JUCE  v5.4.1-191-g0ab5e696f
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juce_core.h File Reference
#include "system/juce_TargetPlatform.h"
#include "system/juce_StandardHeader.h"
#include "memory/juce_Memory.h"
#include "maths/juce_MathsFunctions.h"
#include "memory/juce_ByteOrder.h"
#include "memory/juce_Atomic.h"
#include "text/juce_CharacterFunctions.h"
#include "text/juce_CharPointer_UTF8.h"
#include "text/juce_CharPointer_UTF16.h"
#include "text/juce_CharPointer_UTF32.h"
#include "text/juce_CharPointer_ASCII.h"
#include "text/juce_String.h"
#include "text/juce_StringRef.h"
#include "logging/juce_Logger.h"
#include "memory/juce_LeakedObjectDetector.h"
#include "memory/juce_ContainerDeletePolicy.h"
#include "memory/juce_HeapBlock.h"
#include "memory/juce_MemoryBlock.h"
#include "memory/juce_ReferenceCountedObject.h"
#include "memory/juce_ScopedPointer.h"
#include "memory/juce_OptionalScopedPointer.h"
#include "memory/juce_Singleton.h"
#include "memory/juce_WeakReference.h"
#include "threads/juce_ScopedLock.h"
#include "threads/juce_CriticalSection.h"
#include "maths/juce_Range.h"
#include "maths/juce_NormalisableRange.h"
#include "maths/juce_StatisticsAccumulator.h"
#include "containers/juce_ElementComparator.h"
#include "containers/juce_ArrayAllocationBase.h"
#include "containers/juce_ArrayBase.h"
#include "containers/juce_Array.h"
#include "containers/juce_LinkedListPointer.h"
#include "containers/juce_ListenerList.h"
#include "containers/juce_OwnedArray.h"
#include "containers/juce_ReferenceCountedArray.h"
#include "containers/juce_ScopedValueSetter.h"
#include "containers/juce_SortedSet.h"
#include "containers/juce_SparseSet.h"
#include "containers/juce_AbstractFifo.h"
#include "text/juce_NewLine.h"
#include "text/juce_StringPool.h"
#include "text/juce_Identifier.h"
#include "text/juce_StringArray.h"
#include "text/juce_StringPairArray.h"
#include "text/juce_TextDiff.h"
#include "text/juce_LocalisedStrings.h"
#include "text/juce_Base64.h"
#include "misc/juce_Result.h"
#include "misc/juce_Uuid.h"
#include "misc/juce_ConsoleApplication.h"
#include "containers/juce_Variant.h"
#include "containers/juce_NamedValueSet.h"
#include "containers/juce_DynamicObject.h"
#include "containers/juce_HashMap.h"
#include "system/juce_SystemStats.h"
#include "memory/juce_HeavyweightLeakedObjectDetector.h"
#include "time/juce_RelativeTime.h"
#include "time/juce_Time.h"
#include "streams/juce_InputStream.h"
#include "streams/juce_OutputStream.h"
#include "streams/juce_BufferedInputStream.h"
#include "streams/juce_MemoryInputStream.h"
#include "streams/juce_MemoryOutputStream.h"
#include "streams/juce_SubregionStream.h"
#include "streams/juce_InputSource.h"
#include "files/juce_File.h"
#include "files/juce_DirectoryIterator.h"
#include "files/juce_FileInputStream.h"
#include "files/juce_FileOutputStream.h"
#include "files/juce_FileSearchPath.h"
#include "files/juce_MemoryMappedFile.h"
#include "files/juce_TemporaryFile.h"
#include "files/juce_FileFilter.h"
#include "files/juce_WildcardFileFilter.h"
#include "streams/juce_FileInputSource.h"
#include "logging/juce_FileLogger.h"
#include "javascript/juce_JSON.h"
#include "javascript/juce_Javascript.h"
#include "maths/juce_BigInteger.h"
#include "maths/juce_Expression.h"
#include "maths/juce_Random.h"
#include "misc/juce_RuntimePermissions.h"
#include "misc/juce_WindowsRegistry.h"
#include "threads/juce_ChildProcess.h"
#include "threads/juce_DynamicLibrary.h"
#include "threads/juce_HighResolutionTimer.h"
#include "threads/juce_InterProcessLock.h"
#include "threads/juce_Process.h"
#include "threads/juce_SpinLock.h"
#include "threads/juce_WaitableEvent.h"
#include "threads/juce_Thread.h"
#include "threads/juce_ThreadLocalValue.h"
#include "threads/juce_ThreadPool.h"
#include "threads/juce_TimeSliceThread.h"
#include "threads/juce_ReadWriteLock.h"
#include "threads/juce_ScopedReadLock.h"
#include "threads/juce_ScopedWriteLock.h"
#include "network/juce_IPAddress.h"
#include "network/juce_MACAddress.h"
#include "network/juce_NamedPipe.h"
#include "network/juce_Socket.h"
#include "network/juce_URL.h"
#include "network/juce_WebInputStream.h"
#include "streams/juce_URLInputSource.h"
#include "time/juce_PerformanceCounter.h"
#include "unit_tests/juce_UnitTest.h"
#include "xml/juce_XmlDocument.h"
#include "xml/juce_XmlElement.h"
#include "zip/juce_GZIPCompressorOutputStream.h"
#include "zip/juce_GZIPDecompressorInputStream.h"
#include "zip/juce_ZipFile.h"
#include "containers/juce_PropertySet.h"
#include "memory/juce_SharedResourcePointer.h"
This graph shows which files directly or indirectly include this file:




 Config: JUCE_CATCH_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTIONS If enabled, this will add some exception-catching code to forward unhandled exceptions to your JUCEApplicationBase::unhandledException() callback. More...
 Config: JUCE_INCLUDE_ZLIB_CODE This can be used to disable Juce's embedded 3rd-party zlib code. More...
 Config: JUCE_LOAD_CURL_SYMBOLS_LAZILY If enabled, JUCE will load libcurl lazily when required (for example, when WebInputStream is used). More...
 Config: JUCE_FORCE_DEBUG. More...
 Config: JUCE_STRICT_REFCOUNTEDPOINTER If enabled, this will make the ReferenceCountedObjectPtr class stricter about allowing itself to be cast directly to a raw pointer. More...
#define JUCE_USE_CURL   1
 Config: JUCE_USE_CURL Enables http/https support via libcurl (Linux only). More...
#define JUCE_ZLIB_INCLUDE_PATH   <zlib.h>


bool juce::juce_isRunningUnderDebugger () noexcept
void juce::logAssertion (const char *file, int line) noexcept

Macro Definition Documentation



Config: JUCE_CATCH_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTIONS If enabled, this will add some exception-catching code to forward unhandled exceptions to your JUCEApplicationBase::unhandledException() callback.

Config: JUCE_ALLOW_STATIC_NULL_VARIABLES If disabled, this will turn off dangerous static globals like String::empty, var::null, etc which can cause nasty order-of-initialisation problems if they are referenced during static constructor code.




Enables a memory-leak check for certain objects when the app terminates. See the LeakedObjectDetector class and the JUCE_LEAK_DETECTOR macro for more details about enabling leak checking for specific classes.






In a Visual C++ build, this can be used to stop the required system libs being automatically added to the link stage.



Config: JUCE_INCLUDE_ZLIB_CODE This can be used to disable Juce's embedded 3rd-party zlib code.

You might need to tweak this if you're linking to an external zlib library in your app, but for normal apps, this option should be left alone.

If you disable this, you might also want to set a value for JUCE_ZLIB_INCLUDE_PATH, to specify the path where your zlib headers live.



Config: JUCE_LOAD_CURL_SYMBOLS_LAZILY If enabled, JUCE will load libcurl lazily when required (for example, when WebInputStream is used).

Enabling this flag may also help with library dependency erros as linking libcurl at compile-time may instruct the linker to hard depend on a specific version of libcurl. It's also useful if you want to limit the amount of JUCE dependencies and you are not using WebInputStream or the URL classes.




Normally, JUCE_DEBUG is set to 1 or 0 based on compiler and project settings, but if you define this value, you can override this to force it to be true or false.Config: JUCE_LOG_ASSERTIONS

If this flag is enabled, the jassert and jassertfalse macros will always use Logger::writeToLog() to write a message when an assertion happens.

Enabling it will also leave this turned on in release builds. When it's disabled, however, the jassert and jassertfalse macros will not be compiled in a release build.

See also
jassert, jassertfalse, Logger



Config: JUCE_STRICT_REFCOUNTEDPOINTER If enabled, this will make the ReferenceCountedObjectPtr class stricter about allowing itself to be cast directly to a raw pointer.

By default this is disabled, for compatibility with old code, but if possible, you should always enable it to improve code safety!




#define JUCE_USE_CURL   1

Config: JUCE_USE_CURL Enables http/https support via libcurl (Linux only).

Enabling this will add an additional run-time dynamic dependency to libcurl.

If you disable this then https/ssl support will not be available on linux.


#define JUCE_ZLIB_INCLUDE_PATH   <zlib.h>