmap< edge_owner_t >
 The edge owner property map maps from edge descriptors to the processor that owns the edge. More...
struct  boost::detail::parallel::get_adj_list_pmap< edge_owner_t >::apply< Graph >
struct  boost::detail::parallel::get_adj_list_pmap< edge_local_t >
 The edge local property map maps from edge descriptors to the local descriptor for that edge. More...
struct  boost::detail::parallel::get_adj_list_pmap< edge_local_t >::apply< Graph >
struct  boost::detail::parallel::msg_nonlocal_edge_data< EdgeProperty, EdgeDescriptor >
struct  boost::detail::parallel::msg_remove_edge_data< EdgeDescriptor >
struct  boost::adjacency_list_traits< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS >
 Adjacency list traits for a distributed adjacency list. More...
class  boost::adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS >
 A distributed adjacency list. More...
struct  boost::adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS >::lazy_add_vertex_with_property
struct  boost::adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS >::lazy_add_edge
 Data structure returned from add_edge that will "lazily" add the edge, either when it is converted to a pair<edge_descriptor, bool> or when the most recent copy has been destroyed. More...
struct  boost::adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS >::lazy_add_edge_with_property
 Data structure returned from add_edge that will "lazily" add the edge with its property, either when it is converted to a pair<edge_descriptor, bool> or when the most recent copy has been destroyed. More...
struct  boost::parallel::detail::remove_out_edge_predicate< Graph, Predicate >
 Function object that applies the underlying predicate to determine if an out-edge should be removed. More...
struct  boost::parallel::detail::remove_in_edge_predicate< Graph, Predicate >
 Function object that applies the underlying predicate to determine if an in-edge should be removed. More...
struct  boost::parallel::detail::remove_directed_edge_predicate< Graph, Predicate >
 Function object that applies the underlying predicate to determine if a directed edge can be removed. More...
struct  boost::parallel::detail::remove_undirected_edge_predicate< Graph, Predicate >
 Function object that applies the underlying predicate to determine if an undirected edge should be removed. More...
struct  boost::parallel::detail::always_true
struct  boost::property_map< adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS >, Property >
struct  boost::property_map< adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS >const, Property >
struct  boost::property_map< adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS >, T Bundle::* >
struct  boost::property_map< adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS >const, T Bundle::* >
struct  boost::mpi::is_mpi_datatype< boost::detail::edge_base< Directed, Vertex > >
struct  boost::mpi::is_mpi_datatype< boost::detail::edge_desc_impl< Directed, Vertex > >
struct  boost::mpi::is_mpi_datatype< boost::detail::parallel::global_descriptor< LocalDescriptor > >
struct  boost::mpi::is_mpi_datatype< boost::detail::parallel::edge_descriptor< Edge > >
struct  boost::mpi::is_mpi_datatype< boost::detail::parallel::msg_add_edge_data< Vertex, LocalVertex > >
struct  boost::mpi::is_mpi_datatype< boost::detail::parallel::msg_add_edge_with_property_data< Vertex, LocalVertex, EdgeProperty > >
struct  boost::mpi::is_mpi_datatype< boost::detail::parallel::msg_nonlocal_edge_data< EdgeProperty, EdgeDescriptor > >
struct  boost::mpi::is_mpi_datatype< boost::detail::parallel::msg_remove_edge_data< EdgeDescriptor > >
struct  boost::serialization::is_bitwise_serializable< boost::detail::edge_base< Directed, Vertex > >
struct  boost::serialization::is_bitwise_serializable< boost::detail::edge_desc_impl< Directed, Vertex > >
struct  boost::serialization::is_bitwise_serializable< boost::detail::parallel::global_descriptor< LocalDescriptor > >
