JUCE  v5.1.1-3-g1a0b28c73
Path Member List

This is the complete list of members for Path, including all inherited members.

addArc(float x, float y, float width, float height, float fromRadians, float toRadians, bool startAsNewSubPath=false)Path
addArrow(const Line< float > &line, float lineThickness, float arrowheadWidth, float arrowheadLength)Path
addBubble(const Rectangle< float > &bodyArea, const Rectangle< float > &maximumArea, const Point< float > arrowTipPosition, const float cornerSize, const float arrowBaseWidth)Path
addCentredArc(float centreX, float centreY, float radiusX, float radiusY, float rotationOfEllipse, float fromRadians, float toRadians, bool startAsNewSubPath=false)Path
addEllipse(float x, float y, float width, float height)Path
addEllipse(Rectangle< float > area)Path
addLineSegment(const Line< float > &line, float lineThickness)Path
addPath(const Path &pathToAppend)Path
addPath(const Path &pathToAppend, const AffineTransform &transformToApply)Path
addPieSegment(float x, float y, float width, float height, float fromRadians, float toRadians, float innerCircleProportionalSize)Path
addPieSegment(Rectangle< float > segmentBounds, float fromRadians, float toRadians, float innerCircleProportionalSize)Path
addPolygon(const Point< float > centre, int numberOfSides, float radius, float startAngle=0.0f)Path
addQuadrilateral(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3, float x4, float y4)Path
addRectangle(float x, float y, float width, float height)Path
addRectangle(const Rectangle< ValueType > &rectangle)Pathinline
addRoundedRectangle(float x, float y, float width, float height, float cornerSize)Path
addRoundedRectangle(float x, float y, float width, float height, float cornerSizeX, float cornerSizeY)Path
addRoundedRectangle(float x, float y, float width, float height, float cornerSizeX, float cornerSizeY, bool curveTopLeft, bool curveTopRight, bool curveBottomLeft, bool curveBottomRight)Path
addRoundedRectangle(const Rectangle< ValueType > &rectangle, float cornerSizeX, float cornerSizeY)Pathinline
addRoundedRectangle(const Rectangle< ValueType > &rectangle, float cornerSize)Pathinline
addStar(const Point< float > centre, int numberOfPoints, float innerRadius, float outerRadius, float startAngle=0.0f)Path
addTriangle(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3)Path
addTriangle(Point< float > point1, Point< float > point2, Point< float > point3)Path
applyTransform(const AffineTransform &transform) noexceptPath
clear() noexceptPath
contains(float x, float y, float tolerance=defaultToleranceForTesting) constPath
contains(const Point< float > point, float tolerance=defaultToleranceForTesting) constPath
createPathWithRoundedCorners(float cornerRadius) constPath
cubicTo(float controlPoint1X, float controlPoint1Y, float controlPoint2X, float controlPoint2Y, float endPointX, float endPointY)Path
cubicTo(const Point< float > controlPoint1, const Point< float > controlPoint2, const Point< float > endPoint)Path
getBounds() const noexceptPath
getBoundsTransformed(const AffineTransform &transform) const noexceptPath
getClippedLine(Line< float > line, bool keepSectionOutsidePath) constPath
getCurrentPosition() constPath
getLength(const AffineTransform &transform=AffineTransform(), float tolerance=defaultToleranceForMeasurement) constPath
getNearestPoint(Point< float > targetPoint, Point< float > &pointOnPath, const AffineTransform &transform=AffineTransform(), float tolerance=defaultToleranceForMeasurement) constPath
getPointAlongPath(float distanceFromStart, const AffineTransform &transform=AffineTransform(), float tolerance=defaultToleranceForMeasurement) constPath
getTransformToScaleToFit(float x, float y, float width, float height, bool preserveProportions, Justification justificationType=Justification::centred) constPath
getTransformToScaleToFit(const Rectangle< float > &area, bool preserveProportions, Justification justificationType=Justification::centred) constPath
intersectsLine(Line< float > line, float tolerance=defaultToleranceForTesting)Path
isEmpty() const noexceptPath
isUsingNonZeroWinding() constPathinline
lineTo(float endX, float endY)Path
lineTo(const Point< float > end)Path
loadPathFromData(const void *data, size_t numberOfBytes)Path
loadPathFromStream(InputStream &source)Path
operator!=(const Path &) const noexceptPath
operator=(const Path &)Path
operator=(Path &&) noexceptPath
operator==(const Path &) const noexceptPath
Path(const Path &)Path
Path(Path &&) noexceptPath
Path::Iterator classPathfriend
PathFlatteningIterator classPathfriend
preallocateSpace(int numExtraCoordsToMakeSpaceFor)Path
quadraticTo(float controlPointX, float controlPointY, float endPointX, float endPointY)Path
quadraticTo(const Point< float > controlPoint, const Point< float > endPoint)Path
restoreFromString(StringRef stringVersion)Path
scaleToFit(float x, float y, float width, float height, bool preserveProportions) noexceptPath
setUsingNonZeroWinding(bool isNonZeroWinding) noexceptPath
startNewSubPath(float startX, float startY)Path
startNewSubPath(const Point< float > start)Path
swapWithPath(Path &) noexceptPath
toString() constPath
writePathToStream(OutputStream &destination) constPath