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boost::spirit::x3 Namespace Reference




struct  action
struct  alnum_tag
struct  alpha_tag
struct  alphabetic_tag
struct  alternative
struct  and_predicate
struct  any_char
struct  any_parser
struct  arabic_tag
struct  armenian_tag
struct  attr_gen
struct  attr_parser
struct  attr_parser< Value[N]>
struct  avestan_tag
struct  balinese_tag
struct  bamum_tag
struct  bengali_tag
struct  binary_parser
struct  blank_tag
struct  bool_parser
struct  bool_policies
struct  bopomofo_tag
struct  braille_tag
struct  buginese_tag
struct  buhid_tag
struct  canadian_aboriginal_tag
struct  carian_tag
struct  cham_tag
struct  char_class
struct  char_class_base
struct  char_parser
struct  char_tag
struct  cherokee_tag
struct  close_punctuation_tag
struct  cntrl_tag
struct  common_tag
struct  connector_punctuation_tag
struct  context
struct  context< ID, T, unused_type >
struct  control_tag
struct  coptic_tag
struct  cuneiform_tag
struct  currency_symbol_tag
struct  cypriot_tag
struct  cyrillic_tag
struct  dash_punctuation_tag
struct  decimal_number_tag
struct  default_ignorable_code_point_tag
struct  deseret_tag
struct  devanagari_tag
struct  difference
struct  digit_tag
struct  disable_if_substitution_failure
struct  egyptian_hieroglyphs_tag
struct  enclosing_mark_tag
struct  eoi_parser
struct  eol_parser
struct  eps_parser
class  error_handler
struct  ethiopic_tag
struct  expect_directive
struct  expect_gen
struct  expectation_failure
struct  extract_int
struct  extract_real
struct  extract_uint
struct  final_punctuation_tag
struct  format_tag
class  forward_ast
struct  georgian_tag
struct  get_info
struct  get_info< any_parser< Iterator, Attribute, Context > >
struct  get_info< attr_parser< Value > >
struct  get_info< eoi_parser >
struct  get_info< eol_parser >
struct  get_info< literal_char< Encoding, Attribute > >
struct  get_info< literal_string< String, Encoding, Attribute > >
struct  get_info< symbols< Char, T, Lookup, Filter > >
struct  get_info< T, typename enable_if< traits::is_rule< T > >::type >
struct  glagolitic_tag
struct  gothic_tag
struct  graph_tag
struct  greek_tag
struct  guard
struct  gujarati_tag
struct  gurmukhi_tag
struct  han_tag
struct  hangul_tag
struct  hanunoo_tag
struct  has_skipper
struct  hebrew_tag
struct  hex_digit_tag
struct  hiragana_tag
struct  identity
struct  imperial_aramaic_tag
struct  inherited_tag
struct  initial_punctuation_tag
struct  inscriptional_pahlavi_tag
struct  inscriptional_parthian_tag
struct  int_parser
struct  integer_sequence
struct  is_callable
struct  is_callable< F(A...)>
struct  javanese_tag
struct  kaithi_tag
struct  kannada_tag
struct  katakana_or_hiragana_tag
struct  katakana_tag
struct  kayah_li_tag
struct  kharoshthi_tag
struct  khmer_tag
struct  kleene
struct  lambda_visitor
struct  lambda_visitor< RT >
struct  lambda_visitor< RT, F >
struct  lambda_visitor< RT, F, Lambdas...>
struct  lao_tag
struct  latin_tag
struct  lazy_disable_if_substitution_failure
struct  lazy_semantic_predicate
struct  lepcha_tag
struct  letter_number_tag
struct  letter_tag
struct  lexeme_directive
struct  lexeme_gen
struct  limbu_tag
struct  line_separator_tag
struct  linear_b_tag
struct  list
struct  lisu_tag
struct  literal_bool_parser
struct  literal_char
struct  literal_string
struct  lower_tag
struct  lowercase_letter_tag
struct  lowercase_tag
struct  lycian_tag
struct  lydian_tag
struct  malayalam_tag
struct  mark_tag
struct  math_symbol_tag
struct  meetei_mayek_tag
struct  modifier_letter_tag
struct  modifier_symbol_tag
struct  mongolian_tag
struct  myanmar_tag
struct  negated_char_parser
struct  new_tai_lue_tag
struct  nko_tag
struct  no_skip_directive
struct  no_skip_gen
struct  noncharacter_code_point_tag
struct  nonspacing_mark_tag
struct  not_predicate
struct  number_tag
struct  ogham_tag
struct  ol_chiki_tag
struct  old_italic_tag
struct  old_persian_tag
struct  old_south_arabian_tag
struct  old_turkic_tag
struct  omit_directive
struct  omit_gen
struct  open_punctuation_tag
struct  optional
struct  oriya_tag
struct  osmanya_tag
struct  other_letter_tag
struct  other_number_tag
struct  other_punctuation_tag
struct  other_symbol_tag
struct  other_tag
struct  paragraph_separator_tag
struct  parser
struct  parser_base
struct  phags_pa_tag
struct  phoenician_tag
struct  phrase_parse_context
struct  plus
class  position_cache
struct  position_tagged
struct  print_tag
struct  private_use_tag
struct  proxy
struct  punct_tag
struct  punctuation_tag
struct  raw_attribute_type
struct  raw_directive
struct  raw_gen
struct  real_parser
struct  real_policies
struct  rejang_tag
struct  reskip_directive
struct  reskip_gen
struct  rule
struct  rule_definition
struct  runic_tag
struct  samaritan_tag
struct  saurashtra_tag
struct  seek_directive
struct  seek_gen
struct  semantic_predicate
struct  separator_tag
struct  sequence
struct  shavian_tag
struct  simple_trace
struct  sinhala_tag
struct  skip_directive
struct  space_separator_tag
struct  space_tag
struct  spacing_mark_tag
struct  strict_real_policies
struct  strict_ureal_policies
struct  subcontext
struct  subcontext< T >
struct  subcontext< T, Tail...>
struct  subcontext<>
struct  sundanese_tag
struct  surrogate_tag
struct  syloti_nagri_tag
struct  symbol_tag
struct  symbols
struct  syriac_tag
struct  tagalog_tag
struct  tagbanwa_tag
struct  tai_le_tag
struct  tai_tham_tag
struct  tai_viet_tag
struct  tamil_tag
struct  telugu_tag
struct  thaana_tag
struct  thai_tag
struct  tibetan_tag
struct  tifinagh_tag
struct  titlecase_letter_tag
struct  tst
struct  tst_map
struct  tst_pass_through
struct  ugaritic_tag
struct  uint_parser
struct  unary_parser
struct  unassigned_tag
struct  unicode_char_class
struct  unicode_char_class_base
struct  unknown_tag
struct  unrefcv
struct  unused_skipper
struct  unused_type
struct  upper_tag
struct  uppercase_letter_tag
struct  uppercase_tag
struct  ureal_policies
struct  vai_tag
struct  variant
struct  white_space_tag
struct  with_context
struct  with_context< ID, T, unused_type >
struct  with_directive
struct  with_gen
struct  with_value_holder
struct  with_value_holder< Subject, Derived, T const >
struct  xdigit_tag
struct  yi_tag