struct  boost::serialization::is_bitwise_serializable< boost::detail::parallel::edge_descriptor< Edge > >
struct  boost::serialization::is_bitwise_serializable< boost::detail::parallel::msg_add_edge_data< Vertex, LocalVertex > >
struct  boost::serialization::is_bitwise_serializable< boost::detail::parallel::msg_add_edge_with_property_data< Vertex, LocalVertex, EdgeProperty > >
struct  boost::serialization::is_bitwise_serializable< boost::detail::parallel::msg_nonlocal_edge_data< EdgeProperty, EdgeDescriptor > >
struct  boost::serialization::is_bitwise_serializable< boost::detail::parallel::msg_remove_edge_data< EdgeDescriptor > >
struct  boost::serialization::implementation_level< boost::detail::edge_base< Directed, Vertex > >
struct  boost::serialization::implementation_level< boost::detail::edge_desc_impl< Directed, Vertex > >
struct  boost::serialization::implementation_level< boost::detail::parallel::global_descriptor< LocalDescriptor > >
struct  boost::serialization::implementation_level< boost::detail::parallel::edge_descriptor< Edge > >
struct  boost::serialization::implementation_level< boost::detail::parallel::msg_add_edge_data< Vertex, LocalVertex > >
struct  boost::serialization::implementation_level< boost::detail::parallel::msg_add_edge_with_property_data< Vertex, LocalVertex, EdgeProperty > >
struct  boost::serialization::implementation_level< boost::detail::parallel::msg_nonlocal_edge_data< EdgeProperty, EdgeDescriptor > >
struct  boost::serialization::implementation_level< boost::detail::parallel::msg_remove_edge_data< EdgeDescriptor > >
struct  boost::serialization::tracking_level< boost::detail::edge_base< Directed, Vertex > >
struct  boost::serialization::tracking_level< boost::detail::edge_desc_impl< Directed, Vertex > >
struct  boost::serialization::tracking_level< boost::detail::parallel::global_descriptor< LocalDescriptor > >
struct  boost::serialization::tracking_level< boost::detail::parallel::edge_descriptor< Edge > >
struct  boost::serialization::tracking_level< boost::detail::parallel::msg_add_edge_data< Vertex, LocalVertex > >
struct  boost::serialization::tracking_level< boost::detail::parallel::msg_add_edge_with_property_data< Vertex, LocalVertex, EdgeProperty > >
struct  boost::serialization::tracking_level< boost::detail::parallel::msg_nonlocal_edge_data< EdgeProperty, EdgeDescriptor > >
struct  boost::serialization::tracking_level< boost::detail::parallel::msg_remove_edge_data< EdgeDescriptor > >
struct  boost::hash< detail::parallel::global_descriptor< LocalDescriptor > >
struct  boost::hash< detail::parallel::edge_descriptor< Edge > >


 Duration formatting facet for input.




typedef short boost::processor_id_type
 The type used to store an identifier that uniquely names a processor. More...


enum  boost::edge_target_processor_id_t { boost::edge_target_processor_id }
enum  boost::edge_locally_owned_t { boost::edge_locally_owned }
enum  boost::vertex_in_edges_t { boost::vertex_in_edges }


 boost::BOOST_INSTALL_PROPERTY (edge, target_processor_id)
 boost::BOOST_INSTALL_PROPERTY (edge, locally_owned)
 boost::BOOST_INSTALL_PROPERTY (vertex, in_edges)
template<typename Archiver , typename Directed , typename Vertex >
void boost::detail::serialize (Archiver &ar, edge_base< Directed, Vertex > &e, const unsigned int)
template<typename Archiver , typename Directed , typename Vertex >
void boost::detail::serialize (Archiver &ar, edge_desc_impl< Directed, Vertex > &e, const unsigned int)
template<typename LocalDescriptor >
processor_id_type boost::detail::parallel::owner (const global_descriptor< LocalDescriptor > &v)
 Determine the process that owns the given descriptor. More...
template<typename LocalDescriptor >
LocalDescriptor boost::detail::parallel::local (const global_descriptor< LocalDescriptor > &v)
 Determine the local portion of the given descriptor. More...
