This is the complete list of members for AlertWindow, including all inherited members.
activeWindowStatusChanged() | TopLevelWindow | protectedvirtual |
addAndMakeVisible(Component *child, int zOrder=-1) | Component | |
addAndMakeVisible(Component &child, int zOrder=-1) | Component | |
addButton(const String &name, int returnValue, const KeyPress &shortcutKey1=KeyPress(), const KeyPress &shortcutKey2=KeyPress()) | AlertWindow | |
addChildAndSetID(Component *child, const String &componentID) | Component | |
addChildComponent(Component *child, int zOrder=-1) | Component | |
addChildComponent(Component &child, int zOrder=-1) | Component | |
addComboBox(const String &name, const StringArray &items, const String &onScreenLabel=String()) | AlertWindow | |
addComponentListener(ComponentListener *newListener) | Component | |
addCustomComponent(Component *component) | AlertWindow | |
addKeyListener(KeyListener *newListener) | Component | |
addMouseListener(MouseListener *newListener, bool wantsEventsForAllNestedChildComponents) | Component | |
addProgressBarComponent(double &progressValue) | AlertWindow | |
addTextBlock(const String &text) | AlertWindow | |
addTextEditor(const String &name, const String &initialContents, const String &onScreenLabel=String(), bool isPasswordBox=false) | AlertWindow | |
addToDesktop() | TopLevelWindow | |
addToDesktop(int windowStyleFlags, void *nativeWindowToAttachTo=nullptr) override | TopLevelWindow | virtual |
alertIconType | AlertWindow | private |
AlertIconType enum name | AlertWindow | |
AlertWindow(const String &title, const String &message, AlertIconType iconType, Component *associatedComponent=nullptr) | AlertWindow | |
allComps | AlertWindow | private |
alphaChanged() | Component | virtual |
associatedComponent | AlertWindow | private |
backgroundColourId enum value | AlertWindow | |
beginDragAutoRepeat(int millisecondsBetweenCallbacks) | Component | static |
broughtToFront() | Component | virtual |
buttonClicked(Button *) override | AlertWindow | protected |
buttons | AlertWindow | private |
canModalEventBeSentToComponent(const Component *targetComponent) | Component | virtual |
centreAroundComponent(Component *componentToCentreAround, int width, int height) | TopLevelWindow | |
centreWithSize(int width, int height) | Component | |
childBoundsChanged(Component *child) | Component | virtual |
childrenChanged() | Component | virtual |
colourChanged() | Component | virtual |
ColourIds enum name | AlertWindow | |
comboBoxes | AlertWindow | private |
comboBoxNames | AlertWindow | private |
Component() noexcept | Component | |
Component(const String &componentName) noexcept | Component | explicit |
constrainer | AlertWindow | private |
contains(Point< int > localPoint) | Component | |
containsAnyExtraComponents() const | AlertWindow | |
copyAllExplicitColoursTo(Component &target) const | Component | |
createComponentSnapshot(Rectangle< int > areaToGrab, bool clipImageToComponentBounds=true, float scaleFactor=1.0f) | Component | |
createFocusTraverser() | Component | virtual |
customComps | AlertWindow | private |
deleteAllChildren() | Component | |
dragger | AlertWindow | private |
enablementChanged() | Component | virtual |
enterModalState(bool takeKeyboardFocus=true, ModalComponentManager::Callback *callback=nullptr, bool deleteWhenDismissed=false) | Component | |
escapeKeyCancels | AlertWindow | private |
exitModalState(int returnValue) | Component | |
findChildWithID(StringRef componentID) const noexcept | Component | |
findColour(int colourId, bool inheritFromParent=false) const | Component | |
findParentComponentOfClass() const | Component | inline |
focusChangedByMouseClick enum value | Component | |
focusChangedByTabKey enum value | Component | |
focusChangedDirectly enum value | Component | |
FocusChangeType enum name | Component | |
focusGained(FocusChangeType cause) | Component | virtual |
focusLost(FocusChangeType cause) | Component | virtual |
focusOfChildComponentChanged(FocusChangeType) override | TopLevelWindow | protectedvirtual |
getActiveTopLevelWindow() noexcept | TopLevelWindow | static |
getAlertType() const noexcept | AlertWindow | inline |
getAlpha() const noexcept | Component | |
