JUCE  v5.1.1-3-g1a0b28c73
StandalonePluginHolder Class Reference

An object that creates and plays a standalone instance of an AudioProcessor. More...

#include <juce_StandaloneFilterWindow.h>

Inheritance diagram for StandalonePluginHolder:
Collaboration diagram for StandalonePluginHolder:


struct  PluginInOuts
class  SettingsComponent

Public Member Functions

 StandalonePluginHolder (PropertySet *settingsToUse, bool takeOwnershipOfSettings=true, const String &preferredDefaultDeviceName=String(), const AudioDeviceManager::AudioDeviceSetup *preferredSetupOptions=nullptr, const Array< PluginInOuts > &channels=Array< PluginInOuts >())
 Creates an instance of the default plugin. More...
virtual ~StandalonePluginHolder ()
void askUserToLoadState (const String &fileSuffix=String())
 Pops up a dialog letting the user re-load the processor's state from a file. More...
void askUserToSaveState (const String &fileSuffix=String())
 Pops up a dialog letting the user save the processor's state to a file. More...
virtual void createPlugin ()
virtual void deletePlugin ()
File getLastFile () const
ValuegetMuteInputValue ()
bool getProcessorHasPotentialFeedbackLoop () const
void init (bool enableAudioInput, const String &preferredDefaultDeviceName)
bool isInterAppAudioConnected ()
void reloadAudioDeviceState (bool enableAudioInput, const String &preferredDefaultDeviceName, const AudioDeviceManager::AudioDeviceSetup *preferredSetupOptions)
void reloadPluginState ()
void saveAudioDeviceState ()
void savePluginState ()
void setLastFile (const FileChooser &fc)
void showAudioSettingsDialog ()
 Shows an audio properties dialog box modally. More...
void startPlaying ()
void stopPlaying ()
void switchToHostApplication ()

Static Public Member Functions

static String getFilePatterns (const String &fileSuffix)
static StandalonePluginHoldergetInstance ()

Public Attributes

Array< PluginInOutschannelConfiguration
AudioDeviceManager deviceManager
AudioSampleBuffer emptyBuffer
StringArray lastMidiDevices
ScopedPointer< AudioDeviceManager::AudioDeviceSetupoptions
AudioProcessorPlayer player
ScopedPointer< AudioProcessorprocessor
bool processorHasPotentialFeedbackLoop = true
OptionalScopedPointer< PropertySetsettings
Value shouldMuteInput

Private Member Functions

void audioDeviceAboutToStart (AudioIODevice *device) override
 Called to indicate that the device is about to start calling back. More...
virtual void audioDeviceError (const String &errorMessage)
 This can be overridden to be told if the device generates an error while operating. More...
void audioDeviceIOCallback (const float **inputChannelData, int numInputChannels, float **outputChannelData, int numOutputChannels, int numSamples) override
 Processes a block of incoming and outgoing audio data. More...
void audioDeviceStopped () override
 Called to indicate that the device has stopped. More...
int getTimerInterval () const noexcept
 Returns the timer's interval. More...
bool isTimerRunning () const noexcept
 Returns true if the timer is currently running. More...
void setupAudioDevices (bool enableAudioInput, const String &preferredDefaultDeviceName, const AudioDeviceManager::AudioDeviceSetup *preferredSetupOptions)
void shutDownAudioDevices ()
void startTimer (int intervalInMilliseconds) noexcept
 Starts the timer and sets the length of interval required. More...
void startTimerHz (int timerFrequencyHz) noexcept
 Starts the timer with an interval specified in Hertz. More...
void stopTimer () noexcept
 Stops the timer. More...
void timerCallback () override
 The user-defined callback routine that actually gets called periodically. More...

Static Private Member Functions

static void callAfterDelay (int milliseconds, std::function< void()> functionToCall)
 Invokes a lambda after a given number of milliseconds. More...
static void callPendingTimersSynchronously ()
 For internal use only: invokes any timers that need callbacks. More...

Detailed Description

An object that creates and plays a standalone instance of an AudioProcessor.

The object will create your processor using the same createPluginFilter() function that the other plugin wrappers use, and will run it through the computer's audio/MIDI devices using AudioDeviceManager and AudioProcessorPlayer.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ StandalonePluginHolder()

StandalonePluginHolder::StandalonePluginHolder ( PropertySet settingsToUse,
bool  takeOwnershipOfSettings = true,
const String preferredDefaultDeviceName = String(),
const AudioDeviceManager::AudioDeviceSetup preferredSetupOptions = nullptr,
const Array< PluginInOuts > &  channels = Array<PluginInOuts>() 

Creates an instance of the default plugin.

The settings object can be a PropertySet that the class should use to store its settings - the takeOwnershipOfSettings indicates whether this object will delete the settings automatically when no longer needed. The settings can also be nullptr.

A default device name can be passed in.