typedef bool_parser< bool > bool_type
typedef literal_bool_parser< bool > true_type
typedef literal_bool_parser< bool > false_type
typedef int_parser< long > long_type
typedef int_parser< short > short_type
typedef int_parser< int > int_type
typedef int_parser< long long > long_longtype
typedef int_parser< int8_t > int8type
typedef int_parser< int16_t > int16type
typedef int_parser< int32_t > int32type
typedef int_parser< int64_t > int64type
typedef real_parser< float > float_type
typedef real_parser< double > double_type
typedef uint_parser< unsigned
long > 
typedef uint_parser< unsigned
short > 
typedef uint_parser< unsigned int > uint_type
typedef uint_parser< unsigned
long long > 
typedef uint_parser< uint8_t > uint8type
typedef uint_parser< uint16_t > uint16type
typedef uint_parser< uint32_t > uint32type
typedef uint_parser< uint64_t > uint64type
typedef uint_parser< unsigned, 2 > bintype
typedef uint_parser< unsigned, 8 > octtype
typedef uint_parser< unsigned, 16 > hextype
template<std::size_t... Ns>
using index_sequence = integer_sequence< std::size_t, Ns...>
template<typename T , T N>
using make_integer_sequence = typename detail::make_integer_sequence_impl< integral_constant< T, N >>::type
template<std::size_t N>
using make_index_sequence = make_integer_sequence< std::size_t, N >
template<typename... T>
using index_sequence_for = make_index_sequence< sizeof...(T)>
template<typename T >
using unrefcv_t = typename unrefcv< T >::type
typedef ::boost::uint32_t ucs4_char
typedef char utf8_char
typedef std::basic_string
< ucs4_char
typedef std::basic_string
< utf8_char


