firewalling, NAT, and packet mangling for linux
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arptables.c File Reference
#include <getopt.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <arptables.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
Include dependency graph for arptables.c:

Data Structures

struct  pprot


#define TRUE   1
#define FALSE   0
#define ARPT_LIB_DIR   "/usr/local/lib/arptables"
#define PROC_SYS_MODPROBE   "/proc/sys/kernel/modprobe"
#define FMT_NUMERIC   0x0001
#define FMT_NOCOUNTS   0x0002
#define FMT_KILOMEGAGIGA   0x0004
#define FMT_OPTIONS   0x0008
#define FMT_NOTABLE   0x0010
#define FMT_NOTARGET   0x0020
#define FMT_VIA   0x0040
#define FMT_NONEWLINE   0x0080
#define FMT_LINENUMBERS   0x0100
#define FMT(tab, notab)   ((format) & FMT_NOTABLE ? (notab) : (notab))
#define CMD_NONE   0x0000U
#define CMD_INSERT   0x0001U
#define CMD_DELETE   0x0002U
#define CMD_DELETE_NUM   0x0004U
#define CMD_REPLACE   0x0008U
#define CMD_APPEND   0x0010U
#define CMD_LIST   0x0020U
#define CMD_FLUSH   0x0040U
#define CMD_ZERO   0x0080U
#define CMD_NEW_CHAIN   0x0100U
#define CMD_DELETE_CHAIN   0x0200U
#define CMD_SET_POLICY   0x0400U
#define CMD_CHECK   0x0800U
#define CMD_RENAME_CHAIN   0x1000U
#define NUMBER_OF_CMD   13
#define OPTION_OFFSET   256
#define OPT_NONE   0x00000U
#define OPT_NUMERIC   0x00001U
#define OPT_S_IP   0x00002U
#define OPT_D_IP   0x00004U
#define OPT_S_MAC   0x00008U
#define OPT_D_MAC   0x00010U
#define OPT_H_LENGTH   0x00020U
#define OPT_P_LENGTH   0x00040U
#define OPT_OPCODE   0x00080U
#define OPT_H_TYPE   0x00100U
#define OPT_P_TYPE   0x00200U
#define OPT_JUMP   0x00400U
#define OPT_VERBOSE   0x00800U
#define OPT_VIANAMEIN   0x01000U
#define OPT_VIANAMEOUT   0x02000U
#define OPT_LINENUMBERS   0x04000U
#define OPT_COUNTERS   0x08000U
#define NUMBER_OF_OPT   16
#define NUMOPCODES   9


void dump_entries (const arptc_handle_t handle)
int getmac_and_mask (char *from, char *to, char *mask)
int getlength_and_mask (char *from, uint8_t *to, uint8_t *mask)
int get16_and_mask (char *from, uint16_t *to, uint16_t *mask, int base)
void print_mac (const unsigned char *mac, int l)
void print_mac_and_mask (const unsigned char *mac, const unsigned char *mask, int l)
struct in_addr * dotted_to_addr (const char *dotted)
void exit_error (enum exittype status, char *msg,...)
void exit_tryhelp (int status)
void exit_printhelp (void)
int check_inverse (const char option[], int *invert, int *optind, int argc)
struct in_addr * parse_hostnetwork (const char *name, unsigned int *naddrs)
void parse_hostnetworkmask (const char *name, struct in_addr **addrpp, struct in_addr *maskp, unsigned int *naddrs)
struct arptables_matchfind_match (const char *name, enum arpt_tryload tryload)
char * addr_to_dotted (const struct in_addr *addrp)
char * addr_to_anyname (const struct in_addr *addr)
char * mask_to_dotted (const struct in_addr *mask)
int string_to_number (const char *s, unsigned int min, unsigned int max, unsigned int *ret)
struct arptables_targetfind_target (const char *name, enum arpt_tryload tryload)
void register_match (struct arptables_match *me)
void register_target (struct arptables_target *me)
int for_each_chain (int(*fn)(const arpt_chainlabel, int, arptc_handle_t *), int verbose, int builtinstoo, arptc_handle_t *handle)
int flush_entries (const arpt_chainlabel chain, int verbose, arptc_handle_t *handle)
int delete_chain (const arpt_chainlabel chain, int verbose, arptc_handle_t *handle)
int arptables_insmod (const char *modname, const char *modprobe)
int do_command (int argc, char *argv[], char **table, arptc_handle_t *handle)