getBottom() const noexcept | Component | inline |
getBounds() const noexcept | Component | inline |
getBoundsInParent() const noexcept | Component | |
getCachedComponentImage() const noexcept | Component | inline |
getChildComponent(int index) const noexcept | Component | |
getChildren() const noexcept | Component | inline |
getComboBoxComponent(const String &nameOfList) const | AlertWindow | |
getComponentAt(int x, int y) | Component | |
getComponentAt(Point< int > position) | Component | |
getComponentEffect() const noexcept | Component | inline |
getComponentID() const noexcept | Component | inline |
getCurrentlyFocusedComponent() noexcept | Component | static |
getCurrentlyModalComponent(int index=0) noexcept | Component | static |
getCustomComponent(int index) const | AlertWindow | |
getDesktopScaleFactor() const | Component | virtual |
getDesktopWindowStyleFlags() const override | AlertWindow | protectedvirtual |
getExplicitFocusOrder() const | Component | |
getHeight() const noexcept | Component | inline |
getIndexOfChildComponent(const Component *child) const noexcept | Component | |
getInterceptsMouseClicks(bool &allowsClicksOnThisComponent, bool &allowsClicksOnChildComponents) const noexcept | Component | |
getLocalArea(const Component *sourceComponent, Rectangle< int > areaRelativeToSourceComponent) const | Component | |
getLocalBounds() const noexcept | Component | |
getLocalPoint(const Component *sourceComponent, Point< int > pointRelativeToSourceComponent) const | Component | |
getLocalPoint(const Component *sourceComponent, Point< float > pointRelativeToSourceComponent) const | Component | |
getLookAndFeel() const noexcept | Component | |
getMarkers(bool xAxis) | Component | virtual |
getMouseClickGrabsKeyboardFocus() const noexcept | Component | |
getMouseCursor() | Component | virtual |
getMouseXYRelative() const | Component | |
getName() const noexcept | Component | inline |
getNumButtons() const | AlertWindow | |
getNumChildComponents() const noexcept | Component | |
getNumCurrentlyModalComponents() noexcept | Component | static |
getNumCustomComponents() const | AlertWindow | |
getNumTopLevelWindows() noexcept | TopLevelWindow | static |
getParentComponent() const noexcept | Component | inline |
getParentHeight() const noexcept | Component | |
getParentMonitorArea() const | Component | |
getParentWidth() const noexcept | Component | |
getPeer() const | Component | |
getPosition() const noexcept | Component | inline |
getPositioner() const noexcept | Component | |
getProperties() noexcept | Component | inline |
getProperties() const noexcept | Component | inline |
getRight() const noexcept | Component | inline |
getScreenBounds() const | Component | |
getScreenPosition() const | Component | |
getScreenX() const | Component | |
getScreenY() const | Component | |
getTextEditor(const String &nameOfTextEditor) const | AlertWindow | |
getTextEditorContents(const String &nameOfTextEditor) const | AlertWindow | |
getTopLevelComponent() const noexcept | Component | |
getTopLevelWindow(int index) noexcept | TopLevelWindow | static |
getTransform() const | Component | |
getViewportIgnoreDragFlag() const noexcept | Component | inline |
getWantsKeyboardFocus() const noexcept | Component | |
getWidth() const noexcept | Component | inline |
getWindowHandle() const | Component | |
getX() const noexcept | Component | inline |
getY() const noexcept | Component | inline |
globalPositionToRelative(Point< int >) const | Component | |
grabKeyboardFocus() | Component | |
handleCommandMessage(int commandId) | Component | virtual |
hasKeyboardFocus(bool trueIfChildIsFocused) const | Component | |
hitTest(int x, int y) | Component | virtual |
InfoIcon enum value | AlertWindow | |
inputAttemptWhenModal() | Component | virtual |
isActiveWindow() const noexcept | TopLevelWindow | inline |
isAlwaysOnTop() const noexcept | Component | |
isBroughtToFrontOnMouseClick() const noexcept | Component | |
isColourSpecified(int colourId) const | Component | |
isCurrentlyBlockedByAnotherModalComponent() const | Component | |
isCurrentlyModal(bool onlyConsiderForemostModalComponent=true) const noexcept | Component | |
isDropShadowEnabled() const noexcept | TopLevelWindow | inline |