enum  error_handler_result {
enum  skip_flag {
enum  debug_handler_state {


< char_encoding::standard,
lit (char ch)
< char_encoding::standard_wide,
lit (wchar_t ch)
template<typename Positive >
negated_char_parser< Positive > operator~ (char_parser< Positive > const &cp)
template<typename Positive >
Positive const & operator~ (negated_char_parser< Positive > const &cp)
template<typename Context >
bool & _pass (Context const &context)
template<typename P , typename Action >
action< typename
extension::as_parser< P >
::value_type, Action > 
operator/ (P const &p, Action f)
template<typename Context >
auto _val (Context const &context) -> decltype(x3::get< rule_val_context_tag >(context))
template<typename Context >
auto _where (Context const &context) -> decltype(x3::get< where_context_tag >(context))
template<typename Context >
auto _attr (Context const &context) -> decltype(x3::get< attr_context_tag >(context))
template<typename F , typename Iterator , typename Context , typename RuleContext , typename Attribute >
auto call (F f, Iterator &first, Iterator const &last, Context const &context, RuleContext &rcontext, Attribute &attr)
template<typename Iterator , typename Parser , typename Attribute >
bool parse_main (Iterator &first, Iterator last, Parser const &p, Attribute &attr)
template<typename Iterator , typename Parser , typename Attribute >
bool parse (Iterator &first, Iterator last, Parser const &p, Attribute &attr)
template<typename Iterator , typename Parser , typename Attribute >
bool parse (Iterator const &first_, Iterator last, Parser const &p, Attribute &attr)
template<typename Iterator , typename Parser >
bool parse (Iterator &first, Iterator last, Parser const &p)
template<typename Iterator , typename Parser >
bool parse (Iterator const &first_, Iterator last, Parser const &p)
template<typename Iterator , typename Parser , typename Skipper , typename Attribute >
bool phrase_parse_main (Iterator &first, Iterator last, Parser const &p, Skipper const &s, Attribute &attr, skip_flag post_skip=skip_flag::post_skip)
template<typename Iterator , typename Parser , typename Skipper , typename Attribute >
bool phrase_parse (Iterator &first, Iterator last, Parser const &p, Skipper const &s, Attribute &attr, skip_flag post_skip=skip_flag::post_skip)
template<typename Iterator , typename Parser , typename Skipper , typename Attribute >
bool phrase_parse (Iterator const &first_, Iterator last, Parser const &p, Skipper const &s, Attribute &attr, skip_flag post_skip=skip_flag::post_skip)
template<typename Iterator , typename Parser , typename Skipper >
bool phrase_parse (Iterator &first, Iterator last, Parser const &p, Skipper const &s, skip_flag post_skip=skip_flag::post_skip)
template<typename Iterator , typename Parser , typename Skipper >
bool phrase_parse (Iterator const &first_, Iterator last, Parser const &p, Skipper const &s, skip_flag post_skip=skip_flag::post_skip)
template<typename T >
extension::as_parser< T >::type as_parser (T const &x)
template<typename Derived >
Derived const & as_parser (parser< Derived > const &p)
template<typename Parser >
std::string what (Parser const &p)
template<typename Iterator , typename Context >
void skip_over (Iterator &first, Iterator const &last, Context const &context)
template<typename ID , typename T >
with_gen< ID, Twith (T &val)
template<typename ID , typename T >
with_gen< ID, T const > with (T const &val)
template<typename ID , typename Attribute , typename Iterator , typename Context , typename ActualAttribute >
detail::default_parse_rule_result parse_rule (rule< ID, Attribute > rule_, Iterator &first, Iterator const &last, Context const &context, ActualAttribute &attr)
template<typename Left , typename Right >
alternative< typename
extension::as_parser< Left >
::value_type, typename
extension::as_parser< Right >
::value_type > 
operator| (Left const &left, Right const &right)
template<typename Subject >
and_predicate< typename
extension::as_parser< Subject >
::value_type > 
operator& (Subject const &subject)
template<typename Left , typename Right >
difference< typename
extension::as_parser< Left >
::value_type, typename
extension::as_parser< Right >
::value_type > 
operator- (Left const &left, Right const &right)
template<typename Subject >
kleene< typename
extension::as_parser< Subject >
::value_type > 
operator* (Subject const &subject)
template<typename Left , typename Right >
list< typename
extension::as_parser< Left >
::value_type, typename
extension::as_parser< Right >
::value_type > 
operator% (Left const &left, Right const &right)
template<typename Subject >
not_predicate< typename
extension::as_parser< Subject >
::value_type > 
operator! (Subject const &subject)
template<typename Subject >
optional< typename
extension::as_parser< Subject >
::value_type > 
operator- (Subject const &subject)
template<typename Subject >
plus< typename
extension::as_parser< Subject >
::value_type > 
operator+ (Subject const &subject)
template<typename Left , typename Right >
sequence< typename
extension::as_parser< Left >
::value_type, typename
extension::as_parser< Right >
::value_type > 
operator>> (Left const &left, Right const &right)
template<typename Left , typename Right >
sequence< typename
extension::as_parser< Left >
::value_type, expect_directive
< typename
extension::as_parser< Right >
::value_type > > 
operator> (Left const &left, Right const &right)
literal_string< char const
*, char_encoding::standard,
lit (char const *s)
template<typename T >
void swap (forward_ast< T > &lhs, forward_ast< T > &rhs) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
template<typename Tag , typename Context >
auto get (Context const &context) -> decltype(context.get(mpl::identity< Tag >()))
template<typename ID , typename T , typename Next >
context< ID, T, Next > make_context (T &val, Next const &next)
template<typename ID , typename T >
context< ID, Tmake_context (T &val)
template<typename ID , typename T , typename Next >
auto make_unique_context (T &val, Next const &next)
template<typename Iterator >
bool extract_sign (Iterator &first, Iterator const &last)
template<typename T >
bool() signbit (T x)
template<typename T >
T() changesign (T x)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, unused_type const &)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &in, unused_type &)
template<typename RT , typename... Lambdas>
lambda_visitor< RT, Lambdas...> make_lambda_visitor (Lambdas...lambdas)
template<typename Char >
utf8_string to_utf8 (Char value)
template<typename Char >
utf8_string to_utf8 (Char const *str)
template<typename Char , typename Traits , typename Allocator >
utf8_string to_utf8 (std::basic_string< Char, Traits, Allocator > const &str)


