JUCE  v5.1.1-3-g1a0b28c73
LookAndFeel Class Referenceabstract

LookAndFeel objects define the appearance of all the JUCE widgets, and subclasses can be used to apply different 'skins' to the application. More...

#include <juce_LookAndFeel.h>

Inheritance diagram for LookAndFeel:
Collaboration diagram for LookAndFeel:


struct  ColourSetting

Public Member Functions

 LookAndFeel ()
 Creates the default JUCE look and feel. More...
virtual ~LookAndFeel ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual bool areLinesDrawnForTreeView (TreeView &)=0
virtual bool areScrollbarButtonsVisible ()=0
virtual void changeToggleButtonWidthToFitText (ToggleButton &)=0
virtual AlertWindowcreateAlertWindow (const String &title, const String &message, const String &button1, const String &button2, const String &button3, AlertWindow::AlertIconType iconType, int numButtons, Component *associatedComponent)=0
virtual CaretComponentcreateCaretComponent (Component *keyFocusOwner)=0
virtual LabelcreateComboBoxTextBox (ComboBox &)=0
virtual ButtoncreateDocumentWindowButton (int buttonType)=0
virtual DropShadowercreateDropShadowerForComponent (Component *)=0
virtual ButtoncreateFileBrowserGoUpButton ()=0
virtual AttributedString createFileChooserHeaderText (const String &title, const String &instructions)=0
virtual ButtoncreateFilenameComponentBrowseButton (const String &text)=0
virtual LowLevelGraphicsContextcreateGraphicsContext (const Image &imageToRenderOn, const Point< int > &origin, const RectangleList< int > &initialClip)
 Creates a new graphics context object. More...
virtual ButtoncreateSliderButton (Slider &, bool isIncrement)=0
virtual LabelcreateSliderTextBox (Slider &)=0
virtual ButtoncreateTabBarExtrasButton ()=0
virtual void createTabButtonShape (TabBarButton &, Path &path, bool isMouseOver, bool isMouseDown)=0
virtual ButtoncreateToolbarMissingItemsButton (Toolbar &)=0
virtual void drawAlertBox (Graphics &, AlertWindow &, const Rectangle< int > &textArea, TextLayout &)=0
virtual void drawBubble (Graphics &, BubbleComponent &, const Point< float > &positionOfTip, const Rectangle< float > &body)=0
virtual void drawButtonBackground (Graphics &, Button &, const Colour &backgroundColour, bool isMouseOverButton, bool isButtonDown)=0
virtual void drawButtonText (Graphics &, TextButton &, bool isMouseOverButton, bool isButtonDown)=0
 Draws the text for a TextButton. More...
virtual void drawCallOutBoxBackground (CallOutBox &, Graphics &, const Path &, Image &)=0
virtual void drawComboBox (Graphics &, int width, int height, bool isButtonDown, int buttonX, int buttonY, int buttonW, int buttonH, ComboBox &)=0
virtual void drawConcertinaPanelHeader (Graphics &, const Rectangle< int > &area, bool isMouseOver, bool isMouseDown, ConcertinaPanel &, Component &)=0
virtual void drawCornerResizer (Graphics &, int w, int h, bool isMouseOver, bool isMouseDragging)=0
virtual void drawDocumentWindowTitleBar (DocumentWindow &, Graphics &, int w, int h, int titleSpaceX, int titleSpaceW, const Image *icon, bool drawTitleTextOnLeft)=0
virtual void drawDrawableButton (Graphics &, DrawableButton &, bool isMouseOverButton, bool isButtonDown)=0
virtual void drawFileBrowserRow (Graphics &, int width, int height, const File &file, const String &filename, Image *optionalIcon, const String &fileSizeDescription, const String &fileTimeDescription, bool isDirectory, bool isItemSelected, int itemIndex, DirectoryContentsDisplayComponent &)=0
virtual void drawGroupComponentOutline (Graphics &, int w, int h, const String &text, const Justification &, GroupComponent &)=0
virtual void drawImageButton (Graphics &, Image *, int imageX, int imageY, int imageW, int imageH, const Colour &overlayColour, float imageOpacity, ImageButton &)=0
virtual void drawKeymapChangeButton (Graphics &, int width, int height, Button &, const String &keyDescription)=0
virtual void drawLabel (Graphics &, Label &)=0
virtual void drawLasso (Graphics &, Component &lassoComp)=0
virtual void drawLevelMeter (Graphics &, int width, int height, float level)=0
virtual void drawLinearSlider (Graphics &, int x, int y, int width, int height, float sliderPos, float minSliderPos, float maxSliderPos, const Slider::SliderStyle, Slider &)=0
virtual void drawLinearSliderBackground (Graphics &, int x, int y, int width, int height, float sliderPos, float minSliderPos, float maxSliderPos, const Slider::SliderStyle style, Slider &)=0
virtual void drawLinearSliderThumb (Graphics &, int x, int y, int width, int height, float sliderPos, float minSliderPos, float maxSliderPos, const Slider::SliderStyle, Slider &)=0
virtual void drawMenuBarBackground (Graphics &, int width, int height, bool isMouseOverBar, MenuBarComponent &)=0
virtual void drawMenuBarItem (Graphics &, int width, int height, int itemIndex, const String &itemText, bool isMouseOverItem, bool isMenuOpen, bool isMouseOverBar, MenuBarComponent &)=0
virtual void drawPopupMenuBackground (Graphics &, int width, int height)=0
 Fills the background of a popup menu component. More...
virtual void drawPopupMenuItem (Graphics &, const Rectangle< int > &area, bool isSeparator, bool isActive, bool isHighlighted, bool isTicked, bool hasSubMenu, const String &text, const String &shortcutKeyText, const Drawable *icon, const Colour *textColour)=0
 Draws one of the items in a popup menu. More...
virtual void drawPopupMenuSectionHeader (Graphics &, const Rectangle< int > &area, const String &sectionName)=0
virtual void drawPopupMenuUpDownArrow (Graphics &, int width, int height, bool isScrollUpArrow)=0
virtual void drawProgressBar (Graphics &, ProgressBar &, int width, int height, double progress, const String &textToShow)=0
 Draws a progress bar. More...
virtual void drawPropertyComponentBackground (Graphics &, int width, int height, PropertyComponent &)=0
virtual void drawPropertyComponentLabel (Graphics &, int width, int height, PropertyComponent &)=0
virtual void drawPropertyPanelSectionHeader (Graphics &, const String &name, bool isOpen, int width, int height)=0
virtual void drawResizableFrame (Graphics &, int w, int h, const BorderSize< int > &)=0
virtual void drawResizableWindowBorder (Graphics &, int w, int h, const BorderSize< int > &border, ResizableWindow &)=0
virtual void drawRotarySlider (Graphics &, int x, int y, int width, int height, float sliderPosProportional, float rotaryStartAngle, float rotaryEndAngle, Slider &)=0
virtual void drawScrollbar (Graphics &g, ScrollBar &scrollbar, int x, int y, int width, int height, bool isScrollbarVertical, int thumbStartPosition, int thumbSize, bool isMouseOver, bool isMouseDown)=0
 Draws the thumb area of a scrollbar. More...
virtual void drawScrollbarButton (Graphics &g, ScrollBar &scrollbar, int width, int height, int buttonDirection, bool isScrollbarVertical, bool isMouseOverButton, bool isButtonDown)=0
 Draws one of the buttons on a scrollbar. More...
virtual void drawSpinningWaitAnimation (Graphics &, const Colour &colour, int x, int y, int w, int h)=0
 Draws a small image that spins to indicate that something's happening. More...
virtual void drawStretchableLayoutResizerBar (Graphics &, int w, int h, bool isVerticalBar, bool isMouseOver, bool isMouseDragging)=0
