template<typename CoordinateType, std::size_t DimensionCount, typename CoordinateSystem>
class boost::geometry::model::point< CoordinateType, DimensionCount, CoordinateSystem >
Basic point class, having coordinates defined in a neutral way.
Defines a neutral point class, fulfilling the Point Concept. Library users can use this point class, or use their own point classes. This point class is used in most of the samples and tests of Boost.Geometry This point class is used occasionally within the library, where a temporary point class is necessary.
- Template Parameters
CoordinateType | |
DimensionCount | number of coordinates, usually 2 or 3 |
CoordinateSystem | coordinate system, for example cs::cartesian |
{[include reference/geometries/point.qbk]} {before.synopsis, [heading Model of]} {before.synopsis, [link geometry.reference.concepts.concept_point Point Concept]}