attr_gen const attr = attr_gen()
eoi_parser const eoi = eoi_parser()
eol_parser const eol = eol_parser()
eps_parser const eps = eps_parser()
expect_gen const expect = expect_gen()
lexeme_gen const lexeme = lexeme_gen()
no_skip_gen const no_skip = no_skip_gen()
omit_gen const omit = omit_gen()
raw_gen const raw = raw_gen()
reskip_gen const skip = reskip_gen()
seek_gen const seek = seek_gen()
bool_type const bool_ = {}
true_type const true_ = { true }
false_type const false_ = { false }
long_type const long_ = {}
short_type const short_ = {}
int_type const int_ = {}
long_longtype const long_long = {}
int8type const int8 = {}
int16type const int16 = {}
int32type const int32 = {}
int64type const int64 = {}
float_type const float_ = {}
double_type const double_ = {}
ulong_type const ulong_ = {}
ushort_type const ushort_ = {}
uint_type const uint_ = {}
ulong_longtype const ulong_long = {}
uint8type const uint8 = {}
uint16type const uint16 = {}
uint32type const uint32 = {}
uint64type const uint64 = {}
bintype const bin = bintype()
octtype const oct = octtype()
hextype const hex = hextype()
unused_type const unused = unused_type()

Typedef Documentation

typedef uint_parser< unsigned , 2 > boost::spirit::x3::bintype
typedef uint_parser< unsigned , 16 > boost::spirit::x3::hextype
template<std::size_t... Ns>
using boost::spirit::x3::index_sequence = typedef integer_sequence<std::size_t, Ns...>
template<typename... T>
using boost::spirit::x3::index_sequence_for = typedef make_index_sequence<sizeof...(T)>
template<std::size_t N>
using boost::spirit::x3::make_index_sequence = typedef make_integer_sequence<std::size_t, N>
typedef uint_parser< unsigned , 8 > boost::spirit::x3::octtype
typedef ::boost::uint32_t boost::spirit::x3::ucs4_char
typedef std::basic_string<ucs4_char> boost::spirit::x3::ucs4_string
typedef uint_parser< unsigned int > boost::spirit::x3::uint_type
typedef uint_parser< unsigned long long > boost::spirit::x3::ulong_longtype
typedef uint_parser< unsigned long > boost::spirit::x3::ulong_type
template<typename T >
using boost::spirit::x3::unrefcv_t = typedef typename unrefcv<T>::type
typedef uint_parser< unsigned short > boost::spirit::x3::ushort_type
typedef std::basic_string<utf8_char> boost::spirit::x3::utf8_string

Enumeration Type Documentation


Function Documentation

template<typename Context >
auto boost::spirit::x3::_attr ( Context const &  context) -> decltype(x3::get<attr_context_tag>(context))
template<typename Context >
bool& boost::spirit::x3::_pass ( Context const &  context)

References boost::phoenix::context().