virtual void drawTabAreaBehindFrontButton (TabbedButtonBar &, Graphics &, int w, int h)=0
virtual void drawTabbedButtonBarBackground (TabbedButtonBar &, Graphics &)=0
virtual void drawTabButton (TabBarButton &, Graphics &, bool isMouseOver, bool isMouseDown)=0
virtual void drawTabButtonText (TabBarButton &, Graphics &, bool isMouseOver, bool isMouseDown)=0
virtual void drawTableHeaderBackground (Graphics &, TableHeaderComponent &)=0
virtual void drawTableHeaderColumn (Graphics &, const String &columnName, int columnId, int width, int height, bool isMouseOver, bool isMouseDown, int columnFlags)=0
virtual void drawTextEditorOutline (Graphics &, int width, int height, TextEditor &)=0
virtual void drawTickBox (Graphics &, Component &, float x, float y, float w, float h, bool ticked, bool isEnabled, bool isMouseOverButton, bool isButtonDown)=0
virtual void drawToggleButton (Graphics &, ToggleButton &, bool isMouseOverButton, bool isButtonDown)=0
 Draws the contents of a standard ToggleButton. More...
virtual void drawTooltip (Graphics &, const String &text, int width, int height)=0
virtual void drawTreeviewPlusMinusBox (Graphics &, const Rectangle< float > &area, Colour backgroundColour, bool isItemOpen, bool isMouseOver)=0
virtual void fillResizableWindowBackground (Graphics &, int w, int h, const BorderSize< int > &, ResizableWindow &)=0
virtual void fillTabButtonShape (TabBarButton &, Graphics &, const Path &path, bool isMouseOver, bool isMouseDown)=0
virtual void fillTextEditorBackground (Graphics &, int width, int height, TextEditor &)=0
Colour findColour (int colourId) const noexcept
 Looks for a colour that has been registered with the given colour ID number. More...
virtual int getAlertBoxWindowFlags ()=0
virtual int getAlertWindowButtonHeight ()=0
virtual Font getAlertWindowFont ()=0
virtual Font getAlertWindowMessageFont ()=0
virtual Font getAlertWindowTitleFont ()=0
virtual int getCallOutBoxBorderSize (const CallOutBox &)=0
virtual Font getComboBoxFont (ComboBox &)=0
virtual Path getCrossShape (float height)=0
 Returns a cross shape for use in yes/no boxes, etc. More...
virtual const DrawablegetDefaultDocumentFileImage ()=0
virtual const DrawablegetDefaultFolderImage ()=0
virtual int getDefaultMenuBarHeight ()=0
virtual int getDefaultScrollbarWidth ()=0
 Returns the default thickness to use for a scrollbar. More...
virtual void getIdealPopupMenuItemSize (const String &text, bool isSeparator, int standardMenuItemHeight, int &idealWidth, int &idealHeight)=0
 Finds the best size for an item in a popup menu. More...
virtual Font getLabelFont (Label &)=0
virtual Font getMenuBarFont (MenuBarComponent &, int itemIndex, const String &itemText)=0
virtual int getMenuBarItemWidth (MenuBarComponent &, int itemIndex, const String &itemText)=0
virtual int getMenuWindowFlags ()=0
virtual int getMinimumScrollbarThumbSize (ScrollBar &)=0
 Returns the minimum length in pixels to use for a scrollbar thumb. More...
virtual MouseCursor getMouseCursorFor (Component &)
 Override this to get the chance to swap a component's mouse cursor for a customised one. More...
virtual ComponentgetParentComponentForMenuOptions (const PopupMenu::Options &options)=0
virtual Font getPopupMenuFont ()=0
 Returns the size and style of font to use in popup menus. More...
virtual Rectangle< intgetPropertyComponentContentPosition (PropertyComponent &)=0
virtual int getScrollbarButtonSize (ScrollBar &)=0
 Returns the length in pixels to use for a scrollbar button. More...
virtual ImageEffectFiltergetScrollbarEffect ()=0
 Returns the component effect to use for a scrollbar. More...
virtual ImageEffectFiltergetSliderEffect (Slider &)=0
virtual SliderLayout getSliderLayout (Slider &)=0
virtual Font getSliderPopupFont (Slider &)=0
virtual int getSliderPopupPlacement (Slider &)=0
virtual int getSliderThumbRadius (Slider &)=0
virtual int getTabButtonBestWidth (TabBarButton &, int tabDepth)=0
virtual Rectangle< intgetTabButtonExtraComponentBounds (const TabBarButton &, Rectangle< int > &textArea, Component &extraComp)=0
virtual int getTabButtonOverlap (int tabDepth)=0
virtual int getTabButtonSpaceAroundImage ()=0
virtual Font getTextButtonFont (TextButton &, int buttonHeight)=0
virtual int getTextButtonWidthToFitText (TextButton &, int buttonHeight)=0
virtual Path getTickShape (float height)=0
 Returns a tick shape for use in yes/no boxes, etc. More...
virtual Rectangle< intgetTooltipBounds (const String &tipText, Point< int > screenPos, Rectangle< int > parentArea)=0
 returns the bounds for a tooltip at the given screen coordinate, constrained within the given desktop area. More...
virtual int getTreeViewIndentSize (TreeView &)=0
virtual Typeface::Ptr getTypefaceForFont (const Font &)
 Returns the typeface that should be used for a given font. More...
virtual Array< intgetWidthsForTextButtons (AlertWindow &, const Array< TextButton *> &)=0
bool isColourSpecified (int colourId) const noexcept
 Returns true if the specified colour ID has been explicitly set using the setColour() method. More...
virtual bool isProgressBarOpaque (ProgressBar &)=0
bool isUsingNativeAlertWindows ()
virtual void layoutFileBrowserComponent (FileBrowserComponent &browserComp, DirectoryContentsDisplayComponent *fileListComponent, FilePreviewComponent *previewComp, ComboBox *currentPathBox, TextEditor *filenameBox, Button *goUpButton)=0
virtual void layoutFilenameComponent (FilenameComponent &, ComboBox *filenameBox, Button *browseButton)=0
virtual void paintToolbarBackground (Graphics &, int width, int height, Toolbar &)=0
virtual void paintToolbarButtonBackground (Graphics &, int width, int height, bool isMouseOver, bool isMouseDown, ToolbarItemComponent &)=0
virtual void paintToolbarButtonLabel (Graphics &, int x, int y, int width, int height, const String &text, ToolbarItemComponent &)=0
virtual void playAlertSound ()
 Plays the system's default 'beep' noise, to alert the user about something very important. More...
virtual void positionComboBoxText (ComboBox &, Label &labelToPosition)=0
virtual void positionDocumentWindowButtons (DocumentWindow &, int titleBarX, int titleBarY, int titleBarW, int titleBarH, Button *minimiseButton, Button *maximiseButton, Button *closeButton, bool positionTitleBarButtonsOnLeft)=0
virtual void preparePopupMenuWindow (Component &newWindow)=0
void setColour (int colourId, Colour colour) noexcept
 Registers a colour to be used for a particular purpose. More...
void setDefaultSansSerifTypefaceName (const String &newName)
 Allows you to change the default sans-serif font. More...
void setUsingNativeAlertWindows (bool shouldUseNativeAlerts)
virtual bool shouldPopupMenuScaleWithTargetComponent (const PopupMenu::Options &options)=0
 Return true if you want your popup menus to scale with the target component's AffineTransform or scale factor. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static LookAndFeelgetDefaultLookAndFeel () noexcept
 Returns the current default look-and-feel for a component to use when it hasn't got one explicitly set. More...
static void setDefaultLookAndFeel (LookAndFeel *newDefaultLookAndFeel) noexcept
 Changes the default look-and-feel. More...

