PGSTD | Alias for the standard namespace "<tt>std</tt>" |
  back_insert_iterator< pqxx::tablewriter > | |
  char_traits | Work around missing std::char_traits |
  char_traits< char > | Work around missing std::char_traits<char> |
  char_traits< unsigned char > | Work around missing std::char_traits<unsigned char> |
 pqxx | The home of all libpqxx classes, functions, templates, etc |
  internal | Private namespace for libpqxx's internal use; do not access |
   gate | |
    connection_dbtransaction | |
    connection_errorhandler | |
    connection_largeobject | |
    connection_notification_receiver | |
    connection_parameterized_invocation | |
    connection_pipeline | |
    connection_prepare_invocation | |
    connection_reactivation_avoidance_exemption | |
    connection_sql_cursor | |
    connection_transaction | |
    errorhandler_connection_base | |
    icursor_iterator_icursorstream | |
    icursorstream_icursor_iterator | |
    result_connection | |
    result_creation | |
    result_sql_cursor | |
    transaction_subtransaction | |
    transaction_tablereader | |
    transaction_tablewriter | |
    transaction_transactionfocus | |
   pq | Forward declarations of libpq types as needed in libpqxx headers |
   callgate | Base class for call gates |
   deref_ptr | |
   dereference | Functor: dereference iterator |
   Escaper | |
   namedclass | |
   notify_listener_forwarder | Internal helper class to support old-style, payloadless notifications |
   parameterized_invocation | |
   PQAlloc | Reference-counted smart pointer to libpq-allocated object |
   reactivation_avoidance_counter | |
   reactivation_avoidance_exemption | Scoped exemption to reactivation avoidance |
   refcount | Helper class used in reference counting (doubly-linked circular list) Reference-counted smart-pointer for libpq-allocated resources |
   result_data | Information shared between all copies of a result set |
   scoped_array | |
   sql_cursor | Cursor with SQL positioning semantics |
   statement_parameters | |
   transactionfocus | |
   unique | Ensure proper opening/closing of GUEST objects related to a "host" object |
  prepare | Dedicated namespace for helper types related to prepared statements |
   internal | |
    prepared_def | Internal representation of a prepared statement definition |
   invocation | Helper class for passing parameters to, and executing, prepared statements |
  argument_error | Invalid argument passed to libpqxx, similar to std::invalid_argument |
  basic_connection | The ultimate template that defines a connection type |
  basic_fieldstream | Input stream that gets its data from a result field |
  basic_ilostream | Input stream that gets its data from a large object |
  basic_lostream | Stream that reads and writes a large object |
  basic_olostream | Output stream that writes data back to a large object |
  basic_robusttransaction | |
  basic_transaction | |
  binarystring | |
  broken_connection | Exception class for lost or failed backend connection |
  check_violation | |
  connect_async | Asynchronous connection policy; connects "in the background" |
  connect_direct | Connection policy; creates an immediate connection to a database |
  connect_lazy | Lazy connection policy; causes connection to be deferred until first use |
  connect_null | Nonfunctional, always-down connection policy for testing/debugging purposes |
  connection_base | Connection_base abstract base class; represents a connection to a database |
  connectionpolicy | |
  const_result_iterator | Iterator for rows (tuples) in a result. Use as result::const_iterator |
  const_reverse_result_iterator | Reverse iterator for result. Use as result::const_reverse_iterator |
  const_reverse_tuple_iterator | Reverse iterator for a tuple. Use as tuple::const_reverse_iterator |
  const_tuple_iterator | Iterator for fields in a tuple. Use as tuple::const_iterator |
  conversion_error | |
  cursor_base | Common definitions for cursor types |
  data_exception | Error in data provided to SQL statement |
  dbtransaction | |
  disk_full | |
  errorhandler | Base class for error-handler callbacks |
  failure | Run-time failure encountered by libpqxx, similar to std::runtime_error |
  feature_not_supported | Database feature not supported in current setup |
  field | Reference to a field in a result set |
  field_streambuf | |
  foreign_key_violation | |
  icursor_iterator | Approximate istream_iterator for icursorstream |
  icursorstream | Simple read-only cursor represented as a stream of results |
  in_doubt_error | "Help, I don't know whether transaction was committed successfully!" |
  insufficient_privilege | |
  insufficient_resources | Resource shortage on the server |
  integrity_constraint_violation | |
  internal_error | Internal error in libpqxx library |
  invalid_cursor_name | |
  invalid_cursor_state | |
  invalid_sql_statement_name | |
  isolation_traits | Traits class to describe an isolation level; primarly for libpqxx's own use |
  items | Container of items with easy contents initialization and string rendering |
  largeobject | Identity of a large object |
  largeobject_streambuf | Streambuf to use large objects in standard I/O streams |
  largeobjectaccess | Accessor for large object's contents |
  nontransaction | |
  not_null_violation | |
  notification_receiver | |
  notify_listener | Obsolete notification receiver |
  out_of_memory | |
  pipeline | Processes several queries in FIFO manner, optimized for high throughput |
   getquery | |
   Query | |
  plpgsql_error | PL/pgSQL error |
  plpgsql_no_data_found | |
  plpgsql_raise | Exception raised in PL/pgSQL procedure |
  plpgsql_too_many_rows | |
  pqxx_exception | Mixin base class to identify libpqxx-specific exception types |
  quiet_errorhandler | An error handler that suppresses any previously registered error handlers |
  range_error | Something is out of range, similar to std::out_of_range |
  restrict_violation | |
  result | Result set containing data returned by a query or command |
  robusttransaction | Slightly slower, better-fortified version of transaction |
  sql_error | Exception class for failed queries |
  stateless_cursor | "Stateless cursor" class: easy API for retrieving parts of result sets |
  string_traits | Traits class for use in string conversions |
  string_traits< bool > | |
  string_traits< char * > | String traits for non-const C-style string ("pointer to char") |
  string_traits< char[N]> | String traits for C-style string constant ("array of char") |
  string_traits< const char * > | String traits for C-style string ("pointer to const char") |
  string_traits< const char[N]> | String traits for "array of const char." |
  string_traits< const PGSTD::string > | |
  string_traits< double > | |
  string_traits< float > | |
  string_traits< int > | |
  string_traits< long > | |
  string_traits< PGSTD::string > | |
  string_traits< PGSTD::stringstream > | |
  string_traits< short > | |
  string_traits< unsigned int > | |
  string_traits< unsigned long > | |
  string_traits< unsigned short > | |
  subtransaction | "Transaction" nested within another transaction |
  syntax_error | |
  tablereader | |
  tablestream | |
  tablewriter | |
  thread_safety_model | Descriptor of library's thread-safety model |
  too_many_connections | |
  transaction | Standard back-end transaction, templatized on isolation level |
  transaction_base | |
  transactor | |
  tuple | Reference to one row in a result |
  undefined_column | |
  undefined_function | |
  undefined_table | |
  unique_violation | |
  usage_error | Error in usage of libpqxx library, similar to std::logic_error |
 CONT | |