isEnabled() const noexcept | Component | |
isFocusContainer() const noexcept | Component | |
isMouseButtonDown() const | Component | |
isMouseButtonDownAnywhere() noexcept | Component | static |
isMouseOver(bool includeChildren=false) const | Component | |
isMouseOverOrDragging(bool includeChildren=false) const | Component | |
isOnDesktop() const noexcept | Component | |
isOpaque() const noexcept | Component | |
isParentOf(const Component *possibleChild) const noexcept | Component | |
isShowing() const | Component | |
isTransformed() const noexcept | Component | |
isUsingNativeTitleBar() const noexcept | TopLevelWindow | |
isVisible() const noexcept | Component | inline |
keyPressed(const KeyPress &) override | AlertWindow | protectedvirtual |
keyStateChanged(bool isKeyDown) | Component | virtual |
localAreaToGlobal(Rectangle< int > localArea) const | Component | |
localPointToGlobal(Point< int > localPoint) const | Component | |
localPointToGlobal(Point< float > localPoint) const | Component | |
lookAndFeelChanged() override | AlertWindow | protectedvirtual |
minimisationStateChanged(bool isNowMinimised) | Component | virtual |
modifierKeysChanged(const ModifierKeys &modifiers) | Component | virtual |
mouseDoubleClick(const MouseEvent &event) override | Component | virtual |
mouseDown(const MouseEvent &) override | AlertWindow | protectedvirtual |
mouseDrag(const MouseEvent &) override | AlertWindow | protectedvirtual |
mouseEnter(const MouseEvent &event) override | Component | virtual |
mouseExit(const MouseEvent &event) override | Component | virtual |
mouseMagnify(const MouseEvent &event, float scaleFactor) | Component | virtual |
mouseMove(const MouseEvent &event) override | Component | virtual |
mouseUp(const MouseEvent &event) override | Component | virtual |
mouseWheelMove(const MouseEvent &event, const MouseWheelDetails &wheel) override | Component | virtual |
moved() | Component | virtual |
moveKeyboardFocusToSibling(bool moveToNext) | Component | |
NoIcon enum value | AlertWindow | |
outlineColourId enum value | AlertWindow | |
paint(Graphics &) override | AlertWindow | protectedvirtual |
paintEntireComponent(Graphics &context, bool ignoreAlphaLevel) | Component | |
paintOverChildren(Graphics &g) | Component | virtual |
parentHierarchyChanged() override | TopLevelWindow | protectedvirtual |
parentSizeChanged() | Component | virtual |
postCommandMessage(int commandId) | Component | |
progressBars | AlertWindow | private |
proportionOfHeight(float proportion) const noexcept | Component | |
proportionOfWidth(float proportion) const noexcept | Component | |
QuestionIcon enum value | AlertWindow | |
reallyContains(Point< int > localPoint, bool returnTrueIfWithinAChild) | Component | |
recreateDesktopWindow() | TopLevelWindow | protected |
relativePositionToGlobal(Point< int >) const | Component | |
relativePositionToOtherComponent(const Component *, Point< int >) const | Component | |
removeAllChildren() | Component | |
removeChildComponent(Component *childToRemove) | Component | |
removeChildComponent(int childIndexToRemove) | Component | |
removeColour(int colourId) | Component | |
removeComponentListener(ComponentListener *listenerToRemove) | Component | |
removeCustomComponent(int index) | AlertWindow | |
removeFromDesktop() | Component | |
removeKeyListener(KeyListener *listenerToRemove) | Component | |
removeMouseListener(MouseListener *listenerToRemove) | Component | |
repaint() | Component | |
repaint(int x, int y, int width, int height) | Component | |
repaint(Rectangle< int > area) | Component | |
resized() | Component | virtual |
runModalLoop() | Component | |
sendLookAndFeelChange() | Component | |
setAlpha(float newAlpha) | Component | |
setAlwaysOnTop(bool shouldStayOnTop) | Component | |
setBounds(int x, int y, int width, int height) | Component | |
setBounds(Rectangle< int > newBounds) | Component | |
setBounds(const RelativeRectangle &) | Component | |
setBounds(const String &) | Component | |
setBoundsInset(BorderSize< int > borders) | Component | |
setBoundsRelative(float proportionalX, float proportionalY, float proportionalWidth, float proportionalHeight) | Component | |
setBoundsToFit(int x, int y, int width, int height, Justification justification, bool onlyReduceInSize) | Component | |