Private Attributes

SortedSet< ColourSettingcolours
String defaultFixed
String defaultSans
String defaultSerif
WeakReference< LookAndFeel >::Master masterReference
bool useNativeAlertWindows


class WeakReference< LookAndFeel >

Detailed Description

LookAndFeel objects define the appearance of all the JUCE widgets, and subclasses can be used to apply different 'skins' to the application.

This class is an abstract base-class - for actual look-and-feels that you can instantiate, see LookAndFeel_V1, LookAndFeel_V2 and LookAndFeel_V3.

See also
LookAndFeel_V1, LookAndFeel_V2, LookAndFeel_V3

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ LookAndFeel()

LookAndFeel::LookAndFeel ( )

Creates the default JUCE look and feel.

◆ ~LookAndFeel()

virtual LookAndFeel::~LookAndFeel ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ areLinesDrawnForTreeView()

virtual bool TreeView::LookAndFeelMethods::areLinesDrawnForTreeView ( TreeView )
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2, and LookAndFeel_V3.

◆ areScrollbarButtonsVisible()

virtual bool ScrollBar::LookAndFeelMethods::areScrollbarButtonsVisible ( )
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2, and LookAndFeel_V3.

◆ changeToggleButtonWidthToFitText()

virtual void Button::LookAndFeelMethods::changeToggleButtonWidthToFitText ( ToggleButton )
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ createAlertWindow()

virtual AlertWindow* AlertWindow::LookAndFeelMethods::createAlertWindow ( const String title,
const String message,
const String button1,
const String button2,
const String button3,
AlertWindow::AlertIconType  iconType,
int  numButtons,
Component associatedComponent 
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V4, and LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ createCaretComponent()

virtual CaretComponent* TextEditor::LookAndFeelMethods::createCaretComponent ( Component keyFocusOwner)
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ createComboBoxTextBox()

virtual Label* ComboBox::LookAndFeelMethods::createComboBoxTextBox ( ComboBox )
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ createDocumentWindowButton()

virtual Button* DocumentWindow::LookAndFeelMethods::createDocumentWindowButton ( int  buttonType)
pure virtualinherited

◆ createDropShadowerForComponent()

virtual DropShadower* LookAndFeel::createDropShadowerForComponent ( Component )
pure virtual

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ createFileBrowserGoUpButton()

virtual Button* FileBrowserComponent::LookAndFeelMethods::createFileBrowserGoUpButton ( )
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V4, and LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ createFileChooserHeaderText()

virtual AttributedString FileBrowserComponent::LookAndFeelMethods::createFileChooserHeaderText ( const String title,
const String instructions 
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ createFilenameComponentBrowseButton()

virtual Button* FilenameComponent::LookAndFeelMethods::createFilenameComponentBrowseButton ( const String text)
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ createGraphicsContext()

virtual LowLevelGraphicsContext* LookAndFeel::createGraphicsContext ( const Image imageToRenderOn,
const Point< int > &  origin,
const RectangleList< int > &  initialClip 

Creates a new graphics context object.

