JUCE  v5.1.1-3-g1a0b28c73
Graphics Member List

This is the complete list of members for Graphics, including all inherited members.

addTransform(const AffineTransform &transform)Graphics
beginTransparencyLayer(float layerOpacity)Graphics
clipRegionIntersects(Rectangle< int > area) constGraphics
drawArrow(const Line< float > &line, float lineThickness, float arrowheadWidth, float arrowheadLength) constGraphics
drawDashedLine(const Line< float > &line, const float *dashLengths, int numDashLengths, float lineThickness=1.0f, int dashIndexToStartFrom=0) constGraphics
drawEllipse(float x, float y, float width, float height, float lineThickness) constGraphics
drawEllipse(Rectangle< float > area, float lineThickness) constGraphics
drawFittedText(const String &text, int x, int y, int width, int height, Justification justificationFlags, int maximumNumberOfLines, float minimumHorizontalScale=0.0f) constGraphics
drawFittedText(const String &text, Rectangle< int > area, Justification justificationFlags, int maximumNumberOfLines, float minimumHorizontalScale=0.0f) constGraphics
drawHorizontalLine(int y, float left, float right) constGraphics
drawImage(const Image &imageToDraw, int destX, int destY, int destWidth, int destHeight, int sourceX, int sourceY, int sourceWidth, int sourceHeight, bool fillAlphaChannelWithCurrentBrush=false) constGraphics
drawImage(const Image &imageToDraw, Rectangle< float > targetArea, RectanglePlacement placementWithinTarget=RectanglePlacement::stretchToFit, bool fillAlphaChannelWithCurrentBrush=false) constGraphics
drawImageAt(const Image &imageToDraw, int topLeftX, int topLeftY, bool fillAlphaChannelWithCurrentBrush=false) constGraphics
drawImageTransformed(const Image &imageToDraw, const AffineTransform &transform, bool fillAlphaChannelWithCurrentBrush=false) constGraphics
drawImageWithin(const Image &imageToDraw, int destX, int destY, int destWidth, int destHeight, RectanglePlacement placementWithinTarget, bool fillAlphaChannelWithCurrentBrush=false) constGraphics
drawLine(float startX, float startY, float endX, float endY) constGraphics
drawLine(float startX, float startY, float endX, float endY, float lineThickness) constGraphics
drawLine(const Line< float > &line) constGraphics
drawLine(const Line< float > &line, float lineThickness) constGraphics
drawMultiLineText(const String &text, int startX, int baselineY, int maximumLineWidth) constGraphics
drawRect(int x, int y, int width, int height, int lineThickness=1) constGraphics
drawRect(float x, float y, float width, float height, float lineThickness=1.0f) constGraphics
drawRect(Rectangle< int > rectangle, int lineThickness=1) constGraphics
drawRect(Rectangle< float > rectangle, float lineThickness=1.0f) constGraphics
drawRoundedRectangle(float x, float y, float width, float height, float cornerSize, float lineThickness) constGraphics
drawRoundedRectangle(Rectangle< float > rectangle, float cornerSize, float lineThickness) constGraphics
drawSingleLineText(const String &text, int startX, int baselineY, Justification justification=Justification::left) constGraphics
drawText(const String &text, int x, int y, int width, int height, Justification justificationType, bool useEllipsesIfTooBig=true) constGraphics
drawText(const String &text, Rectangle< int > area, Justification justificationType, bool useEllipsesIfTooBig=true) constGraphics
drawText(const String &text, Rectangle< float > area, Justification justificationType, bool useEllipsesIfTooBig=true) constGraphics
drawVerticalLine(int x, float top, float bottom) constGraphics
excludeClipRegion(Rectangle< int > rectangleToExclude)Graphics
fillAll() constGraphics
fillAll(Colour colourToUse) constGraphics
fillCheckerBoard(Rectangle< int > area, int checkWidth, int checkHeight, Colour colour1, Colour colour2) constGraphics
fillEllipse(float x, float y, float width, float height) constGraphics
fillEllipse(Rectangle< float > area) constGraphics
fillPath(const Path &path) constGraphics
fillPath(const Path &path, const AffineTransform &transform) constGraphics
fillRect(Rectangle< int > rectangle) constGraphics
fillRect(Rectangle< float > rectangle) constGraphics
fillRect(int x, int y, int width, int height) constGraphics
fillRect(float x, float y, float width, float height) constGraphics
fillRectList(const RectangleList< float > &rectangles) constGraphics
fillRectList(const RectangleList< int > &rectangles) constGraphics
fillRoundedRectangle(float x, float y, float width, float height, float cornerSize) constGraphics
fillRoundedRectangle(Rectangle< float > rectangle, float cornerSize) constGraphics
getClipBounds() constGraphics
getCurrentFont() constGraphics
getInternalContext() const noexceptGraphicsinline
Graphics(const Image &imageToDrawOnto)Graphicsexplicit
Graphics(LowLevelGraphicsContext &) noexceptGraphics
highResamplingQuality enum valueGraphics
isClipEmpty() constGraphics
isVectorDevice() constGraphics
lowResamplingQuality enum valueGraphics
mediumResamplingQuality enum valueGraphics
reduceClipRegion(int x, int y, int width, int height)Graphics
reduceClipRegion(Rectangle< int > area)Graphics
reduceClipRegion(const RectangleList< int > &clipRegion)Graphics
reduceClipRegion(const Path &path, const AffineTransform &transform=AffineTransform())Graphics
reduceClipRegion(const Image &image, const AffineTransform &transform)Graphics
ResamplingQuality enum nameGraphics
setColour(Colour newColour)Graphics
setFillType(const FillType &newFill)Graphics
setFont(const Font &newFont)Graphics
setFont(float newFontHeight)Graphics
setGradientFill(const ColourGradient &gradient)Graphics
setImageResamplingQuality(const ResamplingQuality newQuality)Graphics
setOpacity(float newOpacity)Graphics
setOrigin(Point< int > newOrigin)Graphics
setOrigin(int newOriginX, int newOriginY)Graphics
setPixel(int x, int y) constGraphics
setTiledImageFill(const Image &imageToUse, int anchorX, int anchorY, float opacity)Graphics
strokePath(const Path &path, const PathStrokeType &strokeType, const AffineTransform &transform=AffineTransform()) constGraphics