setBroughtToFrontOnMouseClick(bool shouldBeBroughtToFront) noexcept | Component | |
setBufferedToImage(bool shouldBeBuffered) | Component | |
setCachedComponentImage(CachedComponentImage *newCachedImage) | Component | |
setCentrePosition(int x, int y) | Component | |
setCentrePosition(Point< int > newCentrePosition) | Component | |
setCentreRelative(float x, float y) | Component | |
setColour(int colourId, Colour newColour) | Component | |
setComponentEffect(ImageEffectFilter *newEffect) | Component | |
setComponentID(const String &newID) | Component | |
setDropShadowEnabled(bool useShadow) | TopLevelWindow | |
setEnabled(bool shouldBeEnabled) | Component | |
setEscapeKeyCancels(bool shouldEscapeKeyCancel) | AlertWindow | |
setExplicitFocusOrder(int newFocusOrderIndex) | Component | |
setFocusContainer(bool shouldBeFocusContainer) noexcept | Component | |
setInterceptsMouseClicks(bool allowClicksOnThisComponent, bool allowClicksOnChildComponents) noexcept | Component | |
setLookAndFeel(LookAndFeel *newLookAndFeel) | Component | |
setMessage(const String &message) | AlertWindow | |
setMouseClickGrabsKeyboardFocus(bool shouldGrabFocus) | Component | |
setMouseCursor(const MouseCursor &cursorType) | Component | |
setName(const String &newName) | Component | virtual |
setOpaque(bool shouldBeOpaque) | Component | |
setPaintingIsUnclipped(bool shouldPaintWithoutClipping) noexcept | Component | |
setPositioner(Positioner *newPositioner) | Component | |
setRepaintsOnMouseActivity(bool shouldRepaint) noexcept | Component | |
setSize(int newWidth, int newHeight) | Component | |
setTopLeftPosition(int x, int y) | Component | |
setTopLeftPosition(Point< int > newTopLeftPosition) | Component | |
setTopRightPosition(int x, int y) | Component | |
setTransform(const AffineTransform &transform) | Component | |
setUsingNativeTitleBar(bool useNativeTitleBar) | TopLevelWindow | |
setViewportIgnoreDragFlag(bool ignoreDrag) noexcept | Component | inline |
setVisible(bool shouldBeVisible) | Component | virtual |
setWantsKeyboardFocus(bool wantsFocus) noexcept | Component | |
showMessageBox(AlertIconType iconType, const String &title, const String &message, const String &buttonText=String(), Component *associatedComponent=nullptr) | AlertWindow | static |
showMessageBoxAsync(AlertIconType iconType, const String &title, const String &message, const String &buttonText=String(), Component *associatedComponent=nullptr, ModalComponentManager::Callback *callback=nullptr) | AlertWindow | static |
showNativeDialogBox(const String &title, const String &bodyText, bool isOkCancel) | AlertWindow | static |
showOkCancelBox(AlertIconType iconType, const String &title, const String &message, const String &button1Text=String(), const String &button2Text=String(), Component *associatedComponent=nullptr, ModalComponentManager::Callback *callback=nullptr) | AlertWindow | static |
showYesNoCancelBox(AlertIconType iconType, const String &title, const String &message, const String &button1Text=String(), const String &button2Text=String(), const String &button3Text=String(), Component *associatedComponent=nullptr, ModalComponentManager::Callback *callback=nullptr) | AlertWindow | static |
text | AlertWindow | private |
textArea | AlertWindow | private |
textBlocks | AlertWindow | private |
textBoxes | AlertWindow | private |
textboxNames | AlertWindow | private |
textColourId enum value | AlertWindow | |
textLayout | AlertWindow | private |
toBack() | Component | |
toBehind(Component *other) | Component | |
toFront(bool shouldAlsoGainFocus) | Component | |
TopLevelWindow(const String &name, bool addToDesktop) | TopLevelWindow | |
triggerButtonClick(const String &buttonName) | AlertWindow | |
unfocusAllComponents() | Component | static |
updateLayout(bool onlyIncreaseSize) | AlertWindow | private |
updateMouseCursor() const | Component | |
userTriedToCloseWindow() override | AlertWindow | protectedvirtual |
visibilityChanged() override | TopLevelWindow | protectedvirtual |
WarningIcon enum value | AlertWindow | |
~AlertWindow() | AlertWindow | |
~Component() | Component | virtual |
~MouseListener() | MouseListener | inlinevirtual |
~TopLevelWindow() | TopLevelWindow |