Referenced by v2_eval().

template<typename Context >
auto boost::spirit::x3::_val ( Context const &  context) -> decltype(x3::get<rule_val_context_tag>(context))
template<typename Context >
auto boost::spirit::x3::_where ( Context const &  context) -> decltype(x3::get<where_context_tag>(context))
template<typename Derived >
Derived const& boost::spirit::x3::as_parser ( parser< Derived > const &  p)
template<typename F , typename Iterator , typename Context , typename RuleContext , typename Attribute >
auto boost::spirit::x3::call ( f,
Iterator &  first,
Iterator const &  last,
Context const &  context,
RuleContext &  rcontext,
Attribute &  attr 
template<typename T >
T() boost::spirit::x3::changesign ( T  x)
template<typename Iterator >
bool boost::spirit::x3::extract_sign ( Iterator &  first,
Iterator const &  last 
template<typename Tag , typename Context >
auto boost::spirit::x3::get ( Context const &  context) -> decltype(context.get(mpl::identity<Tag>()))
literal_char<char_encoding::standard, unused_type> boost::spirit::x3::lit ( char  ch)
literal_char<char_encoding::standard_wide, unused_type> boost::spirit::x3::lit ( wchar_t  ch)
literal_string<char const*, char_encoding::standard, unused_type> boost::spirit::x3::lit ( char const *  s)

References boost::asio::s.

template<typename ID , typename T , typename Next >
context<ID, T, Next> boost::spirit::x3::make_context ( T val,
Next const &  next 
template<typename ID , typename T >
context<ID, T> boost::spirit::x3::make_context ( T val)

References boost::phoenix::val().

template<typename RT , typename... Lambdas>
lambda_visitor<RT, Lambdas...> boost::spirit::x3::make_lambda_visitor ( Lambdas...  lambdas)
template<typename ID , typename T , typename Next >
auto boost::spirit::x3::make_unique_context ( T val,
Next const &  next 
template<typename Subject >
not_predicate<typename extension::as_parser<Subject>::value_type> boost::spirit::x3::operator! ( Subject const &  subject)

References as_parser().

template<typename Left , typename Right >
list< typename extension::as_parser<Left>::value_type , typename extension::as_parser<Right>::value_type> boost::spirit::x3::operator% ( Left const &  left,
Right const &  right 

References as_parser().

template<typename Subject >
and_predicate<typename extension::as_parser<Subject>::value_type> boost::spirit::x3::operator& ( Subject const &  subject)

References as_parser().

template<typename Subject >
kleene<typename extension::as_parser<Subject>::value_type> boost::spirit::x3::operator* ( Subject const &  subject)

References as_parser().

template<typename Subject >
plus<typename extension::as_parser<Subject>::value_type> boost::spirit::x3::operator+ ( Subject const &  subject)

References as_parser().

template<typename Left , typename Right >
difference< typename extension::as_parser<Left>::value_type , typename extension::as_parser<Right>::value_type> boost::spirit::x3::operator- ( Left const &  left,
Right const &  right 

References as_parser().

template<typename Subject >
optional<typename extension::as_parser<Subject>::value_type> boost::spirit::x3::operator- ( Subject const &  subject)

References as_parser().

template<typename P , typename Action >
action<typename extension::as_parser<P>::value_type, Action> boost::spirit::x3::operator/ ( P const &  p,
Action  f 

References as_parser().

std::ostream& boost::spirit::x3::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
unused_type const &   

References boost::out.

template<typename Left , typename Right >
sequence< typename extension::as_parser<Left>::value_type , expect_directive<typename extension::as_parser<Right>::value_type> > boost::spirit::x3::operator> ( Left const &  left,
Right const &  right 

References as_parser().

template<typename Left , typename Right >
sequence< typename extension::as_parser<Left>::value_type , typename extension::as_parser<Right>::value_type> boost::spirit::x3::operator>> ( Left const &  left,
Right const &  right 

References as_parser().

std::istream& boost::spirit::x3::operator>> ( std::istream &  in,
unused_type &   

References boost::flyweights::in.

template<typename Left , typename Right >
alternative< typename extension::as_parser<Left>::value_type , typename extension::as_parser<Right>::value_type> boost::spirit::x3::operator| ( Left const &  left,
Right const &  right 

References as_parser().

template<typename Positive >
negated_char_parser<Positive> boost::spirit::x3::operator~ ( char_parser< Positive > const &  cp)
template<typename Positive >
Positive const& boost::spirit::x3::operator~ ( negated_char_parser< Positive > const &  cp)
template<typename Iterator , typename Parser , typename Attribute >
bool boost::spirit::x3::parse ( Iterator &  first,
Iterator  last,
Parser const &  p,
Attribute &  attr 

References parse_main().

Referenced by parse_rule().

template<typename Iterator , typename Parser , typename Attribute >
bool boost::spirit::x3::parse ( Iterator const &  first_,
Iterator  last,
Parser const &  p,
Attribute &  attr 
template<typename Iterator , typename Parser >
bool boost::spirit::x3::parse ( Iterator &  first,
Iterator  last,
Parser const &  p 

References parse_main(), and unused.

template<typename Iterator , typename Parser >
bool boost::spirit::x3::parse ( Iterator const &  first_,
Iterator  last,
Parser const &  p 
template<typename Iterator , typename Parser , typename Attribute >
bool boost::spirit::x3::parse_main ( Iterator &  first,
Iterator  last,
Parser const &  p,
Attribute &  attr 

References as_parser(), boost::BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT(), and unused.