◆ createSliderButton()

virtual Button* Slider::LookAndFeelMethods::createSliderButton ( Slider ,
bool  isIncrement 
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2, and LookAndFeel_V1.

◆ createSliderTextBox()

virtual Label* Slider::LookAndFeelMethods::createSliderTextBox ( Slider )
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ createTabBarExtrasButton()

virtual Button* TabbedButtonBar::LookAndFeelMethods::createTabBarExtrasButton ( )
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ createTabButtonShape()

virtual void TabbedButtonBar::LookAndFeelMethods::createTabButtonShape ( TabBarButton ,
Path path,
bool  isMouseOver,
bool  isMouseDown 
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ createToolbarMissingItemsButton()

virtual Button* Toolbar::LookAndFeelMethods::createToolbarMissingItemsButton ( Toolbar )
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ drawAlertBox()

virtual void AlertWindow::LookAndFeelMethods::drawAlertBox ( Graphics ,
AlertWindow ,
const Rectangle< int > &  textArea,
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V4, and LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ drawBubble()

virtual void BubbleComponent::LookAndFeelMethods::drawBubble ( Graphics ,
BubbleComponent ,
const Point< float > &  positionOfTip,
const Rectangle< float > &  body 
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ drawButtonBackground()

virtual void Button::LookAndFeelMethods::drawButtonBackground ( Graphics ,
Button ,
const Colour backgroundColour,
bool  isMouseOverButton,
bool  isButtonDown 
pure virtualinherited

◆ drawButtonText()

virtual void Button::LookAndFeelMethods::drawButtonText ( Graphics ,
TextButton ,
bool  isMouseOverButton,
bool  isButtonDown 
pure virtualinherited

Draws the text for a TextButton.

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ drawCallOutBoxBackground()

virtual void CallOutBox::LookAndFeelMethods::drawCallOutBoxBackground ( CallOutBox ,
Graphics ,
const Path ,
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2, and LookAndFeel_V4.

◆ drawComboBox()

virtual void ComboBox::LookAndFeelMethods::drawComboBox ( Graphics ,
int  width,
int  height,
bool  isButtonDown,
int  buttonX,
int  buttonY,
int  buttonW,
int  buttonH,
pure virtualinherited

◆ drawConcertinaPanelHeader()

virtual void ConcertinaPanel::LookAndFeelMethods::drawConcertinaPanelHeader ( Graphics ,
const Rectangle< int > &  area,
bool  isMouseOver,
bool  isMouseDown,
ConcertinaPanel ,
pure virtualinherited

◆ drawCornerResizer()

virtual void ResizableWindow::LookAndFeelMethods::drawCornerResizer ( Graphics ,
int  w,
int  h,
bool  isMouseOver,
bool  isMouseDragging 
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2, and LookAndFeel_V1.

◆ drawDocumentWindowTitleBar()

virtual void DocumentWindow::LookAndFeelMethods::drawDocumentWindowTitleBar ( DocumentWindow ,
Graphics ,
int  w,
int  h,
int  titleSpaceX,
int  titleSpaceW,
const Image icon,
bool  drawTitleTextOnLeft 
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2, and LookAndFeel_V4.

◆ drawDrawableButton()

virtual void Button::LookAndFeelMethods::drawDrawableButton ( Graphics ,
DrawableButton ,
bool  isMouseOverButton,
bool  isButtonDown 
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ drawFileBrowserRow()

virtual void FileBrowserComponent::LookAndFeelMethods::drawFileBrowserRow ( Graphics ,
int  width,
int  height,
const File file,
const String filename,
Image optionalIcon,
const String fileSizeDescription,
const String fileTimeDescription,
bool  isDirectory,
bool  isItemSelected,
int  itemIndex,
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V4, and LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ drawGroupComponentOutline()

virtual void GroupComponent::LookAndFeelMethods::drawGroupComponentOutline ( Graphics ,
int  w,
int  h,
const String text,
const Justification ,
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ drawImageButton()

virtual void ImageButton::LookAndFeelMethods::drawImageButton ( Graphics ,
Image ,
int  imageX,
int  imageY,
int  imageW,
int  imageH,
const Colour overlayColour,
float  imageOpacity,
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ drawKeymapChangeButton()

virtual void ExtraLookAndFeelBaseClasses::KeyMappingEditorComponentMethods::drawKeymapChangeButton ( Graphics ,
int  width,
int  height,
Button ,
const String keyDescription 
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2, and LookAndFeel_V3.

◆ drawLabel()

virtual void Label::LookAndFeelMethods::drawLabel ( Graphics ,
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ drawLasso()

virtual void ExtraLookAndFeelBaseClasses::LassoComponentMethods::drawLasso ( Graphics ,
Component lassoComp 
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ drawLevelMeter()

virtual void ExtraLookAndFeelBaseClasses::AudioDeviceSelectorComponentMethods::drawLevelMeter ( Graphics ,
int  width,
int  height,
float  level 
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2, and LookAndFeel_V4.