const char * program_version = ARPTABLES_VERSION
const char * program_name
struct arptables_matcharptables_matches = NULL
struct arptables_targetarptables_targets = NULL
unsigned char mac_type_unicast [ETH_ALEN] = {0,0,0,0,0,0}
unsigned char msk_type_unicast [ETH_ALEN] = {1,0,0,0,0,0}
unsigned char mac_type_multicast [ETH_ALEN] = {1,0,0,0,0,0}
unsigned char msk_type_multicast [ETH_ALEN] = {1,0,0,0,0,0}
unsigned char mac_type_broadcast [ETH_ALEN] = {255,255,255,255,255,255}
unsigned char msk_type_broadcast [ETH_ALEN] = {255,255,255,255,255,255}

Macro Definition Documentation

#define ARPT_LIB_DIR   "/usr/local/lib/arptables"
#define CMD_APPEND   0x0010U

Referenced by do_command(), and do_commandx().

#define CMD_CHECK   0x0800U

Referenced by do_commandx().

#define CMD_DELETE   0x0002U

Referenced by do_command().

#define CMD_DELETE_CHAIN   0x0200U

Referenced by do_command(), and do_commandx().

#define CMD_DELETE_NUM   0x0004U

Referenced by do_command(), and do_commandx().

#define CMD_FLUSH   0x0040U

Referenced by do_command().

#define CMD_INSERT   0x0001U

Referenced by do_command().

#define CMD_LIST   0x0020U

Referenced by do_command().

#define CMD_NEW_CHAIN   0x0100U

Referenced by do_command(), and do_commandx().

#define CMD_NONE   0x0000U

Referenced by do_command(), and do_commandx().

#define CMD_RENAME_CHAIN   0x1000U

Referenced by do_command(), and do_commandx().

#define CMD_REPLACE   0x0008U

Referenced by do_command(), and do_commandx().

#define CMD_SET_POLICY   0x0400U

Referenced by do_command(), and do_commandx().

#define CMD_ZERO   0x0080U

Referenced by do_command(), and do_commandx().

#define FALSE   0

Referenced by check_inverse(), and do_command().

#define FMT (   tab,
)    ((format) & FMT_NOTABLE ? (notab) : (notab))
#define FMT_KILOMEGAGIGA   0x0004

Referenced by print_header(), and xtables_print_num().

#define FMT_LINENUMBERS   0x0100
#define FMT_NONEWLINE   0x0080
#define FMT_NOTABLE   0x0010

Referenced by print_header().

#define FMT_NOTARGET   0x0020
#define FMT_NUMERIC   0x0001
#define FMT_OPTIONS   0x0008

Referenced by print_header().

Definition: arptables.c:64
Definition: arptables.c:65
#define FMT_VIA
Definition: arptables.c:67
Definition: arptables.c:61
Definition: arptables.c:62
#define FMT_VIA   0x0040

Referenced by print_header(), and print_ifaces().

#define NUMBER_OF_CMD   13
#define NUMBER_OF_OPT   16

Referenced by main().

#define NUMOPCODES   9
#define OPT_COUNTERS   0x08000U

Referenced by do_command().

#define OPT_D_IP   0x00004U

Referenced by do_command().

#define OPT_D_MAC   0x00010U

Referenced by do_command().

#define OPT_H_LENGTH   0x00020U

Referenced by do_command().

#define OPT_H_TYPE   0x00100U

Referenced by do_command().

#define OPT_JUMP   0x00400U

Referenced by do_command().

#define OPT_LINENUMBERS   0x04000U

Referenced by do_command().

#define OPT_NONE   0x00000U
#define OPT_NUMERIC   0x00001U
#define OPT_OPCODE   0x00080U

Referenced by do_command().

#define OPT_P_LENGTH   0x00040U
#define OPT_P_TYPE   0x00200U

Referenced by do_command().

#define OPT_S_IP   0x00002U

Referenced by do_command().

#define OPT_S_MAC   0x00008U

Referenced by do_command().

