This is the complete list of members for boost::interprocess::xsi_named_mutex, including all inherited members.
get_mapping_handle() const | boost::interprocess::xsi_named_mutex | inline |
get_path() const | boost::interprocess::xsi_named_mutex | inline |
get_permissions() const | boost::interprocess::xsi_named_mutex | inline |
lock() | boost::interprocess::xsi_named_mutex | inline |
operator=(BOOST_RV_REF(xsi_named_mutex) moved) | boost::interprocess::xsi_named_mutex | inline |
remove() | boost::interprocess::xsi_named_mutex | inline |
swap(xsi_named_mutex &other) | boost::interprocess::xsi_named_mutex | inline |
unlock() | boost::interprocess::xsi_named_mutex | inline |
xsi_named_mutex() | boost::interprocess::xsi_named_mutex | inline |
xsi_named_mutex(open_or_create_t, const char *path, boost::uint8_t id, int perm=0666) | boost::interprocess::xsi_named_mutex | inline |
xsi_named_mutex(BOOST_RV_REF(xsi_named_mutex) moved) | boost::interprocess::xsi_named_mutex | inline |
~xsi_named_mutex() | boost::interprocess::xsi_named_mutex | inline |