◆ drawLinearSlider()

virtual void Slider::LookAndFeelMethods::drawLinearSlider ( Graphics ,
int  x,
int  y,
int  width,
int  height,
float  sliderPos,
float  minSliderPos,
float  maxSliderPos,
const Slider::SliderStyle  ,
pure virtualinherited

◆ drawLinearSliderBackground()

virtual void Slider::LookAndFeelMethods::drawLinearSliderBackground ( Graphics ,
int  x,
int  y,
int  width,
int  height,
float  sliderPos,
float  minSliderPos,
float  maxSliderPos,
const Slider::SliderStyle  style,
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2, and LookAndFeel_V3.

◆ drawLinearSliderThumb()

virtual void Slider::LookAndFeelMethods::drawLinearSliderThumb ( Graphics ,
int  x,
int  y,
int  width,
int  height,
float  sliderPos,
float  minSliderPos,
float  maxSliderPos,
const Slider::SliderStyle  ,
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ drawMenuBarBackground()

virtual void PopupMenu::LookAndFeelMethods::drawMenuBarBackground ( Graphics ,
int  width,
int  height,
bool  isMouseOverBar,
pure virtualinherited

◆ drawMenuBarItem()

virtual void PopupMenu::LookAndFeelMethods::drawMenuBarItem ( Graphics ,
int  width,
int  height,
int  itemIndex,
const String itemText,
bool  isMouseOverItem,
bool  isMenuOpen,
bool  isMouseOverBar,
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2, and LookAndFeel_V4.

◆ drawPopupMenuBackground()

virtual void PopupMenu::LookAndFeelMethods::drawPopupMenuBackground ( Graphics ,
int  width,
int  height 
pure virtualinherited

Fills the background of a popup menu component.

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2, LookAndFeel_V1, and LookAndFeel_V3.

◆ drawPopupMenuItem()

virtual void PopupMenu::LookAndFeelMethods::drawPopupMenuItem ( Graphics ,
const Rectangle< int > &  area,
bool  isSeparator,
bool  isActive,
bool  isHighlighted,
bool  isTicked,
bool  hasSubMenu,
const String text,
const String shortcutKeyText,
const Drawable icon,
const Colour textColour 
pure virtualinherited

Draws one of the items in a popup menu.

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V4, and LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ drawPopupMenuSectionHeader()

virtual void PopupMenu::LookAndFeelMethods::drawPopupMenuSectionHeader ( Graphics ,
const Rectangle< int > &  area,
const String sectionName 
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ drawPopupMenuUpDownArrow()

virtual void PopupMenu::LookAndFeelMethods::drawPopupMenuUpDownArrow ( Graphics ,
int  width,
int  height,
bool  isScrollUpArrow 
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ drawProgressBar()

virtual void ProgressBar::LookAndFeelMethods::drawProgressBar ( Graphics ,
ProgressBar ,
int  width,
int  height,
double  progress,
const String textToShow 
pure virtualinherited

Draws a progress bar.

If the progress value is less than 0 or greater than 1.0, this should draw a spinning bar that fills the whole space (i.e. to say that the app is still busy but the progress isn't known). It can use the current time as a basis for playing an animation.

(Used by progress bars in AlertWindow).

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V4, LookAndFeel_V2, and LookAndFeel_V1.

◆ drawPropertyComponentBackground()

virtual void PropertyComponent::LookAndFeelMethods::drawPropertyComponentBackground ( Graphics ,
int  width,
int  height,
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2, and LookAndFeel_V4.

◆ drawPropertyComponentLabel()

virtual void PropertyComponent::LookAndFeelMethods::drawPropertyComponentLabel ( Graphics ,
int  width,
int  height,
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2, and LookAndFeel_V4.

◆ drawPropertyPanelSectionHeader()

virtual void PropertyComponent::LookAndFeelMethods::drawPropertyPanelSectionHeader ( Graphics ,
const String name,
bool  isOpen,
int  width,
int  height 
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2, and LookAndFeel_V4.

◆ drawResizableFrame()

virtual void ResizableWindow::LookAndFeelMethods::drawResizableFrame ( Graphics ,
int  w,
int  h,
const BorderSize< int > &   
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ drawResizableWindowBorder()

virtual void ResizableWindow::LookAndFeelMethods::drawResizableWindowBorder ( Graphics ,
int  w,
int  h,
const BorderSize< int > &  border,
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ drawRotarySlider()

virtual void Slider::LookAndFeelMethods::drawRotarySlider ( Graphics ,
int  x,
int  y,
int  width,
int  height,
float  sliderPosProportional,
float  rotaryStartAngle,
float  rotaryEndAngle,
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2, and LookAndFeel_V4.

◆ drawScrollbar()

virtual void ScrollBar::LookAndFeelMethods::drawScrollbar ( Graphics g,
ScrollBar scrollbar,
int  x,
int  y,
int  width,
int  height,
bool  isScrollbarVertical,
int  thumbStartPosition,
int  thumbSize,
bool  isMouseOver,
bool  isMouseDown 
pure virtualinherited

Draws the thumb area of a scrollbar.

gthe context to draw into
scrollbarthe bar itself
xthe x position of the left edge of the thumb area to draw in
ythe y position of the top edge of the thumb area to draw in
widththe width of the thumb area to draw in
heightthe height of the thumb area to draw in
isScrollbarVerticaltrue if it's a vertical bar, false if horizontal
thumbStartPositionfor vertical bars, the y coordinate of the top of the thumb, or its x position for horizontal bars
thumbSizefor vertical bars, the height of the thumb, or its width for horizontal bars. This may be 0 if the thumb shouldn't be drawn.
isMouseOverwhether the mouse is over the thumb area, also true if the mouse is currently dragging the thumb
isMouseDownwhether the mouse is currently dragging the scrollbar

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V4, LookAndFeel_V2, LookAndFeel_V3, and LookAndFeel_V1.