Preferably a complete setup options object can be used, which takes precedence over the preferredDefaultDeviceName and allows you to select the input & output device names, sample rate, buffer size etc.

In all instances, the settingsToUse will take precedence over the "preferred" options if not null.

References channelConfiguration, createPlugin(), AudioProcessor::getMainBusNumInputChannels(), init(), RuntimePermissions::isGranted(), RuntimePermissions::isRequired(), options, processor, RuntimePermissions::recordAudio, and RuntimePermissions::request().

Referenced by StandaloneFilterWindow::StandaloneFilterWindow().

◆ ~StandalonePluginHolder()

virtual StandalonePluginHolder::~StandalonePluginHolder ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ askUserToLoadState()

void StandalonePluginHolder::askUserToLoadState ( const String fileSuffix = String())

◆ askUserToSaveState()

◆ audioDeviceAboutToStart()

void StandalonePluginHolder::audioDeviceAboutToStart ( AudioIODevice device)

Called to indicate that the device is about to start calling back.

This will be called just before the audio callbacks begin, either when this callback has just been added to an audio device, or after the device has been restarted because of a sample-rate or block-size change.

You can use this opportunity to find out the sample rate and block size that the device is going to use by calling the AudioIODevice::getCurrentSampleRate() and AudioIODevice::getCurrentBufferSizeSamples() on the supplied pointer.

devicethe audio IO device that will be used to drive the callback. Note that if you're going to store this this pointer, it is only valid until the next time that audioDeviceStopped is called.

Implements AudioIODeviceCallback.

References AudioProcessorPlayer::audioDeviceAboutToStart(), AudioBuffer< Type >::clear(), BigInteger::countNumberOfSetBits(), AudioIODevice::getActiveInputChannels(), AudioIODevice::getCurrentBufferSizeSamples(), and AudioBuffer< Type >::setSize().

◆ audioDeviceError()

virtual void AudioIODeviceCallback::audioDeviceError ( const String errorMessage)

This can be overridden to be told if the device generates an error while operating.

Be aware that this could be called by any thread! And not all devices perform this callback.

Reimplemented in SoundPlayer.

◆ audioDeviceIOCallback()

void StandalonePluginHolder::audioDeviceIOCallback ( const float **  inputChannelData,
int  numInputChannels,
float **  outputChannelData,
int  numOutputChannels,
int  numSamples 

Processes a block of incoming and outgoing audio data.

The subclass's implementation should use the incoming audio for whatever purposes it needs to, and must fill all the output channels with the next block of output data before returning.

The channel data is arranged with the same array indices as the channel name array returned by AudioIODevice::getOutputChannelNames(), but those channels that aren't specified in AudioIODevice::open() will have a null pointer for their associated channel, so remember to check for this.

inputChannelDataa set of arrays containing the audio data for each incoming channel - this data is valid until the function returns. There will be one channel of data for each input channel that was enabled when the audio device was opened (see AudioIODevice::open())
numInputChannelsthe number of pointers to channel data in the inputChannelData array.
outputChannelDataa set of arrays which need to be filled with the data that should be sent to each outgoing channel of the device. There will be one channel of data for each output channel that was enabled when the audio device was opened (see AudioIODevice::open()) The initial contents of the array is undefined, so the callback function must fill all the channels with zeros if its output is silence. Failing to do this could cause quite an unpleasant noise!
numOutputChannelsthe number of pointers to channel data in the outputChannelData array.
numSamplesthe number of samples in each channel of the input and output arrays. The number of samples will depend on the audio device's buffer size and will usually remain constant, although this isn't guaranteed, so make sure your code can cope with reasonable changes in the buffer size from one callback to the next.

Implements AudioIODeviceCallback.

References AudioProcessorPlayer::audioDeviceIOCallback(), AudioBuffer< Type >::clear(), AudioBuffer< Type >::getArrayOfReadPointers(), and Value::getValue().

◆ audioDeviceStopped()

void StandalonePluginHolder::audioDeviceStopped ( )

Called to indicate that the device has stopped.

Implements AudioIODeviceCallback.

References AudioProcessorPlayer::audioDeviceStopped(), and AudioBuffer< Type >::setSize().

◆ callAfterDelay()

static void Timer::callAfterDelay ( int  milliseconds,
std::function< void()>  functionToCall 

Invokes a lambda after a given number of milliseconds.

◆ callPendingTimersSynchronously()

static void Timer::callPendingTimersSynchronously ( )

For internal use only: invokes any timers that need callbacks.

Don't call this unless you really know what you're doing!

◆ createPlugin()

◆ deletePlugin()

virtual void StandalonePluginHolder::deletePlugin ( )

References processor, and stopPlaying().

Referenced by ~StandalonePluginHolder().

◆ getFilePatterns()

static String StandalonePluginHolder::getFilePatterns ( const String fileSuffix)

◆ getInstance()

◆ getLastFile()

File StandalonePluginHolder::getLastFile ( ) const

◆ getMuteInputValue()

Value& StandalonePluginHolder::getMuteInputValue ( )

References shouldMuteInput.

