Convert one unsigned/floating point channel to another.
struct | boost::gil::channel_converter_unsigned< SrcChannelV, DstChannelV > |
struct | boost::gil::channel_converter_unsigned< T, T > |
| Converting a channel to itself - identity operation. More...
struct | boost::gil::detail::channel_converter_unsigned_impl< SrcChannelV, DstChannelV, SrcIsIntegral, DstIsIntegral > |
| This is the default implementation. Performance specializatons are provided. More...
struct | boost::gil::detail::channel_converter_unsigned_integral_impl< SrcChannelV, DstChannelV, true, true > |
struct | boost::gil::detail::channel_converter_unsigned_integral_impl< SrcChannelV, DstChannelV, false, true > |
struct | boost::gil::detail::channel_converter_unsigned_integral_impl< uintmax_t, DstChannelV, false, true > |
struct | boost::gil::detail::channel_converter_unsigned_integral_nondivisible< SrcChannelV, DstChannelV, true, false > |
struct | boost::gil::detail::channel_converter_unsigned_integral_nondivisible< SrcChannelV, DstChannelV, true, true > |
struct | boost::gil::detail::channel_converter_unsigned_integral_nondivisible< SrcChannelV, DstChannelV, false, CannotFit > |
struct | boost::gil::channel_converter_unsigned< bits32f, DstChannelV > |
| bits32f conversion More...
struct | boost::gil::channel_converter_unsigned< SrcChannelV, bits32f > |
struct | boost::gil::channel_converter_unsigned< bits32f, bits32f > |
struct | boost::gil::channel_converter_unsigned< bits32, bits32f > |
| 32 bit <-> float channel conversion More...
struct | boost::gil::channel_converter_unsigned< bits32f, bits32 > |
| 32 bit <-> float channel conversion More...
Convert one unsigned/floating point channel to another.
Converts both the channel type and range