◆ drawScrollbarButton()

virtual void ScrollBar::LookAndFeelMethods::drawScrollbarButton ( Graphics g,
ScrollBar scrollbar,
int  width,
int  height,
int  buttonDirection,
bool  isScrollbarVertical,
bool  isMouseOverButton,
bool  isButtonDown 
pure virtualinherited

Draws one of the buttons on a scrollbar.

gthe context to draw into
scrollbarthe bar itself
widththe width of the button
heightthe height of the button
buttonDirectionthe direction of the button, where 0 = up, 1 = right, 2 = down, 3 = left
isScrollbarVerticaltrue if it's a vertical bar, false if horizontal
isMouseOverButtonwhether the mouse is currently over the button (also true if it's held down)
isButtonDownwhether the mouse button's held down

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2, and LookAndFeel_V1.

◆ drawSpinningWaitAnimation()

virtual void LookAndFeel::drawSpinningWaitAnimation ( Graphics ,
const Colour colour,
int  x,
int  y,
int  w,
int  h 
pure virtual

Draws a small image that spins to indicate that something's happening.

This method should use the current time to animate itself, so just keep repainting it every so often.

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ drawStretchableLayoutResizerBar()

virtual void StretchableLayoutResizerBar::LookAndFeelMethods::drawStretchableLayoutResizerBar ( Graphics ,
int  w,
int  h,
bool  isVerticalBar,
bool  isMouseOver,
bool  isMouseDragging 
pure virtualinherited

◆ drawTabAreaBehindFrontButton()

virtual void TabbedButtonBar::LookAndFeelMethods::drawTabAreaBehindFrontButton ( TabbedButtonBar ,
Graphics ,
int  w,
int  h 
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2, and LookAndFeel_V3.

◆ drawTabbedButtonBarBackground()

virtual void TabbedButtonBar::LookAndFeelMethods::drawTabbedButtonBarBackground ( TabbedButtonBar ,
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ drawTabButton()

virtual void TabbedButtonBar::LookAndFeelMethods::drawTabButton ( TabBarButton ,
Graphics ,
bool  isMouseOver,
bool  isMouseDown 
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2, and LookAndFeel_V3.

◆ drawTabButtonText()

virtual void TabbedButtonBar::LookAndFeelMethods::drawTabButtonText ( TabBarButton ,
Graphics ,
bool  isMouseOver,
bool  isMouseDown 
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ drawTableHeaderBackground()

virtual void TableHeaderComponent::LookAndFeelMethods::drawTableHeaderBackground ( Graphics ,
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2, and LookAndFeel_V3.

◆ drawTableHeaderColumn()

virtual void TableHeaderComponent::LookAndFeelMethods::drawTableHeaderColumn ( Graphics ,
const String columnName,
int  columnId,
int  width,
int  height,
bool  isMouseOver,
bool  isMouseDown,
int  columnFlags 
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ drawTextEditorOutline()

virtual void TextEditor::LookAndFeelMethods::drawTextEditorOutline ( Graphics ,
int  width,
int  height,
pure virtualinherited

◆ drawTickBox()

virtual void Button::LookAndFeelMethods::drawTickBox ( Graphics ,
Component ,
float  x,
float  y,
float  w,
float  h,
bool  ticked,
bool  isEnabled,
bool  isMouseOverButton,
bool  isButtonDown 
pure virtualinherited

◆ drawToggleButton()

virtual void Button::LookAndFeelMethods::drawToggleButton ( Graphics ,
ToggleButton ,
bool  isMouseOverButton,
bool  isButtonDown 
pure virtualinherited

Draws the contents of a standard ToggleButton.

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V4, LookAndFeel_V2, and LookAndFeel_V1.

◆ drawTooltip()

virtual void TooltipWindow::LookAndFeelMethods::drawTooltip ( Graphics ,
const String text,
int  width,
int  height 
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2, and LookAndFeel_V4.

◆ drawTreeviewPlusMinusBox()

virtual void TreeView::LookAndFeelMethods::drawTreeviewPlusMinusBox ( Graphics ,
const Rectangle< float > &  area,
Colour  backgroundColour,
bool  isItemOpen,
bool  isMouseOver 
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2, and LookAndFeel_V3.

◆ fillResizableWindowBackground()

virtual void ResizableWindow::LookAndFeelMethods::fillResizableWindowBackground ( Graphics ,
int  w,
int  h,
const BorderSize< int > &  ,
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ fillTabButtonShape()

virtual void TabbedButtonBar::LookAndFeelMethods::fillTabButtonShape ( TabBarButton ,
Graphics ,
const Path path,
bool  isMouseOver,
bool  isMouseDown 
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ fillTextEditorBackground()

virtual void TextEditor::LookAndFeelMethods::fillTextEditorBackground ( Graphics ,
int  width,
int  height,
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V4, and LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ findColour()

Colour LookAndFeel::findColour ( int  colourId) const

Looks for a colour that has been registered with the given colour ID number.

If a colour has been set for this ID number using setColour(), then it is returned. If none has been set, it will just return Colours::black.

The colour IDs for various purposes are stored as enums in the components that they are relevant to - for an example, see Slider::ColourIds, Label::ColourIds, TextEditor::ColourIds, TreeView::ColourIds, etc.

If you're looking up a colour for use in drawing a component, it's usually best not to call this directly, but to use the Component::findColour() method instead. That will first check whether a suitable colour has been registered directly with the component, and will fall-back on calling the component's LookAndFeel's findColour() method if none is found.

See also
setColour, Component::findColour, Component::setColour

Referenced by StandalonePluginHolder::showAudioSettingsDialog().