Referenced by parse().

template<typename ID , typename Attribute , typename Iterator , typename Context , typename ActualAttribute >
detail::default_parse_rule_result boost::spirit::x3::parse_rule ( rule< ID, Attribute >  rule_,
Iterator &  first,
Iterator const &  last,
Context const &  context,
ActualAttribute &  attr 
template<typename Iterator , typename Parser , typename Skipper , typename Attribute >
bool boost::spirit::x3::phrase_parse ( Iterator &  first,
Iterator  last,
Parser const &  p,
Skipper const &  s,
Attribute &  attr,
skip_flag  post_skip = skip_flag::post_skip 

References phrase_parse_main(), and post_skip.

template<typename Iterator , typename Parser , typename Skipper , typename Attribute >
bool boost::spirit::x3::phrase_parse ( Iterator const &  first_,
Iterator  last,
Parser const &  p,
Skipper const &  s,
Attribute &  attr,
skip_flag  post_skip = skip_flag::post_skip 
template<typename Iterator , typename Parser , typename Skipper >
bool boost::spirit::x3::phrase_parse ( Iterator &  first,
Iterator  last,
Parser const &  p,
Skipper const &  s,
skip_flag  post_skip = skip_flag::post_skip 
template<typename Iterator , typename Parser , typename Skipper >
bool boost::spirit::x3::phrase_parse ( Iterator const &  first_,
Iterator  last,
Parser const &  p,
Skipper const &  s,
skip_flag  post_skip = skip_flag::post_skip 
template<typename Iterator , typename Parser , typename Skipper , typename Attribute >
bool boost::spirit::x3::phrase_parse_main ( Iterator &  first,
Iterator  last,
Parser const &  p,
Skipper const &  s,
Attribute &  attr,
skip_flag  post_skip = skip_flag::post_skip 
template<typename T >
void boost::spirit::x3::swap ( forward_ast< T > &  lhs,
forward_ast< T > &  rhs 
template<typename Char >
utf8_string boost::spirit::x3::to_utf8 ( Char const *  str)

References boost::detail::type.

template<typename Char , typename Traits , typename Allocator >
utf8_string boost::spirit::x3::to_utf8 ( std::basic_string< Char, Traits, Allocator > const &  str)
template<typename Parser >
std::string boost::spirit::x3::what ( Parser const &  p)
template<typename ID , typename T >
with_gen<ID, T> boost::spirit::x3::with ( T val)
template<typename ID , typename T >
with_gen<ID, T const> boost::spirit::x3::with ( T const &  val)

Variable Documentation

attr_gen const boost::spirit::x3::attr = attr_gen()

