Loxahatchee  v0.0.1-1346
Lox Convenience C++ Library
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]

Several simple methods to handle collections of similar colours


Exception class with an easy-to-use embedded backtrace


Class to help manage currency


Common functions to work with integers and doubles


Common functions to work with dollar amounts


Several simple convenience functions for string handling


Common functions to handle timestamps and date/time strings


Several common or convenient data types

 LoxDBTools.hppHelpful or common database functions

Several common or convenient database-centric data types

 LoxPQDB.cppPostgreSQL database class with simplified access to libpq++

PostgreSQL database class with simplified access to libpq++


Logging system, uses syslog on posix and normal logging on Windows

 Lox.cppSeveral very simple functions to return basic information on Loxahatchee

Common methods and functionality easily shared between projects

 Loxahatchee.hppFor convenience, include all of the Loxahatchee header files at once
 LoxBuildDate.cppThis source file is automatically recompiled at every build to ensure the date+time is kept up-to-date
 LoxMeasurement.cppCommon functions to work with and convert metric and imperial measurements

Common functions to work with and convert metric and imperial measurements


Several convenient data types for metric values or metric <-> imperial conversions

 LoxTemperature.cppCommon functions to work with and convert metric and imperial temperatures

Common functions to work with and convert metric and imperial temperatures