JUCE  v5.1.1-3-g1a0b28c73
DirectoryIterator Class Reference

Searches through the files in a directory, returning each file that is found. More...

#include <juce_DirectoryIterator.h>

Collaboration diagram for DirectoryIterator:


class  NativeIterator

Public Member Functions

 DirectoryIterator (const File &directory, bool isRecursive, const String &wildCard="*", int whatToLookFor=File::findFiles)
 Creates a DirectoryIterator for a given directory. More...
 ~DirectoryIterator ()
 Destructor. More...
float getEstimatedProgress () const
 Returns a guess of how far through the search the iterator has got. More...
const FilegetFile () const
 Returns the file that the iterator is currently pointing at. More...
bool next ()
 Moves the iterator along to the next file. More...
bool next (bool *isDirectory, bool *isHidden, int64 *fileSize, Time *modTime, Time *creationTime, bool *isReadOnly)
 Moves the iterator along to the next file, and returns various properties of that file. More...

Static Private Member Functions

static bool fileMatches (const StringArray &wildCards, const String &filename)
static StringArray parseWildcards (const String &pattern)

Private Attributes

File currentFile
NativeIterator fileFinder
bool hasBeenAdvanced
int index
const bool isRecursive
String path
ScopedPointer< DirectoryIteratorsubIterator
int totalNumFiles
const int whatToLookFor
String wildCard
StringArray wildCards


struct ContainerDeletePolicy< NativeIterator::Pimpl >

Detailed Description

Searches through the files in a directory, returning each file that is found.

A DirectoryIterator will search through a directory and its subdirectories using a wildcard filepattern match.

If you may be scanning a large number of files, it's usually smarter to use this class than File::findChildFiles() because it allows you to stop at any time, rather than having to wait for the entire scan to finish before getting the results.

It also provides an estimate of its progress, using a (highly inaccurate!) algorithm.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ DirectoryIterator()

DirectoryIterator::DirectoryIterator ( const File directory,
bool  isRecursive,
const String wildCard = "*",
int  whatToLookFor = File::findFiles 

Creates a DirectoryIterator for a given directory.

After creating one of these, call its next() method to get the first file - e.g.

DirectoryIterator iter (File ("/animals/mooses"), true, "*.moose");
while (iter.next())
File theFileItFound (iter.getFile());
... etc
directorythe directory to search in
isRecursivewhether all the subdirectories should also be searched
wildCardthe file pattern to match. This may contain multiple patterns separated by a semi-colon or comma, e.g. "*.jpg;*.png"
whatToLookFora value from the File::TypesOfFileToFind enum, specifying whether to look for files, directories, or both.

◆ ~DirectoryIterator()

DirectoryIterator::~DirectoryIterator ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ fileMatches()

static bool DirectoryIterator::fileMatches ( const StringArray wildCards,
const String filename 

◆ getEstimatedProgress()

float DirectoryIterator::getEstimatedProgress ( ) const

Returns a guess of how far through the search the iterator has got.

a value 0.0 to 1.0 to show the progress, although this won't be very accurate.

◆ getFile()

const File& DirectoryIterator::getFile ( ) const

Returns the file that the iterator is currently pointing at.

The result of this call is only valid after a call to next() has returned true.

◆ next() [1/2]

bool DirectoryIterator::next ( )

Moves the iterator along to the next file.

true if a file was found (you can then use getFile() to see what it was) - or false if there are no more matching files.

◆ next() [2/2]

bool DirectoryIterator::next ( bool *  isDirectory,
bool *  isHidden,
int64 fileSize,
Time modTime,
Time creationTime,
bool *  isReadOnly 

Moves the iterator along to the next file, and returns various properties of that file.

If you need to find out details about the file, it's more efficient to call this method than to call the normal next() method and then find out the details afterwards.

All the parameters are optional, so pass null pointers for any items that you're not interested in.

true if a file was found (you can then use getFile() to see what it was) - or false if there are no more matching files. If it returns false, then none of the parameters will be filled-in.

◆ parseWildcards()

static StringArray DirectoryIterator::parseWildcards ( const String pattern)

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ ContainerDeletePolicy< NativeIterator::Pimpl >

friend struct ContainerDeletePolicy< NativeIterator::Pimpl >

Member Data Documentation

◆ currentFile

File DirectoryIterator::currentFile

◆ fileFinder

NativeIterator DirectoryIterator::fileFinder

◆ hasBeenAdvanced

bool DirectoryIterator::hasBeenAdvanced

◆ index

int DirectoryIterator::index

◆ isRecursive

const bool DirectoryIterator::isRecursive

◆ path

String DirectoryIterator::path

◆ subIterator

ScopedPointer<DirectoryIterator> DirectoryIterator::subIterator

◆ totalNumFiles

int DirectoryIterator::totalNumFiles

◆ whatToLookFor

const int DirectoryIterator::whatToLookFor

◆ wildCard

String DirectoryIterator::wildCard

◆ wildCards

StringArray DirectoryIterator::wildCards

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