This is the complete list of members for pqxx::robusttransaction< ISOLATIONLEVEL >, including all inherited members.
abort() | pqxx::transaction_base | |
basic_robusttransaction(connection_base &C, const PGSTD::string &IsolationLevel, const PGSTD::string &table_name=PGSTD::string()) | pqxx::basic_robusttransaction | protected |
Begin() | pqxx::transaction_base | protected |
classname() const | pqxx::internal::namedclass | inline |
commit() | pqxx::transaction_base | |
conn() const | pqxx::transaction_base | inline |
dbtransaction(connection_base &, const PGSTD::string &IsolationString, readwrite_policy rw=read_write) | pqxx::dbtransaction | protected |
dbtransaction(connection_base &, bool direct=true, readwrite_policy rw=read_write) | pqxx::dbtransaction | explicitprotected |
description() const | pqxx::internal::namedclass | |
DirectExec(const char C[], int Retries=0) | pqxx::transaction_base | protected |
do_exec(const char Query[]) | pqxx::dbtransaction | protectedvirtual |
End() | pqxx::transaction_base | protected |
esc(const char str[]) const | pqxx::transaction_base | inline |
esc(const char str[], size_t maxlen) const | pqxx::transaction_base | inline |
esc(const PGSTD::string &str) const | pqxx::transaction_base | inline |
esc_raw(const unsigned char str[], size_t len) const | pqxx::transaction_base | inline |
esc_raw(const PGSTD::string &) const | pqxx::transaction_base | |
exec(const PGSTD::string &Query, const PGSTD::string &Desc=PGSTD::string()) | pqxx::transaction_base | |
exec(const PGSTD::stringstream &Query, const PGSTD::string &Desc=PGSTD::string()) | pqxx::transaction_base | inline |
fullname(const PGSTD::string &ttype, const PGSTD::string &isolation) | pqxx::dbtransaction | protectedstatic |
get_variable(const PGSTD::string &) | pqxx::transaction_base | |
isolation_tag typedef | pqxx::robusttransaction< ISOLATIONLEVEL > | |
m_reactivation_avoidance | pqxx::transaction_base | protected |
name() const | pqxx::internal::namedclass | inline |
namedclass(const PGSTD::string &Classname, const PGSTD::string &Name="") | pqxx::internal::namedclass | inline |
parameterized(const PGSTD::string &query) | pqxx::transaction_base | |
prepared(const PGSTD::string &statement=PGSTD::string()) | pqxx::transaction_base | |
process_notice(const char Msg[]) const | pqxx::transaction_base | inline |
process_notice(const PGSTD::string &Msg) const | pqxx::transaction_base | inline |
quote(const T &t) const | pqxx::transaction_base | inline |
quote_name(const PGSTD::string &identifier) const | pqxx::transaction_base | inline |
quote_raw(const unsigned char str[], size_t len) const | pqxx::transaction_base | inline |
quote_raw(const PGSTD::string &str) const | pqxx::transaction_base | |
reactivation_avoidance_clear() | pqxx::transaction_base | inlineprotected |
robusttransaction(connection_base &C, const PGSTD::string &Name=PGSTD::string()) | pqxx::robusttransaction< ISOLATIONLEVEL > | inlineexplicit |
set_variable(const PGSTD::string &Var, const PGSTD::string &Val) | pqxx::transaction_base | |
start_backend_transaction() | pqxx::dbtransaction | protected |
transaction_base(connection_base &c, bool direct=true) | pqxx::transaction_base | explicitprotected |
~basic_robusttransaction()=0 | pqxx::basic_robusttransaction | pure virtual |
~dbtransaction() | pqxx::dbtransaction | virtual |
~robusttransaction() | pqxx::robusttransaction< ISOLATIONLEVEL > | inlinevirtual |
~transaction_base()=0 | pqxx::transaction_base | pure virtual |