template<typename LocalDescriptor >
bool boost::detail::parallel::operator== (const global_descriptor< LocalDescriptor > &u, const global_descriptor< LocalDescriptor > &v)
 Compare distributed vertex descriptors for equality. More...
template<typename LocalDescriptor >
bool boost::detail::parallel::operator!= (const global_descriptor< LocalDescriptor > &u, const global_descriptor< LocalDescriptor > &v)
 Compare distributed vertex descriptors for inequality. More...
template<typename LocalDescriptor >
bool boost::detail::parallel::operator< (const global_descriptor< LocalDescriptor > &u, const global_descriptor< LocalDescriptor > &v)
template<typename LocalDescriptor >
bool boost::detail::parallel::operator<= (const global_descriptor< LocalDescriptor > &u, const global_descriptor< LocalDescriptor > &v)
template<typename LocalDescriptor >
bool boost::detail::parallel::operator> (const global_descriptor< LocalDescriptor > &u, const global_descriptor< LocalDescriptor > &v)
template<typename LocalDescriptor >
bool boost::detail::parallel::operator>= (const global_descriptor< LocalDescriptor > &u, const global_descriptor< LocalDescriptor > &v)
template<typename LocalDescriptor >
std::pair< processor_id_type,
LocalDescriptor > 
boost::detail::parallel::get (global_descriptor_property_map< LocalDescriptor >, global_descriptor< LocalDescriptor > x)
template<typename LocalDescriptor >
processor_id_type boost::detail::parallel::get (owner_property_map< LocalDescriptor >, global_descriptor< LocalDescriptor > x)
template<typename LocalDescriptor >
LocalDescriptor boost::detail::parallel::get (local_descriptor_property_map< LocalDescriptor >, global_descriptor< LocalDescriptor > x)
template<typename Edge >
processor_id_type boost::detail::parallel::owner (const edge_descriptor< Edge > &e)
 Determine the process that owns this edge. More...
template<typename Edge >
Edge boost::detail::parallel::local (const edge_descriptor< Edge > &e)
 Determine the local descriptor for this edge. More...
template<typename Edge >
std::pair< processor_id_type,
Edge > 
boost::detail::parallel::get (edge_global_property_map< Edge >, const edge_descriptor< Edge > &e)
template<typename Edge >
processor_id_type boost::detail::parallel::get (edge_owner_property_map< Edge >, const edge_descriptor< Edge > &e)
template<typename Edge >
Edge boost::detail::parallel::get (edge_local_property_map< Edge >, const edge_descriptor< Edge > &e)
template<typename Edge >
bool boost::detail::parallel::operator== (const edge_descriptor< Edge > &e1, const edge_descriptor< Edge > &e2)
 Compare distributed edge descriptors for equality. More...
template<typename Edge >
bool boost::detail::parallel::operator!= (const edge_descriptor< Edge > &e1, const edge_descriptor< Edge > &e2)
 Compare distributed edge descriptors for inequality. More...
