Most of my projects are written in C++, though I sometimes find myself working with C, SQL, Rexx, Python,
PHP, and various other languages.
Until the late 1990s, I was quite involved with OS/2, IUICL/OCL, and VisualAge C++. Since then, I've
focused on embedded Linux, first with Red Hat, and since 2005 with Ubuntu. Below is a partial list of
both new and old software I've authored.
Myra Canyon - Network Router & Control - Linux |
Open-source project to easily create a Linux-based router. Includes deep packet inspection, flow inspection,
database, reporting, and network control. Written in C++, SQL, and PHP. MIT license. |
FC++ - FileCatalyst - Linux & Windows |
FileCatalyst by Unlimi-Tech is an extremely fast Java-based tool and UDP file transfer protocol.
Unlimi-Tech hired me to write a C++ implementation to interface with their Java-based servers. Available
as a Linux/Windows/Mac/iOS tool and as a C++ library. Commercial license. |
EPS Conduits - Virtual Networking - Linux |
Open-source project to setup networking-over-networking. Create a virtual network between any Linux computer
in the world, and have them behave as if they're on the same LAN network segment. Can be used to easily
bypass restrictive firewalls that otherwise would prevent network connections. Written in C++. MIT license. |
Work Order - Linux & Windows |
Closed-source project for cabinet door maker. Provide order entry, metric and imperial measurements,
order tracking in a database, cutlist calculations, and invoicing support. Written in C++ and SQL. |
SNMPpp - SNMP C++ Wrapper |
Open-source library with C++ classes and methods for use with net-snmp. Written in C++. MIT license. |
DCITU - Digital Camera Image Transfer Utility - OS/2 |
Transfer digital camera images via serial cable to your OS/2
computer with DCITU. More than 70 different digital camera models
are supported. |
DiskSpace - Show Disk Space Usage - Win32 |
Uses pie charts to graphically display which subdirectory is using
the most disk space. Requires IOCTools.dll . |
IInternet - Open Class Library TCP/IP - Win32 |
Various TCP/IP and Internet C++ classes for use with IBM's
VisualAge C++ compiler and IBM's Open Class Library. Many of
my Windows applications are linked against this library.
Includes IHost , IIpAddress (IPv4 only),
ISocket (client and server functionality),
IUrl , and IWebObject . |
IJG_v6b - Independant JPEG Group v6b - Win32 |
A IBM VisualAge C++ recompilation of the common JPEG library. |
IJPEG - Open Class Library JPEG - Win32 |
Gives C++ access to JPEG images with IBM's Open Class Library
through the common IJG library. Includes IJpeg
and operators for OCL's IImage . Requires
IJG_v6b.dll . |
IOCTools - Open Class Library Tools - Win32 |
Practical collection of C++ classes and function calls for use
with IBM's VisualAge C++ compiler and IBM's Open Class Library.
Most of my Windows applications are linked against this library.
Includes DualColumnCanvas , SplashWnd ,
IOCTools::caughtIOCException() , and
IOCTools::loadString() . |
Loxahatchee - Distributed HTTP Load Testing - Win32 |
Distributed client-server application to emulate hundreds of
HTTP clients hitting one or several web servers. Clients can
be installed throughout the network. Large portion of the GUI
configuration tool consists of setting up clients to emulate
different versions of Netscape, MS IE, Mozilla, Opera, or many
other browsers. Requires IOCTools.dll and
IInternet.dll . Not open-sourced. Contact me for
details. |
OutJPEG - Output JPEG & Manipulation - OS/2 |
Simple JPEG transformations directly from the command-line; great
for use in CGI-BIN scripts. |
StockPrice - Typical Stock Symbol Ticker - Win32 |
Grabs stock symbol pricing information from finance.yahoo.com and
shows gains, loss, currency conversion, taxes owed, etc. Requires
IOCTools.dll and IInternet.dll . |
TelusADSL - Telus ADSL Instructions - OS/2 |
Easy-to-follow instruction on setting up OS/2 to work with a
Canadian Telus.net ADSL account. |
WarpBoot - Display Driver Names - OS/2 |
Modify the OS/2 boot kernel to displays the names of the drivers
being loaded into memory. |
WEU - Wave Extraction Utility - OS/2 |
If your digital camera also supports recording sound, then you may
want to try WEU to extract the .WAV files and convert them
to an OS/2-compatible format. |