Referenced by boost::add_scoped_logger_attribute(), boost::spirit::karma::symbols< Attribute, T, Lookup, CharEncoding, Tag >::at(), call(), boost::spirit::traits::detail::attribute_as_string_type::call(), boost::spirit::traits::assign_to_attribute_from_value< Attribute, lex::lexertl::token< Iterator, AttributeTypes, HasState, Idtype > >::call(), boost::spirit::traits::detail::attribute_as_symbol_type::call(), boost::spirit::traits::detail::attribute_as_binary_string_type::call(), boost::spirit::traits::assign_to_attribute_from_value< Attribute, lex::lexertl::token< Iterator, mpl::vector0<>, HasState, Idtype > >::call(), boost::spirit::traits::assign_to_attribute_from_value< Attribute, lex::lexertl::token< Iterator, mpl::vector<>, HasState, Idtype > >::call(), boost::spirit::traits::assign_to_attribute_from_value< fusion::vector2< Idtype_, iterator_range< Iterator > >, lex::lexertl::token< Iterator, AttributeTypes, HasState, Idtype > >::call(), boost::spirit::traits::assign_to_attribute_from_value< Attribute, lex::lexertl::position_token< Iterator, AttributeTypes, HasState, Idtype > >::call(), boost::spirit::traits::assign_to_attribute_from_value< Attribute, lex::lexertl::position_token< Iterator, mpl::vector0<>, HasState, Idtype > >::call(), boost::spirit::traits::assign_to_attribute_from_value< Attribute, lex::lexertl::position_token< Iterator, mpl::vector<>, HasState, Idtype > >::call(), boost::spirit::traits::assign_to_attribute_from_value< Attribute, lex::lexertl::position_token< Iterator, mpl::vector1< Attr >, HasState, Idtype > >::call(), boost::spirit::traits::assign_to_attribute_from_value< Attribute, lex::lexertl::position_token< Iterator, mpl::vector< Attr >, HasState, Idtype > >::call(), boost::spirit::traits::assign_to_attribute_from_value< fusion::vector2< Idtype_, iterator_range< Iterator > >, lex::lexertl::position_token< Iterator, AttributeTypes, HasState, Idtype > >::call(), boost::python::api::object_operators< U >::contains(), boost::spirit::karma::format(), boost::spirit::karma::format_delimited(), boost::spirit::karma::action< Subject, Action >::generate(), boost::spirit::karma::any_stream_generator< Char, CharEncoding, Tag >::generate(), boost::spirit::karma::any_binary_generator< T, endian, bits >::generate(), boost::spirit::repository::karma::subrule< ID_, T1, T2 >::generate(), boost::spirit::karma::base_sequence< Elements, mpl::true_, strict_sequence< Elements > >::generate_impl(), boost::attribute::operator=(), boost::spirit::qi::action< Subject, Action >::parse(), boost::spirit::qi::plain_tokenid_mask< Mask >::parse(), boost::spirit::x3::any_parser< Iterator, Attribute, Context >::parse(), boost::spirit::x3::action< Subject, Action >::parse(), boost::spirit::impl::for_parser< InitF, CondT, StepF, ParsableT >::parse(), boost::spirit::qi::plain_tokenid_range< TokenId >::parse(), boost::spirit::repository::qi::subrule< ID_, T1, T2 >::parse(), boost::spirit::repository::qi::keywords< Elements, Modifiers >::parse_impl(), boost::spirit::traits::transform_attribute< fusion::extension::adt_attribute_proxy< T, N, false >, Attribute, Domain, typename disable_if< is_reference< typename fusion::extension::adt_attribute_proxy< T, N, false >::type > >::type >::post(), boost::spirit::traits::pre_transform(), boost::recursive_mutex::recursive_mutex(), boost::recursive_timed_mutex::recursive_timed_mutex(), boost::spirit::karma::char_class< Tag, CharEncoding, CharClass >::test(), boost::spirit::karma::literal_char< CharEncoding, Tag, no_attribute >::test(), boost::spirit::karma::char_range< CharEncoding, Tag >::test(), boost::spirit::karma::char_set< CharEncoding, Tag, no_attribute >::test(), and boost::spirit::lex::tokenize_and_parse().

bintype const boost::spirit::x3::bin = bintype()
bool_type const boost::spirit::x3::bool_ = {}

Referenced by boost::msm::front::a_internal< Event, CalledForAction, action >::action_call(), boost::msm::front::a_row2< T1, Event, T2, CalledForAction, action >::action_call(), boost::msm::front::internal< Event, CalledForAction, action, CalledForGuard, guard >::action_call(), boost::msm::front::row2< T1, Event, T2, CalledForAction, action, CalledForGuard, guard >::action_call(), boost::msm::front::a_irow2< T1, Event, CalledForAction, action >::action_call(), boost::msm::front::irow2< T1, Event, CalledForAction, action, CalledForGuard, guard >::action_call(), boost::detail::bfs_dispatch< ColorMap >::apply(), boost::detail::bfs_dispatch< param_not_found >::apply(), boost::detail::function::BOOST_JOIN(), boost::multiprecision::backends::cpp_int_backend(), boost::multiprecision::backends::eval_convert_to(), boost::msm::back::dispatch_table< Fsm, Stt, Event, CompilePolicy >::chain_row< Seq, AnEvent, State >::execute_helper::execute(), boost::python::converter::expected_pytype_for_arg< T >::get_pytype(), boost::python::converter::registered_pytype< T >::get_pytype(), boost::python::converter::to_python_target_type< T >::get_pytype(), boost::msm::front::internal< Event, CalledForAction, action, CalledForGuard, guard >::guard_call(), boost::msm::front::g_internal< Event, CalledForGuard, guard >::guard_call(), boost::msm::front::row2< T1, Event, T2, CalledForAction, action, CalledForGuard, guard >::guard_call(), boost::msm::front::g_row2< T1, Event, T2, CalledForGuard, guard >::guard_call(), boost::msm::front::irow2< T1, Event, CalledForAction, action, CalledForGuard, guard >::guard_call(), boost::msm::front::g_irow2< T1, Event, CalledForGuard, guard >::guard_call(), boost::geometry::index::rtree< Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator >::insert(), boost::multiprecision::number< Backend, ExpressionTemplates >::operator<<=(), boost::gil::packed_pixel< BitField, ChannelRefVec, Layout >::operator=(), boost::gil::pixel< ChannelValue, Layout >::operator=(), boost::gil::bit_aligned_pixel_reference< BitField, ChannelBitSizes, Layout, IsMutable >::operator=(), boost::container::list< T, Allocator >::operator=(), boost::container::slist< T, Allocator >::operator=(), boost::geometry::index::rtree< Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator >::operator=(), boost::container::deque< T, Allocator >::operator=(), boost::container::stable_vector< T, Allocator >::operator=(), boost::container::basic_string< CharT, Traits, Allocator >::operator=(), boost::multiprecision::backends::operator=(), boost::gil::packed_pixel< BitField, ChannelRefVec, Layout >::operator==(), boost::gil::pixel< ChannelValue, Layout >::operator==(), boost::gil::bit_aligned_pixel_reference< BitField, ChannelBitSizes, Layout, IsMutable >::operator==(), boost::multiprecision::number< Backend, ExpressionTemplates >::operator>>=(), boost::msm::back::state_machine< A0, A1, A2, A3, A4 >::process_event_internal(), boost::detail::dynamic_property_map_adaptor< PropertyMap >::put(), boost::geometry::index::rtree< Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator >::remove(), boost::math::round(), boost::geometry::index::rtree< Value, Parameters, IndexableGetter, EqualTo, Allocator >::swap(), boost::math::trunc(), boost::python::converter::detail::unwind_type_id(), and boost::re_detail::valid_value().