template<typename IteratorPair , typename VertexIndexMap >
void boost::detail::parallel::maybe_initialize_vertex_indices (IteratorPair p, VertexIndexMap to_index, read_write_property_map_tag)
template<typename IteratorPair , typename VertexIndexMap >
void boost::detail::parallel::maybe_initialize_vertex_indices (IteratorPair p, VertexIndexMap to_index, readable_property_map_tag)
template<typename IteratorPair , typename VertexIndexMap >
void boost::detail::parallel::maybe_initialize_vertex_indices (IteratorPair p, VertexIndexMap to_index)
template<typename IteratorPair >
void boost::detail::parallel::maybe_initialize_vertex_indices (IteratorPair p,::boost::detail::error_property_not_found)
template<typename Graph >
void boost::detail::parallel::remove_in_edge (typename Graph::edge_descriptor, Graph &, directedS)
template<typename Graph >
void boost::detail::parallel::remove_in_edge (typename Graph::edge_descriptor e, Graph &g, bidirectionalS)
template<typename Graph >
void boost::detail::parallel::remove_in_edge (typename Graph::edge_descriptor e, Graph &g, undirectedS)
template<class Graph , class Config , class Base >
std::pair< typename
Config::edge_descriptor, bool > 
boost::detail::parallel::add_local_edge (typename Config::vertex_descriptor u, typename Config::vertex_descriptor v, const typename Config::edge_property_type &p, vec_adj_list_impl< Graph, Config, Base > &g_)
template<class Graph , class Config , class Base >
std::pair< typename
Config::edge_descriptor, bool > 
boost::detail::parallel::add_local_edge (typename Config::vertex_descriptor u, typename Config::vertex_descriptor v, const typename Config::edge_property_type &p, boost::adj_list_impl< Graph, Config, Base > &g)
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
std::pair< typename
adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS,
distributedS< ProcessGroup,
InVertexListS, InDistribution >
, DirectedS, VertexProperty,
EdgeProperty, GraphProperty,
EdgeListS >::vertex_iterator,
typename adjacency_list
< OutEdgeListS, distributedS
< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS,
InDistribution >, DirectedS,
VertexProperty, EdgeProperty,
GraphProperty, EdgeListS >
::vertex_iterator > 
boost::vertices (const adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
 Returns the set of vertices local to this processor. More...
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS,
distributedS< ProcessGroup,
InVertexListS, InDistribution >
, DirectedS, VertexProperty,
EdgeProperty, GraphProperty,
EdgeListS >
boost::num_vertices (const adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
 Returns the number of vertices local to this processor. More...
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS , typename Edge >
adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS,
distributedS< ProcessGroup,
InVertexListS, InDistribution >
, DirectedS, VertexProperty,
EdgeProperty, GraphProperty,
EdgeListS >::vertex_descriptor 
boost::source (const detail::parallel::edge_descriptor< Edge > &e, const adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
 Returns the source of edge. More...
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS , typename Edge >
adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS,
distributedS< ProcessGroup,
InVertexListS, InDistribution >
, DirectedS, VertexProperty,
EdgeProperty, GraphProperty,
EdgeListS >::vertex_descriptor 
boost::target (const detail::parallel::edge_descriptor< Edge > &e, const adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
 Returns the target of edge. More...
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
std::pair< typename
adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS,
distributedS< ProcessGroup,
InVertexListS, InDistribution >
, DirectedS, VertexProperty,
EdgeProperty, GraphProperty,
EdgeListS >::out_edge_iterator,
typename adjacency_list
< OutEdgeListS, distributedS
< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS,
InDistribution >, DirectedS,
VertexProperty, EdgeProperty,
GraphProperty, EdgeListS >
::out_edge_iterator > 
boost::out_edges (typename adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS >::vertex_descriptor v, const adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
 Return the set of edges outgoing from a particular vertex. More...
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS,
distributedS< ProcessGroup,
InVertexListS, InDistribution >
, DirectedS, VertexProperty,
EdgeProperty, GraphProperty,
EdgeListS >::degree_size_type 
boost::out_degree (typename adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS >::vertex_descriptor v, const adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
 Return the number of edges outgoing from a particular vertex. More...
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
std::pair< typename
adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS,
distributedS< ProcessGroup,
InVertexListS, InDistribution >
, bidirectionalS,
VertexProperty, EdgeProperty,
GraphProperty, EdgeListS >
::in_edge_iterator, typename
adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS,
distributedS< ProcessGroup,
InVertexListS, InDistribution >
, bidirectionalS,
VertexProperty, EdgeProperty,
GraphProperty, EdgeListS >
::in_edge_iterator > 
boost::in_edges (typename adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, bidirectionalS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS >::vertex_descriptor v, const adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, bidirectionalS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
 Returns the set of edges incoming to a particular vertex. More...
