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quantity.hpp File Reference
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struct  boost::units::detail::is_base_unit< T, Enable >
struct  boost::units::detail::is_base_unit< T, typename T::boost_units_is_base_unit_type >
struct  boost::units::detail::is_narrowing_conversion_impl< Source, Destination >
struct  boost::units::detail::is_non_narrowing_conversion< Source, Destination >
struct  boost::units::detail::is_non_narrowing_conversion< long double, double >
struct  boost::units::detail::disable_if_is_same< T, U >
struct  boost::units::detail::disable_if_is_same< T, T >
singleton  boost::units::quantity< Unit, Y >
 class declaration More...
class  boost::units::quantity< BOOST_UNITS_DIMENSIONLESS_UNIT(System), Y >
 Specialization for dimensionless quantities. More...
struct  boost::units::detail::quantity_cast_helper< X, Y >
 helper class for quantity_cast More...
struct  boost::units::detail::quantity_cast_helper< Y, quantity< Unit, X > >
 specialization for casting to the value type More...
struct  boost::units::detail::quantity_cast_helper< Y, const quantity< Unit, X > >
 specialization for casting to the value type More...
struct  boost::units::unary_plus_typeof_helper< quantity< Unit, Y > >
 specialize unary plus typeof helper INTERNAL ONLY More...
struct  boost::units::unary_minus_typeof_helper< quantity< Unit, Y > >
 specialize unary minus typeof helper INTERNAL ONLY More...
struct  boost::units::add_typeof_helper< quantity< Unit1, X >, quantity< Unit2, Y > >
 specialize add typeof helper INTERNAL ONLY More...
struct  boost::units::add_typeof_helper< quantity< unit< Dim1, System1 >, X >, quantity< unit< Dim2, System2 >, Y > >
 for sun CC we need to invoke SFINAE at the top level, otherwise it will silently return int. More...
struct  boost::units::add_typeof_helper< quantity< unit< Dim, System >, X >, quantity< unit< Dim, System >, Y > >
struct  boost::units::subtract_typeof_helper< quantity< Unit1, X >, quantity< Unit2, Y > >
 specialize subtract typeof helper INTERNAL ONLY More...
struct  boost::units::subtract_typeof_helper< quantity< unit< Dim1, System1 >, X >, quantity< unit< Dim2, System2 >, Y > >
struct  boost::units::subtract_typeof_helper< quantity< unit< Dim, System >, X >, quantity< unit< Dim, System >, Y > >
struct  boost::units::multiply_typeof_helper< X, unit< Dim, System > >
 scalar times unit typeof helper INTERNAL ONLY More...
struct  boost::units::multiply_typeof_helper< unit< Dim, System >, X >
 unit times scalar typeof helper INTERNAL ONLY More...
struct  boost::units::multiply_typeof_helper< X, quantity< Unit, Y > >
 scalar times quantity typeof helper INTERNAL ONLY More...
struct  boost::units::multiply_typeof_helper< one, quantity< Unit, Y > >
 disambiguate INTERNAL ONLY More...
struct  boost::units::multiply_typeof_helper< quantity< Unit, X >, Y >
 quantity times scalar typeof helper INTERNAL ONLY More...
struct  boost::units::multiply_typeof_helper< quantity< Unit, X >, one >
 disambiguate INTERNAL ONLY More...
struct  boost::units::multiply_typeof_helper< unit< Dim, System >, quantity< Unit, X > >
 unit times quantity typeof helper INTERNAL ONLY More...
struct  boost::units::multiply_typeof_helper< quantity< Unit, X >, unit< Dim, System > >
 quantity times unit typeof helper INTERNAL ONLY More...
struct  boost::units::multiply_typeof_helper< quantity< Unit1, X >, quantity< Unit2, Y > >
 quantity times quantity typeof helper INTERNAL ONLY More...
struct  boost::units::divide_typeof_helper< X, unit< Dim, System > >
 scalar divided by unit typeof helper INTERNAL ONLY More...
struct  boost::units::divide_typeof_helper< unit< Dim, System >, X >
 unit divided by scalar typeof helper INTERNAL ONLY More...
struct  boost::units::divide_typeof_helper< X, quantity< Unit, Y > >
 scalar divided by quantity typeof helper INTERNAL ONLY More...
struct  boost::units::divide_typeof_helper< one, quantity< Unit, Y > >
 disambiguate INTERNAL ONLY More...
struct  boost::units::divide_typeof_helper< quantity< Unit, X >, Y >
 quantity divided by scalar typeof helper INTERNAL ONLY More...
struct  boost::units::divide_typeof_helper< quantity< Unit, X >, one >
 disambiguate INTERNAL ONLY More...
struct  boost::units::divide_typeof_helper< unit< Dim, System >, quantity< Unit, X > >
 unit divided by quantity typeof helper INTERNAL ONLY More...
struct  boost::units::divide_typeof_helper< quantity< Unit, X >, unit< Dim, System > >
 quantity divided by unit typeof helper INTERNAL ONLY More...
struct  boost::units::divide_typeof_helper< quantity< Unit1, X >, quantity< Unit2, Y > >
 quantity divided by quantity typeof helper INTERNAL ONLY More...
struct  boost::units::power_typeof_helper< quantity< Unit, Y >, static_rational< N, D > >
 specialize power typeof helper INTERNAL ONLY More...
struct  boost::units::root_typeof_helper< quantity< Unit, Y >, static_rational< N, D > >
 specialize root typeof helper INTERNAL ONLY More...


 Duration formatting facet for input.