double_type const boost::spirit::x3::double_ = {}
eoi_parser const boost::spirit::x3::eoi = eoi_parser()
expect_gen const boost::spirit::x3::expect = expect_gen()
false_type const boost::spirit::x3::false_ = { false }
float_type const boost::spirit::x3::float_ = {}
int16type const boost::spirit::x3::int16 = {}
int32type const boost::spirit::x3::int32 = {}
int64type const boost::spirit::x3::int64 = {}
int8type const boost::spirit::x3::int8 = {}
lexeme_gen const boost::spirit::x3::lexeme = lexeme_gen()
long_type const boost::spirit::x3::long_ = {}
long_longtype const boost::spirit::x3::long_long = {}
no_skip_gen const boost::spirit::x3::no_skip = no_skip_gen()
omit_gen const boost::spirit::x3::omit = omit_gen()
seek_gen const boost::spirit::x3::seek = seek_gen()
short_type const boost::spirit::x3::short_ = {}
reskip_gen const boost::spirit::x3::skip = reskip_gen()
true_type const boost::spirit::x3::true_ = { true }
uint16type const boost::spirit::x3::uint16 = {}
uint32type const boost::spirit::x3::uint32 = {}
uint64type const boost::spirit::x3::uint64 = {}
uint8type const boost::spirit::x3::uint8 = {}
uint_type const boost::spirit::x3::uint_ = {}
ulong_type const boost::spirit::x3::ulong_ = {}
ulong_longtype const boost::spirit::x3::ulong_long = {}
unused_type const boost::spirit::x3::unused = unused_type()

Referenced by boost::spirit::x3::traits::begin(), boost::spirit::x3::traits::detail::pow10_helper< unused_type >::call(), boost::spirit::x3::traits::make_attribute< unused_type, ActualAttribute >::call(), boost::spirit::x3::traits::make_attribute< unused_type, unused_type >::call(), boost::spirit::x3::extension::as_parser< unused_type >::call(), boost::spirit::x3::traits::deref(), boost::spirit::x3::traits::end(), boost::spirit::x3::subcontext<>::get(), boost::spirit::x3::context< ID, T, unused_type >::get(), boost::spirit::x3::alternative< Left, Right >::parse(), boost::spirit::x3::sequence< Left, Right >::parse(), boost::spirit::x3::and_predicate< Subject >::parse(), boost::spirit::x3::difference< Left, Right >::parse(), boost::spirit::x3::not_predicate< Subject >::parse(), boost::spirit::x3::list< Left, Right >::parse(), boost::spirit::x3::raw_directive< Subject >::parse(), boost::spirit::x3::omit_directive< Subject >::parse(), boost::spirit::x3::real_parser< T, RealPolicies >::parse(), boost::spirit::x3::bool_parser< T, BoolPolicies >::parse(), parse(), boost::spirit::x3::literal_bool_parser< T, BoolPolicies >::parse(), boost::spirit::x3::any_parser< Iterator, Attribute, Context >::parse(), boost::spirit::x3::bool_policies< T >::parse_false(), boost::spirit::x3::ureal_policies< T >::parse_inf(), parse_main(), boost::spirit::x3::ureal_policies< T >::parse_nan(), parse_rule(), boost::spirit::x3::bool_policies< T >::parse_true(), phrase_parse(), phrase_parse_main(), and boost::spirit::x3::detail::skip_over().

ushort_type const boost::spirit::x3::ushort_ = {}