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
std::pair< typename
adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS,
distributedS< ProcessGroup,
InVertexListS, InDistribution >
, undirectedS, VertexProperty,
EdgeProperty, GraphProperty,
EdgeListS >::in_edge_iterator,
typename adjacency_list
< OutEdgeListS, distributedS
< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS,
InDistribution >, undirectedS,
VertexProperty, EdgeProperty,
GraphProperty, EdgeListS >
::in_edge_iterator > 
boost::in_edges (typename adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, undirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS >::vertex_descriptor v, const adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, undirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS,
distributedS< ProcessGroup,
InVertexListS, InDistribution >
, bidirectionalS,
VertexProperty, EdgeProperty,
GraphProperty, EdgeListS >
boost::in_degree (typename adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, bidirectionalS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS >::vertex_descriptor v, const adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, bidirectionalS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
 Returns the number of edges incoming to a particular vertex. More...
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS,
distributedS< ProcessGroup,
InVertexListS, InDistribution >
, undirectedS, VertexProperty,
EdgeProperty, GraphProperty,
EdgeListS >::degree_size_type 
boost::in_degree (typename adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, undirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS >::vertex_descriptor v, const adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, undirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS,
distributedS< ProcessGroup,
InVertexListS, InDistribution >
, undirectedS, VertexProperty,
EdgeProperty, GraphProperty,
EdgeListS >::degree_size_type 
boost::degree (typename adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, undirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS >::vertex_descriptor v, const adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, undirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
 Returns the number of edges incident on the given vertex. More...
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS,
distributedS< ProcessGroup,
InVertexListS, InDistribution >
, bidirectionalS,
VertexProperty, EdgeProperty,
GraphProperty, EdgeListS >
boost::degree (typename adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, bidirectionalS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS >::vertex_descriptor v, const adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, bidirectionalS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS,
distributedS< ProcessGroup,
InVertexListS, InDistribution >
, DirectedS, VertexProperty,
EdgeProperty, GraphProperty,
EdgeListS >::edges_size_type 
boost::num_edges (const adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS,
distributedS< ProcessGroup,
InVertexListS, InDistribution >
, undirectedS, VertexProperty,
EdgeProperty, GraphProperty,
EdgeListS >::edges_size_type 
boost::num_edges (const adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, undirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
std::pair< typename
adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS,
distributedS< ProcessGroup,
InVertexListS, InDistribution >
, DirectedS, VertexProperty,
EdgeProperty, GraphProperty,
EdgeListS >::edge_iterator,
typename adjacency_list
< OutEdgeListS, distributedS
< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS,
InDistribution >, DirectedS,
VertexProperty, EdgeProperty,
GraphProperty, EdgeListS >
::edge_iterator > 
boost::edges (const adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
std::pair< typename
adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS,
distributedS< ProcessGroup,
InVertexListS, InDistribution >
, undirectedS, VertexProperty,
EdgeProperty, GraphProperty,
EdgeListS >::edge_iterator,
typename adjacency_list
< OutEdgeListS, distributedS
< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS,
InDistribution >, undirectedS,
VertexProperty, EdgeProperty,
GraphProperty, EdgeListS >
::edge_iterator > 
boost::edges (const adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, undirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS,
distributedS< ProcessGroup,
InVertexListS, InDistribution >
, DirectedS, VertexProperty,
EdgeProperty, GraphProperty,
EdgeListS >::vertex_descriptor 
boost::vertex (typename adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS >::vertices_size_type n, const adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
std::pair< typename
adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS,
distributedS< ProcessGroup,
InVertexListS, InDistribution >
, directedS, VertexProperty,
EdgeProperty, GraphProperty,
EdgeListS >::edge_descriptor,
bool > 
boost::edge (typename adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, directedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS >::vertex_descriptor u, typename adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, directedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS >::vertex_descriptor v, const adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, directedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
std::pair< typename
adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS,
distributedS< ProcessGroup,
InVertexListS, InDistribution >
, DirectedS, VertexProperty,
EdgeProperty, GraphProperty,
EdgeListS >::edge_descriptor,
bool > 
