This is the complete list of members for XmlElement, including all inherited members.
addChildElement(XmlElement *newChildElement) noexcept | XmlElement | |
addTextElement(const String &text) | XmlElement | |
attributes | XmlElement | private |
compareAttribute(StringRef attributeName, StringRef stringToCompareAgainst, bool ignoreCase=false) const noexcept | XmlElement | |
containsChildElement(const XmlElement *possibleChild) const noexcept | XmlElement | |
copyChildrenAndAttributesFrom(const XmlElement &) | XmlElement | private |
createDocument(StringRef dtdToUse, bool allOnOneLine=false, bool includeXmlHeader=true, StringRef encodingType="UTF-8", int lineWrapLength=60) const | XmlElement | |
createNewChildElement(StringRef tagName) | XmlElement | |
createTextElement(const String &text) | XmlElement | static |
deleteAllChildElements() noexcept | XmlElement | |
deleteAllChildElementsWithTagName(StringRef tagName) noexcept | XmlElement | |
deleteAllTextElements() noexcept | XmlElement | |
findParentElementOf(const XmlElement *childToSearchFor) noexcept | XmlElement | |
firstChildElement | XmlElement | private |
getAllSubText() const | XmlElement | |
getAttribute(StringRef) const noexcept | XmlElement | private |
getAttributeName(int attributeIndex) const noexcept | XmlElement | |
getAttributeValue(int attributeIndex) const noexcept | XmlElement | |
getBoolAttribute(StringRef attributeName, bool defaultReturnValue=false) const | XmlElement | |
getChildByAttribute(StringRef attributeName, StringRef attributeValue) const noexcept | XmlElement | |
getChildByName(StringRef tagNameToLookFor) const noexcept | XmlElement | |
getChildElement(int index) const noexcept | XmlElement | |
getChildElementAllSubText(StringRef childTagName, const String &defaultReturnValue) const | XmlElement | |
getChildElementsAsArray(XmlElement **) const noexcept | XmlElement | private |
getDoubleAttribute(StringRef attributeName, double defaultReturnValue=0.0) const | XmlElement | |
getFirstChildElement() const noexcept | XmlElement | inline |
getIntAttribute(StringRef attributeName, int defaultReturnValue=0) const | XmlElement | |
getNamespace() const | XmlElement | |
getNextElement() const noexcept | XmlElement | inline |
getNextElementWithTagName(StringRef requiredTagName) const | XmlElement | |
getNumAttributes() const noexcept | XmlElement | |
getNumChildElements() const noexcept | XmlElement | |
getStringAttribute(StringRef attributeName) const noexcept | XmlElement | |
getStringAttribute(StringRef attributeName, const String &defaultReturnValue) const | XmlElement | |
getTagName() const noexcept | XmlElement | inline |
getTagNameWithoutNamespace() const | XmlElement | |
getText() const noexcept | XmlElement | |
hasAttribute(StringRef attributeName) const noexcept | XmlElement | |
hasTagName(StringRef possibleTagName) const noexcept | XmlElement | |
hasTagNameIgnoringNamespace(StringRef possibleTagName) const | XmlElement | |
insertChildElement(XmlElement *newChildElement, int indexToInsertAt) noexcept | XmlElement | |
isEquivalentTo(const XmlElement *other, bool ignoreOrderOfAttributes) const noexcept | XmlElement | |
isTextElement() const noexcept | XmlElement | |
isValidXmlName(StringRef possibleName) noexcept | XmlElement | static |
LinkedListPointer< XmlAttributeNode > class | XmlElement | friend |
LinkedListPointer< XmlElement > class | XmlElement | friend |
LinkedListPointer< XmlElement >::Appender class | XmlElement | friend |
NamedValueSet class | XmlElement | friend |
nextListItem | XmlElement | private |
operator=(const XmlElement &) | XmlElement | |
operator=(XmlElement &&) noexcept | XmlElement | |
prependChildElement(XmlElement *newChildElement) noexcept | XmlElement | |
removeAllAttributes() noexcept | XmlElement | |
removeAttribute(const Identifier &attributeName) noexcept | XmlElement | |
removeChildElement(XmlElement *childToRemove, bool shouldDeleteTheChild) noexcept | XmlElement | |
reorderChildElements(XmlElement **, int) noexcept | XmlElement | private |
replaceChildElement(XmlElement *currentChildElement, XmlElement *newChildNode) noexcept | XmlElement | |
setAttribute(const Identifier &attributeName, const String &newValue) | XmlElement | |
setAttribute(const Identifier &attributeName, int newValue) | XmlElement | |
setAttribute(const Identifier &attributeName, double newValue) | XmlElement | |
setText(const String &newText) | XmlElement | |
sortChildElements(ElementComparator &comparator, bool retainOrderOfEquivalentItems=false) | XmlElement | inline |
tagName | XmlElement | private |
writeElementAsText(OutputStream &, int indentationLevel, int lineWrapLength) const | XmlElement | private |
writeToFile(const File &destinationFile, StringRef dtdToUse, StringRef encodingType="UTF-8", int lineWrapLength=60) const | XmlElement | |
writeToStream(OutputStream &output, StringRef dtdToUse, bool allOnOneLine=false, bool includeXmlHeader=true, StringRef encodingType="UTF-8", int lineWrapLength=60) const | XmlElement | |
XmlDocument class | XmlElement | friend |
XmlElement(const String &tagName) | XmlElement | explicit |
XmlElement(const char *tagName) | XmlElement | explicit |
XmlElement(const Identifier &tagName) | XmlElement | explicit |
XmlElement(StringRef tagName) | XmlElement | explicit |
XmlElement(String::CharPointerType tagNameBegin, String::CharPointerType tagNameEnd) | XmlElement | |
XmlElement(const XmlElement &) | XmlElement | |
XmlElement(XmlElement &&) noexcept | XmlElement | |
XmlElement(int) noexcept | XmlElement | private |
XmlElement(const wchar_t *) JUCE_DELETED_FUNCTION | XmlElement | private |
~XmlElement() noexcept | XmlElement |