template<class X , class Y >
boost::units::quantity_cast (Y &source)
 quantity_cast provides mutating access to underlying quantity value_type More...
template<class X , class Y >
boost::units::quantity_cast (const Y &source)
template<class Unit , class Y >
void boost::units::swap (quantity< Unit, Y > &lhs, quantity< Unit, Y > &rhs)
 swap quantities More...
template<class System , class Dim , class Y >
multiply_typeof_helper< unit
< Dim, System >, Y >::type 
boost::units::operator* (const unit< Dim, System > &, const Y &rhs)
 runtime unit times scalar INTERNAL ONLY More...
template<class System , class Dim , class Y >
divide_typeof_helper< unit
< Dim, System >, Y >::type 
boost::units::operator/ (const unit< Dim, System > &, const Y &rhs)
 runtime unit divided by scalar More...
template<class System , class Dim , class Y >
multiply_typeof_helper< Y,
unit< Dim, System > >::type 
boost::units::operator* (const Y &lhs, const unit< Dim, System > &)
 runtime scalar times unit More...
template<class System , class Dim , class Y >
divide_typeof_helper< Y, unit
< Dim, System > >::type 
boost::units::operator/ (const Y &lhs, const unit< Dim, System > &)
 runtime scalar divided by unit More...
template<class Unit , class X >
< quantity< Unit, X >, X >
boost::units::operator* (const quantity< Unit, X > &lhs, const X &rhs)
 runtime quantity times scalar More...
template<class Unit , class X >
multiply_typeof_helper< X,
quantity< Unit, X > >::type 
boost::units::operator* (const X &lhs, const quantity< Unit, X > &rhs)
 runtime scalar times quantity More...
template<class Unit , class X >
divide_typeof_helper< quantity
< Unit, X >, X >::type 
boost::units::operator/ (const quantity< Unit, X > &lhs, const X &rhs)
 runtime quantity divided by scalar More...
template<class Unit , class X >
divide_typeof_helper< X,
quantity< Unit, X > >::type 
boost::units::operator/ (const X &lhs, const quantity< Unit, X > &rhs)
 runtime scalar divided by quantity More...
template<class System1 , class Dim1 , class Unit2 , class Y >
multiply_typeof_helper< unit
< Dim1, System1 >, quantity
< Unit2, Y > >::type 
boost::units::operator* (const unit< Dim1, System1 > &, const quantity< Unit2, Y > &rhs)
 runtime unit times quantity More...
template<class System1 , class Dim1 , class Unit2 , class Y >
divide_typeof_helper< unit
< Dim1, System1 >, quantity
< Unit2, Y > >::type 
boost::units::operator/ (const unit< Dim1, System1 > &, const quantity< Unit2, Y > &rhs)
 runtime unit divided by quantity More...
template<class Unit1 , class System2 , class Dim2 , class Y >
< quantity< Unit1, Y >, unit
< Dim2, System2 > >::type 
boost::units::operator* (const quantity< Unit1, Y > &lhs, const unit< Dim2, System2 > &)
 runtime quantity times unit More...
template<class Unit1 , class System2 , class Dim2 , class Y >
divide_typeof_helper< quantity
< Unit1, Y >, unit< Dim2,
System2 > >::type 
boost::units::operator/ (const quantity< Unit1, Y > &lhs, const unit< Dim2, System2 > &)
 runtime quantity divided by unit More...
template<class Unit , class Y >
< quantity< Unit, Y > >::type 
boost::units::operator+ (const quantity< Unit, Y > &val)
 runtime unary plus quantity More...
template<class Unit , class Y >
< quantity< Unit, Y > >::type 
boost::units::operator- (const quantity< Unit, Y > &val)
 runtime unary minus quantity More...
template<class Unit1 , class Unit2 , class X , class Y >
add_typeof_helper< quantity
< Unit1, X >, quantity< Unit2,
Y > >::type 
boost::units::operator+ (const quantity< Unit1, X > &lhs, const quantity< Unit2, Y > &rhs)
 runtime quantity plus quantity More...
template<class Unit1 , class Unit2 , class X , class Y >
< quantity< Unit1, X >
, quantity< Unit2, Y > >::type 
boost::units::operator- (const quantity< Unit1, X > &lhs, const quantity< Unit2, Y > &rhs)
 runtime quantity minus quantity More...
template<class Unit1 , class Unit2 , class X , class Y >
< quantity< Unit1, X >
, quantity< Unit2, Y > >::type 
boost::units::operator* (const quantity< Unit1, X > &lhs, const quantity< Unit2, Y > &rhs)
 runtime quantity times quantity More...
template<class Unit1 , class Unit2 , class X , class Y >
divide_typeof_helper< quantity
< Unit1, X >, quantity< Unit2,
Y > >::type 
boost::units::operator/ (const quantity< Unit1, X > &lhs, const quantity< Unit2, Y > &rhs)
 runtime quantity divided by quantity More...
template<class Unit , class X , class Y >
bool boost::units::operator== (const quantity< Unit, X > &val1, const quantity< Unit, Y > &val2)
 runtime operator== More...
template<class Unit , class X , class Y >
bool boost::units::operator!= (const quantity< Unit, X > &val1, const quantity< Unit, Y > &val2)
 runtime operator!= More...
template<class Unit , class X , class Y >
bool boost::units::operator< (const quantity< Unit, X > &val1, const quantity< Unit, Y > &val2)
 runtime operator< More...
template<class Unit , class X , class Y >
bool boost::units::operator<= (const quantity< Unit, X > &val1, const quantity< Unit, Y > &val2)
 runtime operator<= More...
template<class Unit , class X , class Y >
bool boost::units::operator> (const quantity< Unit, X > &val1, const quantity< Unit, Y > &val2)
 runtime operator> More...
template<class Unit , class X , class Y >
bool boost::units::operator>= (const quantity< Unit, X > &val1, const quantity< Unit, Y > &val2)
 runtime operator>= More...