◆ getAlertBoxWindowFlags()

virtual int AlertWindow::LookAndFeelMethods::getAlertBoxWindowFlags ( )
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ getAlertWindowButtonHeight()

virtual int AlertWindow::LookAndFeelMethods::getAlertWindowButtonHeight ( )
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V4, and LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ getAlertWindowFont()

virtual Font AlertWindow::LookAndFeelMethods::getAlertWindowFont ( )
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V4, and LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ getAlertWindowMessageFont()

virtual Font AlertWindow::LookAndFeelMethods::getAlertWindowMessageFont ( )
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V4, and LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ getAlertWindowTitleFont()

virtual Font AlertWindow::LookAndFeelMethods::getAlertWindowTitleFont ( )
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V4, and LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ getCallOutBoxBorderSize()

virtual int CallOutBox::LookAndFeelMethods::getCallOutBoxBorderSize ( const CallOutBox )
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ getComboBoxFont()

virtual Font ComboBox::LookAndFeelMethods::getComboBoxFont ( ComboBox )
pure virtualinherited

◆ getCrossShape()

virtual Path LookAndFeel::getCrossShape ( float  height)
pure virtual

Returns a cross shape for use in yes/no boxes, etc.

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V4, LookAndFeel_V2, and LookAndFeel_V3.

◆ getDefaultDocumentFileImage()

virtual const Drawable* FileBrowserComponent::LookAndFeelMethods::getDefaultDocumentFileImage ( )
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ getDefaultFolderImage()

virtual const Drawable* FileBrowserComponent::LookAndFeelMethods::getDefaultFolderImage ( )
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ getDefaultLookAndFeel()

static LookAndFeel& LookAndFeel::getDefaultLookAndFeel ( )

Returns the current default look-and-feel for a component to use when it hasn't got one explicitly set.

See also

◆ getDefaultMenuBarHeight()

virtual int PopupMenu::LookAndFeelMethods::getDefaultMenuBarHeight ( )
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ getDefaultScrollbarWidth()

virtual int ScrollBar::LookAndFeelMethods::getDefaultScrollbarWidth ( )
pure virtualinherited

Returns the default thickness to use for a scrollbar.

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V4, and LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ getIdealPopupMenuItemSize()

virtual void PopupMenu::LookAndFeelMethods::getIdealPopupMenuItemSize ( const String text,
bool  isSeparator,
int  standardMenuItemHeight,
int idealWidth,
int idealHeight 
pure virtualinherited

Finds the best size for an item in a popup menu.

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V4, and LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ getLabelFont()

virtual Font Label::LookAndFeelMethods::getLabelFont ( Label )
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ getMenuBarFont()

virtual Font PopupMenu::LookAndFeelMethods::getMenuBarFont ( MenuBarComponent ,
int  itemIndex,
const String itemText 
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ getMenuBarItemWidth()

virtual int PopupMenu::LookAndFeelMethods::getMenuBarItemWidth ( MenuBarComponent ,
int  itemIndex,
const String itemText 
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ getMenuWindowFlags()

virtual int PopupMenu::LookAndFeelMethods::getMenuWindowFlags ( )
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ getMinimumScrollbarThumbSize()

virtual int ScrollBar::LookAndFeelMethods::getMinimumScrollbarThumbSize ( ScrollBar )
pure virtualinherited

Returns the minimum length in pixels to use for a scrollbar thumb.

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ getMouseCursorFor()

virtual MouseCursor LookAndFeel::getMouseCursorFor ( Component )

Override this to get the chance to swap a component's mouse cursor for a customised one.

◆ getParentComponentForMenuOptions()

virtual Component* PopupMenu::LookAndFeelMethods::getParentComponentForMenuOptions ( const PopupMenu::Options options)
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ getPopupMenuFont()

virtual Font PopupMenu::LookAndFeelMethods::getPopupMenuFont ( )
pure virtualinherited

Returns the size and style of font to use in popup menus.

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ getPropertyComponentContentPosition()

virtual Rectangle<int> PropertyComponent::LookAndFeelMethods::getPropertyComponentContentPosition ( PropertyComponent )
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2, and LookAndFeel_V4.

◆ getScrollbarButtonSize()

virtual int ScrollBar::LookAndFeelMethods::getScrollbarButtonSize ( ScrollBar )
pure virtualinherited

Returns the length in pixels to use for a scrollbar button.

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ getScrollbarEffect()

virtual ImageEffectFilter* ScrollBar::LookAndFeelMethods::getScrollbarEffect ( )
pure virtualinherited

Returns the component effect to use for a scrollbar.

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2, and LookAndFeel_V1.

◆ getSliderEffect()

virtual ImageEffectFilter* Slider::LookAndFeelMethods::getSliderEffect ( Slider )
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2, and LookAndFeel_V1.

◆ getSliderLayout()

virtual SliderLayout Slider::LookAndFeelMethods::getSliderLayout ( Slider )
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ getSliderPopupFont()

virtual Font Slider::LookAndFeelMethods::getSliderPopupFont ( Slider )
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ getSliderPopupPlacement()

virtual int Slider::LookAndFeelMethods::getSliderPopupPlacement ( Slider )
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ getSliderThumbRadius()

virtual int Slider::LookAndFeelMethods::getSliderThumbRadius ( Slider )
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2, and LookAndFeel_V1.

◆ getTabButtonBestWidth()

virtual int TabbedButtonBar::LookAndFeelMethods::getTabButtonBestWidth ( TabBarButton ,
int  tabDepth 
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ getTabButtonExtraComponentBounds()

virtual Rectangle<int> TabbedButtonBar::LookAndFeelMethods::getTabButtonExtraComponentBounds ( const TabBarButton ,
Rectangle< int > &  textArea,
Component extraComp 
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ getTabButtonOverlap()

virtual int TabbedButtonBar::LookAndFeelMethods::getTabButtonOverlap ( int  tabDepth)
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2, and LookAndFeel_V3.

◆ getTabButtonSpaceAroundImage()

virtual int TabbedButtonBar::LookAndFeelMethods::getTabButtonSpaceAroundImage ( )
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2, and LookAndFeel_V3.