#define OPT_VERBOSE   0x00800U

Referenced by do_command().

#define OPT_VIANAMEIN   0x01000U

Referenced by do_command().

#define OPT_VIANAMEOUT   0x02000U

Referenced by do_command().

#define OPTION_OFFSET   256
#define PROC_SYS_MODPROBE   "/proc/sys/kernel/modprobe"
#define TRUE   1

Referenced by check_inverse(), and do_command().

Function Documentation

char* addr_to_anyname ( const struct in_addr *  addr)

References addr_to_dotted(), name, and NULL.

Here is the call graph for this function:

char* addr_to_dotted ( const struct in_addr *  addrp)

References buf.

Referenced by addr_to_anyname(), and mask_to_dotted().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int arptables_insmod ( const char *  modname,
const char *  modprobe 

References buf, and NULL.

Referenced by do_command().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int check_inverse ( const char  option[],
int *  invert,
int *  optind,
int  argc 

References exit_error(), FALSE, PARAMETER_PROBLEM, and TRUE.

Referenced by do_command(), and do_commandarp().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int delete_chain ( const arpt_chainlabel  chain,
int  verbose,
arptc_handle_t handle 

References arptc_delete_chain(), delete_chain(), and for_each_chain().

Referenced by delete_chain(), and do_command().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int do_command ( int  argc,
char *  argv[],
char **  table,
arptc_handle_t handle 

References arpt_devaddr_info::addr, arpt_arp::arhln, arpt_arp::arhln_mask, arpt_arp::arhrd, arpt_arp::arhrd_mask, arpt_entry::arp, arpt_arp::arpop, arpt_arp::arpop_mask, arpt_arp::arpro, arpt_arp::arpro_mask, ARPT_ALIGN, ARPT_FUNCTION_MAXNAMELEN, ARPT_INV_SRCIP, ARPT_INV_TGTIP, ARPT_STANDARD_TARGET, arptables_insmod(), arptc_create_chain(), arptc_delete_num_entry(), arptc_init(), arptc_is_chain(), arptc_rename_chain(), arptc_set_policy(), arptc_strerror(), arpt_counters::bcnt, check_inverse(), CMD_APPEND, CMD_DELETE, CMD_DELETE_CHAIN, CMD_DELETE_NUM, CMD_FLUSH, CMD_INSERT, CMD_LIST, CMD_NEW_CHAIN, CMD_NONE, CMD_RENAME_CHAIN, CMD_REPLACE, CMD_SET_POLICY, CMD_ZERO, arpt_entry::counters, delete_chain(), dump_entries(), exit_error(), exit_printhelp(), exit_tryhelp(), arptables_target::extra_opts, FALSE, arptables_target::final_check, find_match(), find_target(), flush_entries(), get16_and_mask(), getlength_and_mask(), getmac_and_mask(), arpt_arp::iniface, arpt_arp::iniface_mask, arptables_target::init, arpt_arp::invflags, LOAD_MUST_SUCCEED, arpt_devaddr_info::mask, arptables_target::next, NULL, NUMOPCODES, OPT_COUNTERS, OPT_D_IP, OPT_D_MAC, OPT_H_LENGTH, OPT_H_TYPE, OPT_JUMP, OPT_LINENUMBERS, OPT_NUMERIC, OPT_OPCODE, OPT_P_TYPE, OPT_S_IP, OPT_S_MAC, OPT_VERBOSE, OPT_VIANAMEIN, OPT_VIANAMEOUT, arptables_target::option_offset, opts, arpt_arp::outiface, arpt_arp::outiface_mask, PARAMETER_PROBLEM, arptables_target::parse, parse_hostnetworkmask(), arpt_counters::pcnt, program_name, program_version, RUNTIME_NF_ARP_NUMHOOKS, arptables_target::size, size, arpt_arp::src_devaddr, arptables_target::t, arpt_entry_target::target_size, arptables_target::tflags, arpt_arp::tgt_devaddr, arpt_arp::tmsk, TRUE, TRY_LOAD, arpt_entry_target::u, arptables_target::used, arpt_entry_target::user, and VERSION_PROBLEM.

Referenced by main().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

struct in_addr* dotted_to_addr ( const char *  dotted)

References buf, NULL, and string_to_number().