boost::edge (typename adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS >::vertex_descriptor u, typename adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS >::vertex_descriptor v, const adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
std::pair< typename
adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS,
distributedS< ProcessGroup,
InVertexListS, InDistribution >
, DirectedS, VertexProperty,
EdgeProperty, GraphProperty,
EdgeListS >
::adjacency_iterator, typename
adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS,
distributedS< ProcessGroup,
InVertexListS, InDistribution >
, DirectedS, VertexProperty,
EdgeProperty, GraphProperty,
EdgeListS >
::adjacency_iterator > 
boost::adjacent_vertices (typename adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS >::vertex_descriptor v, const adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS,
distributedS< ProcessGroup,
InVertexListS, InDistribution >
, DirectedS, VertexProperty,
EdgeProperty, GraphProperty,
EdgeListS >::lazy_add_edge 
boost::add_edge (typename adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS >::vertex_descriptor u, typename adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS >::vertex_descriptor v, adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS,
distributedS< ProcessGroup,
InVertexListS, InDistribution >
, DirectedS, VertexProperty,
EdgeProperty, GraphProperty,
EdgeListS >
boost::add_edge (typename adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS >::vertex_descriptor u, typename adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS >::vertex_descriptor v, typename adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS >::edge_property_type const &p, adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
void boost::remove_edge (typename adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS >::edge_descriptor e, adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
void boost::remove_edge (typename adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS >::vertex_descriptor u, typename adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS >::vertex_descriptor v, adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
void boost::remove_edge (typename adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS >::out_edge_iterator ei, adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
void boost::remove_edge (typename adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, directedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS >::out_edge_iterator ei, adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, directedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS , typename Predicate >
void boost::remove_out_edge_if (typename adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS >::vertex_descriptor u, Predicate predicate, adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS , typename Predicate >
void boost::remove_in_edge_if (typename adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, bidirectionalS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS >::vertex_descriptor u, Predicate predicate, adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, bidirectionalS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS , typename Predicate >
void boost::remove_in_edge_if (typename adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, undirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS >::vertex_descriptor u, Predicate predicate, adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, undirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS , typename Predicate >
void boost::remove_edge_if (Predicate predicate, adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, directedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS , typename Predicate >
void boost::remove_edge_if (Predicate predicate, adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, bidirectionalS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS , typename Predicate >
void boost::remove_edge_if (Predicate predicate, adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, undirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
void boost::clear_vertex (typename adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, bidirectionalS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS >::vertex_descriptor u, adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, bidirectionalS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
void boost::clear_vertex (typename adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, undirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS >::vertex_descriptor u, adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, undirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
void boost::clear_out_edges (typename adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, directedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS >::vertex_descriptor u, adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, directedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
void boost::clear_out_edges (typename adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, bidirectionalS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS >::vertex_descriptor u, adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, bidirectionalS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
void boost::clear_in_edges (typename adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, bidirectionalS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS >::vertex_descriptor u, adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, bidirectionalS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS,
distributedS< ProcessGroup,
InVertexListS, InDistribution >
, DirectedS, VertexProperty,
EdgeProperty, GraphProperty,
EdgeListS >::vertex_descriptor 