◆ getTextButtonFont()

virtual Font Button::LookAndFeelMethods::getTextButtonFont ( TextButton ,
int  buttonHeight 
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ getTextButtonWidthToFitText()

virtual int Button::LookAndFeelMethods::getTextButtonWidthToFitText ( TextButton ,
int  buttonHeight 
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ getTickShape()

virtual Path LookAndFeel::getTickShape ( float  height)
pure virtual

Returns a tick shape for use in yes/no boxes, etc.

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V4, LookAndFeel_V2, and LookAndFeel_V3.

◆ getTooltipBounds()

virtual Rectangle<int> TooltipWindow::LookAndFeelMethods::getTooltipBounds ( const String tipText,
Point< int screenPos,
Rectangle< int parentArea 
pure virtualinherited

returns the bounds for a tooltip at the given screen coordinate, constrained within the given desktop area.

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ getTreeViewIndentSize()

virtual int TreeView::LookAndFeelMethods::getTreeViewIndentSize ( TreeView )
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2, and LookAndFeel_V3.

◆ getTypefaceForFont()

virtual Typeface::Ptr LookAndFeel::getTypefaceForFont ( const Font )

Returns the typeface that should be used for a given font.

The default implementation just does what you'd expect it to, but you can override this if you want to intercept fonts and use your own custom typeface object.

◆ getWidthsForTextButtons()

virtual Array<int> AlertWindow::LookAndFeelMethods::getWidthsForTextButtons ( AlertWindow ,
const Array< TextButton *> &   
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ isColourSpecified()

bool LookAndFeel::isColourSpecified ( int  colourId) const

Returns true if the specified colour ID has been explicitly set using the setColour() method.

◆ isProgressBarOpaque()

virtual bool ProgressBar::LookAndFeelMethods::isProgressBarOpaque ( ProgressBar )
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V4, and LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ isUsingNativeAlertWindows()

bool LookAndFeel::isUsingNativeAlertWindows ( )

◆ layoutFileBrowserComponent()

virtual void FileBrowserComponent::LookAndFeelMethods::layoutFileBrowserComponent ( FileBrowserComponent browserComp,
DirectoryContentsDisplayComponent fileListComponent,
FilePreviewComponent previewComp,
ComboBox currentPathBox,
TextEditor filenameBox,
Button goUpButton 
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V4, and LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ layoutFilenameComponent()

virtual void FilenameComponent::LookAndFeelMethods::layoutFilenameComponent ( FilenameComponent ,
ComboBox filenameBox,
Button browseButton 
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ paintToolbarBackground()

virtual void Toolbar::LookAndFeelMethods::paintToolbarBackground ( Graphics ,
int  width,
int  height,
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2, and LookAndFeel_V4.

◆ paintToolbarButtonBackground()

virtual void Toolbar::LookAndFeelMethods::paintToolbarButtonBackground ( Graphics ,
int  width,
int  height,
bool  isMouseOver,
bool  isMouseDown,
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ paintToolbarButtonLabel()

virtual void Toolbar::LookAndFeelMethods::paintToolbarButtonLabel ( Graphics ,
int  x,
int  y,
int  width,
int  height,
const String text,
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2, and LookAndFeel_V4.

◆ playAlertSound()

virtual void LookAndFeel::playAlertSound ( )

Plays the system's default 'beep' noise, to alert the user about something very important.

◆ positionComboBoxText()

virtual void ComboBox::LookAndFeelMethods::positionComboBoxText ( ComboBox ,
Label labelToPosition 
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2, and LookAndFeel_V4.

◆ positionDocumentWindowButtons()

virtual void DocumentWindow::LookAndFeelMethods::positionDocumentWindowButtons ( DocumentWindow ,
int  titleBarX,
int  titleBarY,
int  titleBarW,
int  titleBarH,
Button minimiseButton,
Button maximiseButton,
Button closeButton,
bool  positionTitleBarButtonsOnLeft 
pure virtualinherited

◆ preparePopupMenuWindow()

virtual void PopupMenu::LookAndFeelMethods::preparePopupMenuWindow ( Component newWindow)
pure virtualinherited

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

◆ setColour()

void LookAndFeel::setColour ( int  colourId,
Colour  colour 

Registers a colour to be used for a particular purpose.

For more details, see the comments for findColour().

See also
findColour, Component::findColour, Component::setColour

◆ setDefaultLookAndFeel()

static void LookAndFeel::setDefaultLookAndFeel ( LookAndFeel newDefaultLookAndFeel)

Changes the default look-and-feel.

newDefaultLookAndFeelthe new look-and-feel object to use - if this is set to null, it will revert to using the default one. The object passed-in must be deleted by the caller when it's no longer needed.
See also

◆ setDefaultSansSerifTypefaceName()

void LookAndFeel::setDefaultSansSerifTypefaceName ( const String newName)

Allows you to change the default sans-serif font.

If you need to supply your own Typeface object for any of the default fonts, rather than just supplying the name (e.g. if you want to use an embedded font), then you should instead override getTypefaceForFont() to create and return the typeface.

◆ setUsingNativeAlertWindows()

void LookAndFeel::setUsingNativeAlertWindows ( bool  shouldUseNativeAlerts)

◆ shouldPopupMenuScaleWithTargetComponent()

virtual bool PopupMenu::LookAndFeelMethods::shouldPopupMenuScaleWithTargetComponent ( const PopupMenu::Options options)
pure virtualinherited

Return true if you want your popup menus to scale with the target component's AffineTransform or scale factor.

Implemented in LookAndFeel_V2.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ WeakReference< LookAndFeel >

friend class WeakReference< LookAndFeel >

Member Data Documentation

◆ colours

SortedSet<ColourSetting> LookAndFeel::colours

◆ defaultFixed

String LookAndFeel::defaultFixed

◆ defaultSans

String LookAndFeel::defaultSans

◆ defaultSerif

String LookAndFeel::defaultSerif

◆ masterReference

WeakReference<LookAndFeel>::Master LookAndFeel::masterReference

◆ useNativeAlertWindows

bool LookAndFeel::useNativeAlertWindows

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