◆ getProcessorHasPotentialFeedbackLoop()

bool StandalonePluginHolder::getProcessorHasPotentialFeedbackLoop ( ) const

◆ getTimerInterval()

int Timer::getTimerInterval ( ) const

Returns the timer's interval.

the timer's interval in milliseconds if it's running, or 0 if it's not.


Referenced by CarbonViewWrapperComponent::setOurSizeToEmbeddedViewSize().

◆ init()

void StandalonePluginHolder::init ( bool  enableAudioInput,
const String preferredDefaultDeviceName 

◆ isInterAppAudioConnected()

bool StandalonePluginHolder::isInterAppAudioConnected ( )

◆ isTimerRunning()

bool Timer::isTimerRunning ( ) const

Returns true if the timer is currently running.

◆ reloadAudioDeviceState()

void StandalonePluginHolder::reloadAudioDeviceState ( bool  enableAudioInput,
const String preferredDefaultDeviceName,
const AudioDeviceManager::AudioDeviceSetup preferredSetupOptions 

◆ reloadPluginState()

◆ saveAudioDeviceState()

void StandalonePluginHolder::saveAudioDeviceState ( )

◆ savePluginState()

void StandalonePluginHolder::savePluginState ( )

◆ setLastFile()

void StandalonePluginHolder::setLastFile ( const FileChooser fc)

◆ setupAudioDevices()

void StandalonePluginHolder::setupAudioDevices ( bool  enableAudioInput,
const String preferredDefaultDeviceName,
const AudioDeviceManager::AudioDeviceSetup preferredSetupOptions 

◆ showAudioSettingsDialog()

◆ shutDownAudioDevices()

void StandalonePluginHolder::shutDownAudioDevices ( )

◆ startPlaying()

◆ startTimer()

void Timer::startTimer ( int  intervalInMilliseconds)

Starts the timer and sets the length of interval required.

If the timer is already started, this will reset it, so the time between calling this method and the next timer callback will not be less than the interval length passed in.

intervalInMillisecondsthe interval to use (any value less than 1 will be rounded up to 1)

Referenced by FakeMouseMoveGenerator::FakeMouseMoveGenerator(), init(), and CarbonViewWrapperComponent::setOurSizeToEmbeddedViewSize().

◆ startTimerHz()

void Timer::startTimerHz ( int  timerFrequencyHz)

Starts the timer with an interval specified in Hertz.

This is effectively the same as calling startTimer (1000 / timerFrequencyHz).

Referenced by AnimatedPosition< Behaviour >::endDrag(), AnimatedPosition< Behaviour >::nudge(), and AnimatedPosition< Behaviour >::timerCallback().

◆ stopPlaying()

void StandalonePluginHolder::stopPlaying ( )

◆ stopTimer()

void Timer::stopTimer ( )

Stops the timer.

No more timer callbacks will be triggered after this method returns.

Note that if you call this from a background thread while the message-thread is already in the middle of your callback, then this method will cancel any future timer callbacks, but it will return without waiting for the current one to finish. The current callback will continue, possibly still running some of your timer code after this method has returned.

Referenced by AnimatedPosition< Behaviour >::beginDrag(), CarbonViewWrapperComponent::setOurSizeToEmbeddedViewSize(), AnimatedPosition< Behaviour >::setPosition(), AnimatedPosition< Behaviour >::timerCallback(), and ~StandalonePluginHolder().

◆ switchToHostApplication()

void StandalonePluginHolder::switchToHostApplication ( )

◆ timerCallback()

void StandalonePluginHolder::timerCallback ( )

The user-defined callback routine that actually gets called periodically.

It's perfectly ok to call startTimer() or stopTimer() from within this callback to change the subsequent intervals.

Implements Timer.

References AudioDeviceManager::addMidiInputCallback(), MidiInput::getDevices(), JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR, AudioDeviceManager::removeMidiInputCallback(), and AudioDeviceManager::setMidiInputEnabled().

Member Data Documentation

◆ channelConfiguration

Array<PluginInOuts> StandalonePluginHolder::channelConfiguration

◆ deviceManager

◆ emptyBuffer

AudioSampleBuffer StandalonePluginHolder::emptyBuffer

◆ lastMidiDevices

StringArray StandalonePluginHolder::lastMidiDevices

◆ options

ScopedPointer<AudioDeviceManager::AudioDeviceSetup> StandalonePluginHolder::options

Referenced by init(), and StandalonePluginHolder().

◆ player

AudioProcessorPlayer StandalonePluginHolder::player

◆ processor

◆ processorHasPotentialFeedbackLoop

bool StandalonePluginHolder::processorHasPotentialFeedbackLoop = true

◆ settings

◆ shouldMuteInput

Value StandalonePluginHolder::shouldMuteInput

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