boost::add_vertex (adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS,
distributedS< ProcessGroup,
InVertexListS, InDistribution >
, DirectedS, VertexProperty,
EdgeProperty, GraphProperty,
EdgeListS >
boost::add_vertex (typename adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS >::vertex_property_type const &p, adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
void boost::remove_vertex (typename adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS >::vertex_descriptor u, adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
template<typename Property , typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
property_map< adjacency_list
< OutEdgeListS, distributedS
< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS,
InDistribution >, DirectedS,
VertexProperty, EdgeProperty,
GraphProperty, EdgeListS >
, Property >::type 
boost::get (Property p, adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
template<typename Property , typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
property_map< adjacency_list
< OutEdgeListS, distributedS
< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS,
InDistribution >, DirectedS,
VertexProperty, EdgeProperty,
GraphProperty, EdgeListS >
, Property >::const_type 
boost::get (Property p, const adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
property_map< adjacency_list
< OutEdgeListS, distributedS
< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS,
InDistribution >, DirectedS,
VertexProperty, EdgeProperty,
GraphProperty, EdgeListS >
, vertex_local_index_t >::type 
boost::get (vertex_local_index_t, adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
property_map< adjacency_list
< OutEdgeListS, distributedS
< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS,
InDistribution >, DirectedS,
VertexProperty, EdgeProperty,
GraphProperty, EdgeListS >
, vertex_local_index_t >
boost::get (vertex_local_index_t, const adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
property_map< adjacency_list
< OutEdgeListS, distributedS
< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS,
InDistribution >, DirectedS,
VertexProperty, EdgeProperty,
GraphProperty, EdgeListS >
, vertex_global_t >
boost::get (vertex_global_t, const adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
property_map< adjacency_list
< OutEdgeListS, distributedS
< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS,
InDistribution >, DirectedS,
VertexProperty, EdgeProperty,
GraphProperty, EdgeListS >
, vertex_global_t >
boost::get (vertex_global_t, adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
property_map< adjacency_list
< OutEdgeListS, distributedS
< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS,
InDistribution >, DirectedS,
VertexProperty, EdgeProperty,
GraphProperty, EdgeListS >
, vertex_owner_t >::type 
boost::get (vertex_owner_t, adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
 Retrieve a property map mapping from a vertex descriptor to its owner. More...
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
property_map< adjacency_list
< OutEdgeListS, distributedS
< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS,
InDistribution >, DirectedS,
VertexProperty, EdgeProperty,
GraphProperty, EdgeListS >
, vertex_owner_t >::const_type 
boost::get (vertex_owner_t, const adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
 Retrieve a property map mapping from a vertex descriptor to its owner. More...
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
processor_id_type boost::get (vertex_owner_t, adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &, typename adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS >::vertex_descriptor v)
 Retrieve the owner of a vertex. More...
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
processor_id_type boost::get (vertex_owner_t, const adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &, typename adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS >::vertex_descriptor v)
 Retrieve the owner of a vertex. More...
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
property_map< adjacency_list
< OutEdgeListS, distributedS
< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS,
InDistribution >, DirectedS,
VertexProperty, EdgeProperty,
GraphProperty, EdgeListS >
, vertex_local_t >::type 
boost::get (vertex_local_t, adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
 Retrieve a property map that maps from a vertex descriptor to its local descriptor. More...
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
property_map< adjacency_list
< OutEdgeListS, distributedS
< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS,
InDistribution >, DirectedS,
VertexProperty, EdgeProperty,
GraphProperty, EdgeListS >
, vertex_local_t >::const_type 
boost::get (vertex_local_t, const adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
 Retrieve a property map that maps from a vertex descriptor to its local descriptor. More...
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS,
distributedS< ProcessGroup,
InVertexListS, InDistribution >
, DirectedS, VertexProperty,
EdgeProperty, GraphProperty,
EdgeListS >
boost::get (vertex_local_t, adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &, typename adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS >::vertex_descriptor v)
 Retrieve the local descriptor of a vertex. More...
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS,
distributedS< ProcessGroup,
InVertexListS, InDistribution >
, DirectedS, VertexProperty,
EdgeProperty, GraphProperty,
EdgeListS >
boost::get (vertex_local_t, const adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &, typename adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS >::vertex_descriptor v)
 Retrieve the local descriptor of a vertex. More...