Referenced by parse_hostnetwork().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void dump_entries ( const arptc_handle_t  handle)

Referenced by do_command(), and do_command4().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void exit_error ( enum exittype  status,
char *  msg,

References exit_tryhelp(), PARAMETER_PROBLEM, program_name, program_version, and VERSION_PROBLEM.

Referenced by check_inverse(), do_command(), find_match(), find_target(), generic_opt_check(), ipset_parse_file(), main(), parse_commandline(), and parse_hostnetwork().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void exit_tryhelp ( int  status)
struct arptables_match* find_match ( const char *  name,
enum arpt_tryload  tryload 

References DONT_LOAD, exit_error(), LOAD_MUST_SUCCEED, arptables_match::loaded, arptables_match::name, arptables_match::next, NULL, PARAMETER_PROBLEM, and arptables_match::used.

Referenced by do_command(), and register_match().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

struct arptables_target* find_target ( const char *  name,
enum arpt_tryload  tryload 
int flush_entries ( const arpt_chainlabel  chain,
int  verbose,
arptc_handle_t handle 

References arptc_flush_entries(), flush_entries(), and for_each_chain().

Referenced by do_command(), and flush_entries().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int for_each_chain ( int(*)(const arpt_chainlabel, int, arptc_handle_t *)  fn,
int  verbose,
int  builtinstoo,
arptc_handle_t handle 

References arptc_builtin(), arptc_first_chain(), and arptc_next_chain().

Referenced by delete_chain(), and flush_entries().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int get16_and_mask ( char *  from,
uint16_t *  to,
uint16_t *  mask,
int  base 

References buffer, and NULL.

Referenced by do_command(), and do_commandarp().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int getlength_and_mask ( char *  from,
uint8_t *  to,
uint8_t *  mask 

References buffer, and NULL.

Referenced by do_command(), and do_commandarp().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int getmac_and_mask ( char *  from,
char *  to,
char *  mask 

References ETH_ALEN, mac_type_broadcast, mac_type_multicast, mac_type_unicast, msk_type_broadcast, msk_type_multicast, msk_type_unicast, and NULL.

Referenced by do_command(), and do_commandarp().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

char* mask_to_dotted ( const struct in_addr *  mask)

References addr_to_dotted(), and buf.

Here is the call graph for this function:

struct in_addr* parse_hostnetwork ( const char *  name,
unsigned int *  naddrs 

References dotted_to_addr(), exit_error(), NULL, and PARAMETER_PROBLEM.

Referenced by parse_hostnetworkmask().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void parse_hostnetworkmask ( const char *  name,
struct in_addr **  addrpp,
struct in_addr *  maskp,
unsigned int *  naddrs 

References buf, NULL, and parse_hostnetwork().

Referenced by do_command(), and do_commandarp().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void print_mac ( const unsigned char *  mac,
int  l 

Referenced by print_mac_and_mask().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void print_mac_and_mask ( const unsigned char *  mac,
const unsigned char *  mask,
int  l 

References print_mac().

Here is the call graph for this function:

int string_to_number ( const char *  s,
unsigned int  min,
unsigned int  max,
unsigned int *  ret 

Referenced by dotted_to_addr().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

struct arptables_match* arptables_matches = NULL
struct arptables_target* arptables_targets = NULL

Referenced by register_target().

unsigned char mac_type_broadcast[ETH_ALEN] = {255,255,255,255,255,255}

Referenced by getmac_and_mask().

unsigned char mac_type_multicast[ETH_ALEN] = {1,0,0,0,0,0}

Referenced by getmac_and_mask().

unsigned char mac_type_unicast[ETH_ALEN] = {0,0,0,0,0,0}

Referenced by getmac_and_mask().

unsigned char msk_type_broadcast[ETH_ALEN] = {255,255,255,255,255,255}

Referenced by getmac_and_mask().

unsigned char msk_type_multicast[ETH_ALEN] = {1,0,0,0,0,0}

Referenced by getmac_and_mask().

unsigned char msk_type_unicast[ETH_ALEN] = {1,0,0,0,0,0}

Referenced by getmac_and_mask().

const char* program_version = ARPTABLES_VERSION

Referenced by do_command(), TC_BUILTIN(), and TC_INIT().