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
property_map< adjacency_list
< OutEdgeListS, distributedS
< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS,
InDistribution >, DirectedS,
VertexProperty, EdgeProperty,
GraphProperty, EdgeListS >
, edge_global_t >::const_type 
boost::get (edge_global_t, const adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
property_map< adjacency_list
< OutEdgeListS, distributedS
< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS,
InDistribution >, DirectedS,
VertexProperty, EdgeProperty,
GraphProperty, EdgeListS >
, edge_global_t >::const_type 
boost::get (edge_global_t, adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
property_map< adjacency_list
< OutEdgeListS, distributedS
< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS,
InDistribution >, DirectedS,
VertexProperty, EdgeProperty,
GraphProperty, EdgeListS >
, edge_owner_t >::type 
boost::get (edge_owner_t, adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
property_map< adjacency_list
< OutEdgeListS, distributedS
< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS,
InDistribution >, DirectedS,
VertexProperty, EdgeProperty,
GraphProperty, EdgeListS >
, edge_owner_t >::const_type 
boost::get (edge_owner_t, const adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
property_map< adjacency_list
< OutEdgeListS, distributedS
< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS,
InDistribution >, DirectedS,
VertexProperty, EdgeProperty,
GraphProperty, EdgeListS >
, edge_local_t >::type 
boost::get (edge_local_t, adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
property_map< adjacency_list
< OutEdgeListS, distributedS
< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS,
InDistribution >, DirectedS,
VertexProperty, EdgeProperty,
GraphProperty, EdgeListS >
, edge_local_t >::const_type 
boost::get (edge_local_t, const adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
template<typename Property , typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS , typename Key >
property_traits< typename
property_map< adjacency_list
< OutEdgeListS, distributedS
< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS,
InDistribution >, DirectedS,
VertexProperty, EdgeProperty,
GraphProperty, EdgeListS >
, Property >::const_type >
boost::get (Property p, const adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g, const Key &key)
template<typename Property , typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS , typename Key , typename Value >
void boost::put (Property p, adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g, const Key &key, const Value &v)
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
property_map< adjacency_list
< OutEdgeListS, distributedS
< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS,
InDistribution >, DirectedS,
VertexProperty, EdgeProperty,
GraphProperty, EdgeListS >
, vertex_index_t >::type 
boost::get (vertex_index_t vi, adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
property_map< adjacency_list
< OutEdgeListS, distributedS
< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS,
InDistribution >, DirectedS,
VertexProperty, EdgeProperty,
GraphProperty, EdgeListS >
, vertex_index_t >::const_type 
boost::get (vertex_index_t vi, const adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS , typename T , typename Bundle >
property_map< adjacency_list
< OutEdgeListS, distributedS
< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS,
InDistribution >, DirectedS,
VertexProperty, EdgeProperty,
GraphProperty, EdgeListS >, T
Bundle::* >::type 
boost::get (T Bundle::*p, adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS , typename T , typename Bundle >
property_map< adjacency_list
< OutEdgeListS, distributedS
< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS,
InDistribution >, DirectedS,
VertexProperty, EdgeProperty,
GraphProperty, EdgeListS >, T
Bundle::* >::const_type 
boost::get (T Bundle::*p, const adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
void boost::synchronize (const adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)
template<typename OutEdgeListS , typename ProcessGroup , typename InVertexListS , typename InDistribution , typename DirectedS , typename VertexProperty , typename EdgeProperty , typename GraphProperty , typename EdgeListS >
ProcessGroup boost::process_group (const adjacency_list< OutEdgeListS, distributedS< ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution >, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS > &g)

Macro Definition Documentation

typename OutEdgeListS, typename ProcessGroup, typename InVertexListS, \
typename InDistribution, typename DirectedS, typename VertexProperty, \
typename EdgeProperty, typename GraphProperty, typename EdgeListS
typename OutEdgeListS, typename ProcessGroup, typename InVertexListS, \
typename InDistribution, typename VertexProperty, \
typename EdgeProperty, typename GraphProperty, typename EdgeListS
adjacency_list<OutEdgeListS, \
distributedS<ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution>, \
DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, \

Referenced by boost::get().

adjacency_list<OutEdgeListS, \
distributedS<ProcessGroup, InVertexListS, InDistribution>, \
directed, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, \

Referenced by boost::edge(), boost::in_edges(), boost::remove_edge_if(), and boost::remove_in_edge_if().